Chapter 834

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
As the footsteps approached, the door lock was unscrewed, but it was not.

Han 3000 is not worried. He knows that Su Yingxia needs some psychological preparation. After all, she has become different from before.

"Don't worry, I will cure you." Han continued.

The door opened little by little, Su Yingxia lowered his head, and Han 3000's eyes were reflected with silver hair, which made Han 3000 feel sad.

Entering the room, the first thing Han 3000 does is to hold Su Yingxia in his arms. As he said, no matter what Su Yingxia becomes, his love for Su Yingxia will not change at all. Even if she is really old, Han 3000 will always guard her.

Su Yingxia feels the familiar body and can't help hugging Han 3000's waist.

"I'm so afraid. I'm afraid to go on like this all the time. I'm afraid to lose you. I'm afraid that nianer will lose her mother." Su Yingxia cries out. In front of Han 3000, she can't be strong any more.

Han 3000 gently rubbed Su Yingxia's back and said, "don't worry, I won't let nianer lose her mother. I will save you, too."

Holding Su Yingxia's wrinkly hand is no longer the warm and moist feeling of the past, but Han 3000 has no suspicion at all.

After closing the door, Han three thousand two people sat on the edge of the bed.

Su Yingxia has been lowering his head, dare not let Han 3000 see what he looks like now.

Han 3000 reaches out his hand, holds Su Yingxia's chin, and slowly rises.

Su Yingxia struggled for a while, gave up and slowly raised his head.

"I'm so happy." Han 3000 said with a smile.

Su Yingxia looked at Han 3000 and asked, "what's happiness?"

"When my wife is old, she can still be so beautiful. Can I not be happy?" Han 3000 said.

Su Yingxia tears into a smile, although know Han 3000 is deliberately amusing her, but she still can't help but secretly happy in the heart.

"What did you do? How did you learn to be glib?" Su Yingxia stares at Han 3000 and says.

"What's glib? These words come from my heart." Han said in a serious way.

"Really, even if I become like this, will you still love me? Su Yingxia said with disbelief.

Han 3000's right hand supported Su Yingxia's head, head slowly forward, kissing Su Yingxia's lips, and then said: "can there be a false, my life, only recognize you a wife."

Su Yingxia glances at her mouth. It's probably the best day for her in recent years.

"Qi Yiyun is still thinking about you. Are you really willing to be such a beautiful woman?" Su Yingxia said.

Han 3000 wrinkled his nose awkwardly. For Qi Yiyun, Han 3000 didn't forget it, and he did soften Qi Yiyun several times. However, it's impossible to develop a relationship with Qi Yiyun. After all, it's one thing to be soft hearted, and another thing to really love.

"No woman is qualified to compete with you." Han 3000 said seriously.

Su Yingxia's little bird nestles in Han 3000's arms, which is her most secure chest and her most infatuated place.

"But do you have the heart to hurt such a beautiful woman? You should have seen Qi Yiyun take off his glasses." Su Yingxia said.

Qi Yiyun's surprise after taking off his glasses is something Han Sanqian has never felt in other people. The difference between wearing glasses and not is too big for Qi Yiyun. It's just two different people, but even so, Han Sanqian can still restrain his desire for Qi Yiyun.

In the world, there are no men who are not erotic, and Han 3000 is not indifferent to women's sexuality, but the key lies in whether he can control his evil ideas. Some people can't control themselves and become scum men and rascals.

But Han 3000 restrained this because Su welcomed the summer.

"Remember what I said to you before, looking for a polygamous country. After all, I've been like this now. I can't drag you down for a lifetime. As long as you don't abandon me, I'll be very satisfied." Su Yingxia continued.

Han 3000 couldn't help slapping Su Yingxia in the thigh and said, "I said, I can cure you."

This kind of words, Su Yingxia should be comforted, because Nangong Boling can't find famous doctors all over the world. How can Han 3000 cure her.

"Don't comfort me. Hope is more terrible than despair." Su Yingxia said.

Han Sanqian takes a deep breath and takes out the coagulating bead. Whether this coagulating bead will be effective for Su Yingxia, and whether there will be any sequelae, Han Sanyi does not know. But in this case, he can only have a try, because he has a strong feeling that Su Yingxia's sudden change has something to do with Fu Yao. If so, let alone famous doctors all over the world, Even Hua Tuo could not cure Su Yingxia.

"What's this? It's beautiful." Seeing Ning Zhu, Su Yingxia asked with an obsessed face.

Women, seeing beautiful things, always show such a side.

Han 3000 couldn't explain to Su Yingxia the source of this pearl, and she didn't believe it. He could only say, "this is the divine medicine I got from apocalypse. It can cure all kinds of diseases." Apocalypse! Su Yingxia's eyes instantly revealed the light of hope. What kind of apocalypse is there? Su Yingxia knows very well that if this medicine really comes from apocalypse, maybe it can cure her“ It must be very valuable. " Su Yingxia asked“ Compared with you, it's nothing. " Han 3000 laughs“ Since Mr. Yi has given you such an important thing, I certainly hope you can use it at a crucial time. How can you give it to me? " Su Yingxia shakes her head“ For me, this is the most critical time. There is nothing to compare with you. " Han 3000 said. Su Yingxia bowed his head. Han continued: "open your mouth, otherwise, I will take my daughter away. You will never see our little girl again." Su Yingxia raises her head and opens her mouth obediently. As soon as Han 3000 puts the bead on Su Yingxia's mouth, it turns into a mist and goes directly into Su Yingxia's throat, which makes Han 3000 more convinced that there is a connection between Fu Yao and Su Yingxia“ You feed me quickly Su Yingxia didn't feel something in her mouth. She couldn't help reminding Han 3000“ You've eaten it. " Han 3000 laughs. Su Yingxia looked at Han 3000 in amazement and said, "how could it be? I didn't feel anything."“ Since it's an elixir, it's natural to melt in the mouth. How can you feel it? " Su Yingxia suddenly felt his brain dizzy, said: "three thousand, I, how do I suddenly feel." Before he finished speaking, Su Yingxia fainted. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.