Chapter 753

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Chen Bao has been silent for many years, and few people have known him, but people of Wang Xin's age will never forget him.

So when Chen Bao appeared, not only Wang Xin recognized him, but also other members of the martial arts association recognized the founder of the association.

"Chen Bao, it's Chen Bao back!"

"I didn't expect to see this legendary figure in my lifetime. I heard that he had disappeared for many years in order to find another martial arts world. How could he suddenly come back?"

The so-called other martial arts world is actually the apocalypse. Chen Bao has been pursuing the Apocalypse for so many years, and wants to join it to see more powerful experts.

"I didn't expect that even he appeared. It was more and more interesting." When yilao saw Chen Bao, his smile became stronger. Han Sanqian took the whole martial arts world as a stepping stone and wanted to send the Han family to the peak of Yanjing, but it was still a little unsatisfactory. However, the appearance of Chen Bao can make this thing more perfect.

Even the founder of the association was defeated by Han 3000. Who has the courage to despise the Han family?

"Old Yi, I heard that Chen Bao wanted to join the apocalypse. With his strength, why didn't the Apocalypse consider it?" Fang Zhan asked curiously.

"Apocalypse once solicited him, but was rejected. Do you think Apocalypse will give him a second chance?" Yi old light said, once Chen Bao young and vigorous, completely did not put the apocalypse in the eye, of course, part of this is because Chen Bao can not put down the secular rights brought to him.

However, no matter what the reason is, Tianqi will never give Chen Bao another chance to give up. This is also the reason why Chen Bao has been pursuing for many years and got nothing.

The current president immediately trotted to Chen Bao when he saw her.

Although he is the most powerful person in the martial arts association, he dare not neglect him in front of the founder.

"President Chen, I didn't expect that I would have a chance to see you." The president said with his head down.

"I didn't expect that the martial arts association would be so miasmatic in your hands." Chen Bao said coldly.

The president was shocked. The current Wudao association can't be compared with the past, but there is no way. The times are progressing, and the association has to make changes. After all, the operation of the association needs money support, and the Wudao association has no way to make money. If you want to maintain it, you must add some interests.

"Who is this man? Even the president has to grovel to him."

"Isn't this old guy a master of the hidden world?"

"I think he is just a dying old man."

The audience began to talk about Chen Bao's identity, but how could these young people know Chen Bao?

An old man in the grandstand stood up excitedly and said to those young people who were full of disdain: "you know, this is Chen Bao, the founder of the martial arts association. Haven't you even heard his name?"

With the word of mouth spread among the audience, Chen Bao's true identity surprised everyone.

The founder of the martial arts association, this amount is not comparable to the current president. No wonder the president only stoops in front of him.

"Finished, he this kind of master appears, Han 3000 isn't dead?"

"Chen Bao is a real master. How can Han 3000 compare with him? This guy will soon pay for his arrogance."

"I didn't expect to have the chance to see an expert like Chen Bao. Han 3000 is nothing."

The stand of the onlookers is always swaying with the wind. Before, they thought that Han 3000's strength against the martial arts association was worth their expectation. But now, they even hope to see Han 3000 defeated by Chen Bao.

"You have courage, but you will die soon. That's the price of your arrogance." Chen Bao turns his head and says to Han 3000 in a cold voice.

The president was relieved when he heard Chen Bao's words. Chen Bao would obviously deal with Han 3000. In this way, he would avoid the embarrassing situation that the martial arts association was suppressed by Han 3000.

If no one can stop Han 3000 today, the martial arts association will lose its face.

"Old man, I advise you to leave quickly. You can live a few more years while you are strong. Why do you want to die?" Han 3000 said faintly that since he had made up his mind to make a big splash, he would not reserve any more. Even if there was no Han family in Yanjing, the name of the Han family still needed to stand.

A trace of anger flashed between Chen Bao's eyebrows. Are young people now so arrogant? Even he dares not to pay attention.

"I'll satisfy you as long as you want to die." With that, Chen Bao walked towards the challenge arena.

After many years, Chen Bao once again stood in this place, but he didn't feel any emotion, because for him, this kind of secular fight has become boring, Han 3000 in his eyes, is not even waste.

Chen Bao regretted rejecting the Apocalypse more than once. If it wasn't for his arrogance at that time, he would not have been rejected by the apocalypse. That's the real place of martial arts and the gathering place of real experts. It's a pity that he never had a chance to see it in his life.

Just as Han 3000 was about to walk towards the challenge arena, he suddenly felt that someone had held him. Looking around, it was Wang Xin with an anxious face“ Master Wang, what are you doing? " Han three thousand don't understand of ask a way“ Han 3000, don't go to death. " Wang Xin's going out is a big risk, because once he is hated by Chen Bao, he will not have a way to live. But he can't watch Han 3000 die. This is Chen Bao, the real first master in Yanjing, and no one has been able to surpass him so far. Although Han 3000 is very strong and has defeated five members of the martial arts association, their strength is not comparable with Chen Bao“ Do you think I'll die in his hands? " Han 3000 said with a smile. Seeing that Han 3000 was still in the mood to laugh, Wang Xin was speechless for a while. Other people might not threaten him, but Chen Bao wanted him to die in the challenge arena, and no one could change the ending“ Han 3000 and Chen Bao are very powerful. Yan Jun knows very well that even Yan Jun had to be afraid of him. You should go quickly. Although you lose face, it's better than losing your life. " Wang Xin painstakingly said. These things, Han 3000 is really not clear, when he almost can't contact with the martial arts world, but this Chen Bao can let Yan Jun fear, really let Han 3000 some accident. Han 3000 would have oiled his feet before. But now, Han 3000's strength has been far ahead of Yanjun. In the face of Chen Bao, there is no reason to retreat“ Although my grandfather is very fierce, he can't beat me now. " Han 3000 said. Wang Xin, who is holding Han 3000, is obviously stunned. He is not unwilling to admit that Han 3000 is powerful, but has formed a stereotype based on Nangong Qianqiu's contempt for Han 3000 for so many years. Not only he but also many outsiders feel that Han 3000 is an incompetent loser. Otherwise, how can he be rejected by Nangong Qianqiu“ But is he Chen Bao? Do you really think clearly? " Wang Xin said. Han three thousand shake off Wang Xin's hand, said: "sit back in the audience, good look, once the king is how to fall." Fall of the king! Wang Xin swallows his saliva unconsciously. Listening to Han 3000's words, does he want to kill Chen Bao directly? It's not only Wang Xin who doesn't dare to think about this kind of thing, but no one in the whole martial arts world dares to think about it“ Is this boy crazy? " Wang Xin said involuntarily. In the challenge arena, Han 3000 faces Chen Bao with both hands. He is also upright and has no feeling of being oppressed“ Now that we are in the challenge arena, should we sign the certificate of life and death? " Han 3000 said to Chen Bao. This sentence almost burst the stadium. Chen Bao obviously won't let Han 3000 go easily, and Han 3000 even takes the initiative to mention the state of life and death. Doesn't he want to live, so he wants to commit suicide in another way“ What is he doing, and dare to sign a life and death certificate with Chen Bao? "“ Is this guy crazy? He's looking for death. "“ This Han family waste must know that he will die, so he wants to die more vigorously. " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.