Chapter 1152

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Although the three people sat at the dinner table, the atmosphere was not very harmonious, but the overall atmosphere was good. Wu Xin and Shi Jing talked and laughed, but Han 3000 became an outsider, which made Han 3000 speechless.

While they were chatting happily, Shi Jing suddenly asked, "Wu Xin, you don't like my son, do you?"

Wu Xin was stunned.

Han 3000 was almost a mouthful of old blood!

"Auntie, what do you mean by that? In my eyes, he is just a little brother. He is not an adult." Although Wu Xin is sophisticating, she is obviously red in the face with her head down.

Shi Jing is also a woman. She knows what this kind of performance means, but she also finds it strange that Wu Xin can't like Han 3000. He is really just a child.

"If you like each other, I don't have any opinions. Although 3000 is young, but..."

"Mom, are you full?" Han three thousand quickly interrupted Shi Jing's words, say go on, still can't rise to talk about marriage?

This is not good for Han 3000. After he solves the problem of Yanjing, he has to go to Yuncheng to find his future daughter-in-law.

"I'm not finished. It's impolite of you to interrupt me." Shi Jing stares at Han 3000 and says.

"Well, I'm full. I'll go out for a walk. What do you want to say? Take your time." Han 3000 can't control Shi Jing, so he has to withdraw first.

It's very hot these days. In the evening, many people will take a walk to enjoy the cool.

Whenever Han sany01 is alone, he will unconsciously think of Su Yingxia and what he is doing now.

In terms of age, Su Yingxia should still be in primary school. She doesn't know her grades, whether there are boys in her class who like her, and whether they will be bullied by others.

The Su family should cause a lot of trouble for Su Yingxia.

Su Haichao's temperament must have been obstinate since he was a child. With Su Guolin's neglect in Su's family, Su Yingxia will be bullied by Su Haichao.

The more he thinks about it, the more impulsive Han 3000 is to go to Yuncheng. It's a pity that he has promised the Yang family to attend the Wuji summit, which has to be postponed.

Just when Han 3000 was thinking about things, a man ran into him head-on, and the other side, no matter right or wrong, yelled at Han 3000 directly.

"You don't have eyes when you walk, little thing. Apologize to me." The other party arrogantly said to Han 3000.

For this kind of unreasonable person, Han 3000 was too lazy to waste his words and directly kicked him away.

Many people who saw this scene nearby were all gaping.

Originally, they planned to see a good play, but they didn't expect that it was just the beginning and it was over!

"The child, whose family, has such great strength."

"Is it really possible for a child to kick people off?"

"It's not easy for children to be provoked now. It's not surprising that they are so powerful."

Ignoring these exclamatory voices, Han 3000 quickens his pace and gets away from the focus.

In addition to not want to be watched, there is another reason, Han 3000 found someone tracking him!

After arriving at a place where there is no one around, Han 3000 stops. It seems that the man doesn't cover up his whereabouts any more and goes directly to Han 3000.

"When did you notice I was following you?" The man asked Han 3000.

"You give me a reason to follow. If I'm satisfied, you can escape today." Han 3000 light said.

With a faint smile, the man said, "I know your skill is good, but before you talk such big words, have you not considered my skill?"

"No need to think about it." Han 3000 said frankly.

"Young man, it's a good thing to be young and vigorous. You don't deserve to be called a teenager if you don't have courage and uprightness, but it's also a good thing to have self-knowledge. If you are too arrogant, you will not come to a good end." That person cold voice says, obviously already some have been irritated by Han 3000.

"Is it?"

The man suddenly felt a breeze on his face.

Han 3000, who was standing on his left, suddenly appeared on his right.

"You've just died once. I'll give you another chance." Han 3000 said.

The man's face changed instantly. In his opinion, this speed has exceeded the limit that human beings can do. He didn't feel it at all!

If Han 3000 had attacked him just now, maybe he was dead!

"How did you do it?" The man's breath obviously became a little unstable, because he knew that he underestimated Han 3000.

"You have five seconds left to think about it." Han 3000 said.

The population was dry and confused for a while, but he knew that in five seconds, he might really say goodbye to the world.

"I know the trouble you solved for Yao family. Do you know the background of his opponent?" Said the man.

"The Pok killers are controlled by that man's family." Han 3000 light said“ That man's name is Tinghan. He is the son of the founder of the killers organization in Pok and the leader of this organization in the future. " Said the man“ So what? You still didn't tell me your purpose and identity. In this case... "Han 3000's words were not finished, and the man quickly said," don't hurry. I was once a member of this killer organization. "“ Ever? " Han three thousand light smile, said: "mention once these two words, that you are not a member of this organization, according to my understanding, the killer organization can not retire, once want to leave, will be the organization's sniper, only a dead end, you come to me, don't want me to help you." The original intention of the man who came to Han 3000 was not to ask Han 3000 to help, but to join hands to deal with the organization, because before that, he underestimated Han 3000's strength to a great extent. In the spirit of cooperation, but after seeing the strength of Han 3000, he knew that Han 3000 did not need his cooperation at all. Even, he has the ability to destroy the organization on his own“ They are after me. I thought you had a grudge against them. We could form an alliance, but I underestimated you. " Said the man“ I understand. I want to cooperate with them, but now I don't think I have enough capital to cooperate with them? " Han 3000 said with a smile. It's a shame to admit this to a child, but in fact, Han 3000's strength is much better than him. It's also natural to admit that he doesn't have enough capital and strength“ Not bad. " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.