Chapter 863

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"Miss, the finance has been checked, and no valuables are missing."

In Chen Yanran's room, the maid reported her investigation, not to mention the loss of valuables, even some small pieces that are not worth much money.

"It seems that my new husband is still a hidden rich man." Chen Yanran said with a smile.

"But he used to be in the tailed beast house, so he couldn't even afford tea?" The servant girl doubts a way.

With a faint smile, Chen Yanran said: "he deliberately does not expose his financial resources. There must be some purpose. We know nothing about who he is and where he comes from. Maybe he has a big family behind him, but he is driven out by the family for no reason."

The reason why Chen Yanran made such a guess is that she would never think that Han 3000 conquered the four lamp realm with her strength, and would not believe that Han 3000 said he killed the four lamp realm master.

Longyun City, a small city, how can there be more than four lights? And he's a little white faced guy.

"Miss, do you mean that he is the outcast of a large family?" The servant girl asked in surprise.

Chen Yanran nodded and said, "it's not impossible. Maybe he just pretends that he doesn't remember anything."

Chen Yanran is very smart, but it is her intelligence that leads to so much imagination. She is used to thinking about everything very complicated and thoroughly, but the more so, the more she will go astray.

"Miss, in that case, will you still kill him?" The servant girl is curious. If Han 3000 is just a waste, it doesn't matter if he kills him. But if Han 3000 really has other identities, it has to be reconsidered.

Chen Yanran is also thinking about this problem. Before, she thought Han Sanqian was an insignificant waste. If such a person died, he would die. But now, if there is a big family behind him, then his life will become more valuable.

Chen Yanran even thinks that if she can control Han 3000 in her own hands, it will certainly help her future.

"I'll force him to tell the truth. If he's really valuable, I'll force him to die." Chen Yanran said.

The planned hunting conference will not change. It just changes from killing plan to asking the truth. As for whether Han 3000 will die in the end, it depends on whether the truth can satisfy Chen Yanran.

In Chen Yanran's eyes, Han 3000's life is only played by her. If she wants Han 3000 to live, he can't die. If she wants Han 3000 to die, he has no way to live.

"The young lady is wise."

These days, Han 3000 is a little tired of staying at home. Although Chen's yard is big enough, the feeling of being trapped in the cage makes him feel that he has lost his freedom. This kind of life is not what Han 3000 likes.

And if he has been staying in the Chen family compound, there is no way to investigate Jiang Yingying's whereabouts.

"It seems that I have to meet Huang Xiaoyong. It's not the way to keep hiding like this." Han 3000 said helplessly that he didn't want to make a high profile, but the situation was pressing and he had no choice.

Just walking to the gate of the yard, the servant girl didn't know where she came from and stood in front of Han 3000.

"Don't you know that there are Huang Xiaoyong's outsiders? You forgot my reminder to you?" The servant girl looks at Han 3000 coldly. Although Han 3000 is Chen Yanran's husband in name, his status in Chen's courtyard can't even compare with ordinary servants.

Even if it's just some nursing homes, they dare to gossip about Han 3000, and they can also ignore Han 3000, not to mention Chen Yanran's servant girl.

"I'm just going out for a walk." Han 3000 said.

"Go for a walk?" The servant girl looked at Han 3000 with ridicule and said, "do you think that if you go out, you still have life to come back? Huang Xiaoyong will kill you."

"It's not so serious. Although he is the son of the Lord of the city, he is not qualified to neglect people's lives." Han 3000 said.

The servant girl helplessly shakes her head. In her eyes, Han 3000 is like an idiot. Huang Xiaoyong is not qualified to be reckless, but he is not stupid. How can he kill people in public? As long as no one knows, who cares about Han 3000's death.

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. Even if you are dead, no one will care. As long as Huang Xiaoyong doesn't commit a crime in the street, he will be safe." Said the servant girl.

Han 3000 light a smile, how familiar feeling, a mouth a waste of being called, just like the Cloud City.

When Han 3000 first joined the Su family, he was treated like this. At that time, he was just driven out of the Han family, so no matter how much he endured humiliation, it was a small matter for Han 3000. Now, his mind has been honed. Even if he is still called a waste, Han 3000 doesn't care.

Only when the real waste is scolded, will it become angry.

Han 3000, who has the strength to shut these people up at any time, naturally doesn't care about this kind of address.

"Try and see if I can come back alive." Han three thousand finish, continue to walk toward the door.

The servant girl frowned. How could this waste not be afraid of death? She had the courage to face Huang Xiaoyong“ I would like to advise you that Huang Xiaoyong is extremely fierce. If you really go out, you can't come back alive. Think about it carefully. " Said the servant girl. Han 3000 and the servant girl pass by without paying attention to her words. The four lamp realm master of Longyun city is already invincible, and the four lamp realm is just a little stronger than tianqidi. How can Han 3000 be afraid“ Thank you for the reminder. " Han three thousand finish this sentence, without turning back out of the door. The servant girl clenched her teeth and said, "trash, I'm kind enough to remind you, but I'm not obedient. When you face death, I'll see if you still have this kind of spirit." After saying this, the servant girl trots to Chen Yanran's room. Han Sanqian, Li Kai and Chen's courtyard. She has to inform Chen Yanran of this at the first time. Chen Yanran is bathing and changing clothes. Her skin is better than snow white. For men, it's definitely a great temptation. Even if the maid sees it, she feels her heart beats faster“ Miss, Han 3000 has left the Chen courtyard. " Said the servant girl. Chen Yanran in the Yellow bucket looked indifferent and said, "good thing."“ Good thing? " The servant girl frowned. Huang Xiaoyong's people were waiting for Han 3000 outside Chen's courtyard. Han 3000 must be dead when he went out. How could it be a good thing“ Of course, it's a good thing. If he is really the abandoned son of a big family, he will expose his true identity in front of Huang Xiaoyong in order to survive. In this way, I won't bother to do it myself. " Chen Yanran explained. The servant girl suddenly realized and said, "miss is really intelligent." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.