Chapter 1055

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Although Huangting and Xia are hostile, feilingsheng and Yi Qingshan are old friends. Feilingsheng doesn't want to see Yi Qingshan die like this.

"Yi Qingshan, it's too late for you to regret now. Otherwise, you will die." As a friend for many years, this is Fei Lingsheng's last advice to Yi Qingshan. If Yi Qingshan knows how to go astray, he may still have a chance to survive. But if Yi Qingshan insists on not regretting, Fei Lingsheng has nothing to do.

"Han 3000, I don't believe you dare to do anything to me. Don't forget that your sister is still in my hands. If I don't tell you where she is, you can't even see her body." Has come to this step, there is no way back for Yi Qingshan, and he firmly believes that Han 3000 dare not do anything about him, Jiang Yingying as his close relatives, how can he watch Jiang Yingying die?

"When you taste death, you'll tell me where she is." After these words, Han 3000 finally appeared behind Yi Qingshan.

When Han Sanyi grabbed Yi Qingshan's neck, Yi Qingshan subconsciously wanted to resist, but suddenly a huge force poured into his body, directly suppressed all his original energy, making Yi Qingshan unable to move at all.

"Your method is really good. I warn you that the more you resist, the faster you will die. When my power explodes in your body, you will be broken to pieces." Han 3000 returns a tooth for a tooth and directly uses Yi Qingshan's way of treating Jiang Yingying to deal with Yi Qingshan.

Yi Qingshan's face changed greatly. He knew that Han 3000's words were no joke. When his body was occupied by Han 3000's power, he could almost see his own result.

"Don't scare me. I'm dead and Jiang Yingying can't live. I'm not alone with her company on the way to huangquan." Yi Qingshan said.

"It's not easy for you to cultivate to the highest level."

"You have a life span of a thousand years, and the sea should never die at this time."

"If you die, all your accomplishments will disappear, and all your efforts will be in vain. Yi Qingshan, do you really have the courage to accept the consequences?"

Han 3000's voice lingered in Yi Qingshan's ears.

For a strong man like Yi Qingshan, he is very afraid of death. Otherwise, when Yi Qingshan sees Linlong in the dark forest, he won't run away.

The higher the realm of people, the more difficult it is to face death, because no one is willing to make all their efforts to become a drummer.

Yi Qingshan, in particular, has lived for thousands of years. Now he has only lived for hundreds of years, and he is even more reluctant to accept death.

"Don't scare me. I advise you not to do things that you regret. The place where Jiang Yingying is is is not something you can easily find, but she has only two days to live." Yi Qingshan is afraid of death, but at this time, he is still unwilling to compromise. He takes Jiang Yingying as his only chance. If he gives up at this time, all he has done will be in vain.

"Have you ever tried to go from high to low? I will let you taste the feeling from the extreme division to the nine lights. I will make you feel that you are slowly becoming a weak person, and all your efforts to practice will become a bubble. Han 3000 light said.

"Ha ha, don't scare me. Can you take away my realm?" Yi Qingshan doesn't believe Han 3000's words. He just thinks that Han 3000 is deliberately scaring him.

But soon, Yi Qingshan's face changed.

When he felt that the energy in his body was swallowed by Han 3000's energy, he panicked, and panicked very thoroughly.

If it goes on like this, his realm will really regress, and Han 3000 will be destroyed in his hands.

Although he didn't know how Han 3000 did it, he could feel it was happening.

"What are you doing? Stop. Stop. I'll stop you." The flustered Yi Qingshan began to yell and couldn't calm down at all.

Fei Lingsheng's expression on one side is also a great change. This kind of thing is impossible to her, but Han 3000 has really done it. He can make a strong man in the extreme teacher's realm become a nine lamp realm again!

And since he can become a nine lamp realm, he can make Yi Qingshan's realm lower, and even directly turn Yi Qingshan into an ordinary person.

Feilingsheng couldn't help but take a deep breath. He looked at Han 3000 and became frightened, because Han 3000 could do this to Yi Qingshan, which means that he could do it to anyone.


If Han 3000 and Emperor Zun completely turn over, what will happen to Emperor Zun.

Will his last card in Huanglong hall become Han 3000?

"Devil, you are really a devil. It's more painful than letting Yi Qingshan die." Feilingsheng whispered to himself and let a strong man fall. This is an extremely cruel thing, because anyone who wants to become a strong man has paid a lot of efforts and costs. It is more difficult to accept to seize his realm than his life.

"You still have a chance to tell me where Jiang Yingying is." Han 3000 said to Yi Qingshan.

At this time, Yi Qingshan's Jishi realm has been shaken. He may fall to the altar at any time and become a person of Jiudeng realm. Once he becomes Jiudeng realm, he will grow old rapidly, and he will no longer be able to enter Jishi realm again in his life. The top of Fenghuang mountain. Several patriarchs looked at the scene from a distance, and everyone's face was full of panic. Rather than being the elders of the Zong gate, it is more straightforward to say that they are the eyes of the emperor. After all, they came to 3000, and the purpose was to help the emperor to control Han three thousand. Now what Han three thousand shows and the way he terrorisms makes these eyes tremble with fear. They can't imagine what they will experience if Han three thousand wants to start their own business. In the past, several people had a strong sense of identity superiority in 3000 Zong. After all, they were sent by Emperor Zun, so they never paid attention to other people. Even Han 3000 was just a humble mole ant in their eyes. But now, they dare not have such an idea any more, and even dare not despise Han 3000 any more“ I didn't expect that he had such ability. Even the strong people in the extreme division didn't have the power to resist. "“ It seems that we have to leave 3000 cases as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be doomed. "“ Otherwise, I'll leave now. I don't dare to offend this devil. " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.