Chapter 991

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Han 3000 has always been intelligent. Listening to what ran Yi said, he noticed something strange.

It seems that there is a big problem between Ximen Jin and Ximen Chang.

However, it is obviously impossible for Han 3000 to guess where the problem is.

So Han 3000 just looked at ran Yi and did not speak.

Ran Yi's heart gradually became hairy, and Han 3000 made him feel uncomfortable. He could only bow his head and say, "Mr. Han, I don't know what's going on between the two people. However, Ximen Jin came to me privately and wanted to know about you. In my opinion, since Ximen Chang has been here once, he must be selfish when he comes back."

"That's all?" Han 3000 asked.

"That's all. If there's half a word to hide, it's like thunder and lightning." Ran Yi said.

Han Sanqian doesn't seem to be lying when he looks at ran Yi, so he doesn't continue to ask.

But not long after he left, before Ranyi could take a breath, feiling'er came to the door.

But for this woman, ran Yi didn't have much vigilance. Although she was around Han 3000, she was much less powerful than Han 3000.

"I don't know what can I do for you, miss. Mr. Han has just left. You're not looking for Han 3000, are you?" Ran Yi asked.

Feiling'er shook his head with a smile, went to ran Yi and said, "I'm not looking for him, I'm looking for you."

Ran Yi deliberately shows an unexpected appearance. Of course, he knows that Fei ling'er is not looking for Han 3000. Otherwise, how could the timing be such a coincidence.

"I don't know what the girl wants me for?" Ran Yi asked.

"What did Han 3000 say to you?" Ferring asked directly.

Ran Yi smiles faintly. It seems that the people around Han 3000 are not trustworthy.

"Miss, what Mr. Han and I have said is naturally our secret. How can we tell you?" Ran Yi said.

"Between secrecy and life, what do you choose?" Asked ferring with a smile.

Ran Yi's expression gradually became disdainful. He was afraid of Han 3000, but it didn't mean he was afraid of Fei Ling er.

"I don't know if a girl has such ability." When ran Yi finished his sentence, his men should stand in front of him.

But ran Yi found that his men were standing in the same place, like wooden piles.

He is trusted by his subordinates and has protected him for so many years. There will never be any cracks in the master servant relationship. What's the matter today.

"What are you doing?" Ran Yi said with clenched teeth.

Feiling'er laughed wildly and explained to ran Yi, "he can't move any more. Do you want him to save you?"

Can't move?

What's the meaning of this?

When ran Yi carefully looked at his men, he found that there was something different.

His forehead was sweating, his face was pale and bloodless, and his whole body was shaking slightly, as if under some great pressure.

At this time, ran Yicai was shocked to find that the weak woman was not so easy to deal with.

Subconsciously put away his disdain expression, ran Yi knew that this seemingly delicate little girl was also a strong one, but he was not qualified to offend.

"Girl, I've offended so much. I hope you can make atonement and let me go." Ran Yi said.

"Yes, tell me what he said to you." Asked ferring again.

Ran Yi takes a deep breath and tells her that it's not equivalent to being sentenced to Han 3000, but at the moment of crisis, if he doesn't say anything, I'm afraid he will die in this yard today.

People are afraid of death.

Ran Yi, a man of great wealth, was naturally more afraid.

"Miss, Mr. Han asked me how much influence the killing of ximenchang would have. There is nothing else to say." Ximen Chang was honest.

Feiling'er was stunned for a moment, then laughed, clapped his hands and said, "it's interesting, it's really interesting. It seems that the imperial court is going to be lively. I can finally have a good play."

Ran Yi is confused about Fei ling'er's inexplicable attitude. She seems very excited to see a bloodbath in the imperial court. What kind of person is this.

"Don't let Han 3000 know about my coming to you. Otherwise, I won't let you go." Feiling'er reminds Ranyi.

Ran Yi quickly lowered his head and said, "ran Yi sent Mr. Han away today and had a rest. He didn't see anyone."

Fei Ling Er nodded his head with satisfaction and said, "it's very good. You can teach me."

As soon as his voice fell, ran Yi suddenly found that Fei ling'er, who was standing in front of him, had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Then, with a bang, his hands fell to the ground powerlessly.

Seeing this situation, ran Yi was full of panic. Although it was not difficult for him to find a new bodyguard with his financial resources, it was not easy for him to find a person worthy of his trust after many years of following him.

"How are you?" Ran Yi hurried to his side and squatted down to inquire“ I'm... I'm fine. I'm just weak. " The man explained“ What happened to you just now? " Ran Yi continued. His hands shook their heads. He didn't know what was going on at all. He just felt that after feilinger appeared, he was carrying two mountains on his shoulders. The pressure was so great that he almost collapsed“ Her strength must be in the latter three realms, and it is by no means as simple as the eight lamp realms. " Said the man. Ran Yi couldn't help but gasp. What abnormal people are these? Although there are often strong people in the latter three realms in Fengshang City, those people are generally just the initial realms of the latter three realms, the eight lamp realms. But now Fengshang City, Jishi and even the nine lamp realms have all appeared? Something's wrong! Ran Yi's face turned pale in an instant. Looking at her, she seemed to be younger than Han 3000. How could she become a strong person in jiudengjing at such an age? There is only one guess. Like Han Sanqian, she has the ability to rejuvenate. She is a strong person in the highest level of learning. Ran Yi, with soft legs, sat directly on the ground. It's worth remembering that one time in one's life is a thing worth remembering. Unexpectedly, he met two more people, which made ran Yi unable to laugh or cry. Is that luck? Ran Yi shakes his head helplessly. What's good luck? It's just blood mould. It's obvious that there's something wrong between the two strong men in the extreme teacher's realm. Moreover, he's mixed in between them. If he's not careful, his bones will turn into powder“ I don't know what happened. " Ran Yi was about to cry. His subordinates also knew ran Yi's guess, so they had to shake their heads helplessly. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.