Chapter 1085

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
In fact, Han 3000 discovered this problem as soon as he entered the dark forest. Linlong did not appear immediately. This is a very strange thing. After all, he wanted to kill himself. Now the opportunity has been placed in front of Linlong, but he has not started.

So Han 3000 made a bold guess, and deliberately angered Linlong, in order to confirm his guess.

Facts have proved that he guessed right. Although he didn't know the reason, Linlong must have been unable to leave Xuanyuan mountain for some reason, perhaps because of its strength recovery. This is very good news for Han 3000.

He wants to deal with Linlong with natural calamity. If Linlong wants to escape, it should not be difficult. But if it can't leave Xuanyuan mountain, it is relatively easier to succeed.

"Boy, why do you think so?" Lin long asked.

Hearing this sentence, Han 3000's face showed a faint smile. If he was only 80% sure that Linlong couldn't leave just now, now he is 100% sure. Otherwise, Linlong would never ask such nonsense.

"I expect things like a God. How can this little thing trouble me?" Han 3000 said with a smile.

"Even if I can't leave Xuanyuan mountain, I can still kill you. Don't play tricks in front of me. Tell me how you know." Lin long said sternly.

Han 3000 light said: "tell you, you will let me die more happy, right?"

"You are very smart. Although you are all dead, the process can be quick or painful. You can choose." Lin long said.

This is definitely the strongest opponent Han 3000 has ever met, so that he has no confidence to deal with Linlong. However, Han 3000 will not accept death.

Even if it is powerful enough to destroy the sky and the earth, Han 3000 will never wait to die.

Continue to go in the direction of Xuanyuan mountain, soon, Xuanyuan mountain will appear in front of Han 3000.

As the saying goes, looking at the mountain running dead horse, although we have seen Xuanyuan mountain, but in fact there is still a long distance.

But even so, when Han 3000 saw the Linlong in Xuanyuan mountain, he would still be shocked!

Its body is almost the same size as the whole mountain. To the naked eye, it is more than 100 Zhang long, maybe even more exaggerated.

The whole mountain of Xuanyuan mountain is obviously very small under its occupation, which gives people a kind of visual illusion. It is easy to misunderstand that Xuanyuan mountain is not big.

"Little fellow, you have the courage to fight it, and you are not dead. You are lucky." Han Sany sighed to the red eye jade python. When he first saw the red eye jade python, Han was still thinking about what kind of creature it was and how it could hurt it. Now it seems that it is not easy for the red eye jade Python to survive.

"I didn't expect that this little thing was your strange animal. It ran away at the beginning, but it made me hungry all day." Lin long said suddenly.

This made the red eye jade Python shocked. It was the only one who used other animals as food. When was its turn to be food.

But this is what Linlong said, and the red eyed jade Python can't refute it.

"You really look like that." Han three thousand looking at Lin long, suddenly exclaim of say.

"Like what?" Lin long asked.

Han 3000's so-called likeness is very similar to the dragon image spread on the earth. After all, on the earth, the dragon is only a legendary creature, and no one has really seen it. Some experts even speculate that the image of the dragon is only imagined by the ancients, and there is no such creature in the world.

Han Sanqian used to be curious about this, but he always believed that the Dragon really existed, because the images spread from him were very real even in terms of details. If someone didn't see it with his own eyes, how could he leave such real details?

Now it seems that the words of some experts are not entirely believable. They deny what they have not seen. They think that if they have not seen, the world will not exist. This narrow idea is totally arrogant.

"Like a legendary creature in my world, they are also called dragons." Han 3000 said.

Lin Long's huge head on the top of the mountain suddenly lifted up. Because of the great movement, the talc of Xuanyuan mountain fell down and made a loud noise.

"You are not from Xuanyuan world?" Lin long asks Han 3000 in shock.

Looking at its appearance, Han 3000 knows that Linlong misunderstood his words. Maybe he is under the illusion that he is also from a higher world?

"Will you be allowed to come from other worlds, and I will not be allowed to come from other worlds?" Han 3000 light said.

for the first time!

For the first time, Linlong has a little fear of Han 3000. Without knowing the details of Han 3000, Han 3000 is likely to hide his real strength, just like it.

If that is the case, Han 3000 is not an opponent he can despise.

"Where are you from?" Lin long asked.

It's scared! Han Sanqian can't help laughing. He is really a waste counsellor. In one or two words, he began to be afraid. I really don't know what class Linlong belongs to in the higher world. But Han 3000 is not lost. Even if Linlong is just a counsellor, he can't deal with it. He won't despise Linlong because of this“ Do you want to see my real strength? " Han 3000 asked. Lin long suddenly has an unknown premonition. Unfortunately, he can't leave Xuanyuan mountain. Otherwise, his first thought has already led him to run away. In a higher-level world, Linlong is only a mount with the lowest level of strength. Because of this, it suddenly has a little fear of Han 3000, because if Han 3000 comes from that world, this lowest level creature must not be Han 3000's opponent“ Don't put on airs in front of me Lin long said. At this time, Han 3000 no longer deliberately suppresses his own breath. Since he wants to use natural disasters to deal with Linlong, the sooner the better. The longer the delay, the stronger Linlong's strength will recover. This will make Han 3000 more difficult in dealing with Linlong. Due to the reason of no longer repressing the breath, the disaster soon appeared again. Over the dark forest, there were dark clouds and thunder. Linlong looked up at the sky with some doubts, and soon it reflected what was going on. Isn't this a natural disaster? This guy is robbing? That's ridiculous. Is that his real strength? This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.