Chapter 1207

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
The burning pain on the face let Mo Yu know that Mo Yanshang was really angry this time.

From small to large, Mo Yu was spoiled by Mo Yanshang. Not only did he not get beaten, but also he never spoke loudly.

But now, Mo Yanshang's slap in the face makes Mo understand how stupid he is and the importance of Han 3000 in Mo Yanshang's heart.

Even her granddaughter can't compare with Han 3000!

"Grandfather, I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me." Mo Yu cried and said to Mo Yanshang.

Mo Yanshang grits his teeth. Now it's not that Mo Yu can admit his mistake as nothing happened. Although he wants to help Mo Yu, it depends on Han 3000's attitude.

Han 3000 bypasses Mo language and comes to the living room.

Bound Wu Xin sits on the floor of the living room.

tie one's hands behind his back.

Mouth sealing tape.

At the same time, there are many visible scars on the body.

This scene makes Han 3000's killing intention emerge.

Mo language's means are so cruel. She is a girl, and she can do such a thing!

Han took a deep breath, walked to Wu Xin, carefully tore off the tape on his mouth and asked, "I'll take you to the hospital."

Wu Xin cried directly, because at the moment of seeing Han 3000, she knew she was saved.

And all the pain and suffering these days turned into tears in this instant.

Mo Yanshang followed Han 3000 to the living room. When he saw Wu Xin's injury, his brain roared, as if he had been struck by thunder.

Just with the naked eye, Mo Yanshang can see how Wu Xin has suffered, and all this is done by Mo Yu.

In this case, Han 3000 how can easily let Mo language, or even the whole Mo family!

"I contact the best hospitals and doctors." Mo Yanshang said to Han 3000.

"No more." Han 3000 light said, directly took Wu Xin out of the villa.

Mo Yan Shang was in a daze for a long time.

Although Han 3000 did not respond to this situation in time, Mo Yanshang knew that when Han 3000 settled Wu Xin, his anger would spread to the Mo family.

Mo Yanshang thinks more and more angry, and it's hard to reach cooperation with Han 3000. Now because of Mo's ignorance, all this is ruined.

Although the Mo family does not need to be afraid of Han 3000, in Mo Yanshang's view, offending Han 3000 is definitely not a good thing.

He has more secrets that have not been dug out, his identity, his strength, all these are still a mystery.

If there are more amazing forces behind him, then this time, I'm afraid the Mo family is playing with fire!

It's all Mo language. If she didn't do such stupid things, how could Mo family take such risks for no reason?

Mo Yanshang comes to Mo Yu with strong anger.

Mo Yu kneels on the ground, crying with tears. He looks at Mo Yanshang coming towards him, so scared that he doesn't dare to lift his head.

"Grandfather, I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me. I will never do these things again. I will listen to you well." Mo Yu cried.

Mo Yanshang has no sympathy for his favorite granddaughter. In front of the family's interests, what is Mo Yu?

"Mo Yu, you really let me down. This time, even if he wants you to die, I won't say a word more." Mo Yanshang said.


Mo language heart clattered for a while, and then looked up and said: "grandfather, help me, I don't want to die, I'm your granddaughter, you help me, help me."

Mo Yanshang shakes his head. If the Mo family really wants to stand for Mo Yu or protect Mo Yu, it is likely that Han 3000 will affect the power behind him. Mo Yanshang doesn't know how strong this unknown power is.

Taking risks with the whole Mo family is not what Mo Yanshang is willing to face.

"I can't save you, Mo family, and I'm not qualified to save you." Mo Yan Shang said lightly

Can't save, no qualification!

This sentence is like a bolt from the blue to Mo Yu.

Who is Han 3000? How powerful is he? Why does the master of the Mo family say such words when facing him.

In fact, Mo Yanshang's fear, in addition to Han 3000's strength, comes from the Yang family's attitude towards Han 3000. He knows what kind of person Yang Bin is. If Han 3000 is really just a waste of Han family, Yang Bin can never help Fengqian company develop so vigorously.

Yang Bin must be profitable to do so, so what he values is probably the power behind Han 3000. He wants to use the power behind Han 3000 to make the Yang family's status in Yanjing better.

After Han Sanqian sent Wu Xin to the hospital, he asked the doctor to have a check-up. Although he saw that the injury was very serious, fortunately, it was just some skin injuries, which was not so serious. Han Sanqian was relieved.

After all, it was because of him. If Wu Xin had any accident, Han 3000 would not be able to get over it in his life. In the ward, Wu Xin, who had changed into a hospital uniform, was lying on the bed. She did not dare to close her eyes, because if she closed her eyes, her experience in the past few days would be like a nightmare in her mind“ Take a break. I can't go yet. " Han 3000 said to Wu Xin“ So when are you leaving? " Wu Xin asked weakly“ I've asked your boss to send someone to take care of you. She should be here soon. " Han 3000 said. Wu Xin has already learned Han 3000's heartlessness, so she doesn't want to sell the tragedy to win Han 3000's sympathy at this time“ Did she arrest me because of you? " Wu Xin asked“ Yes, I hurt you in this matter, so you can make any compensation you want. " Han 3000 said. Han 3000's tone, with a very clear boundary, Wu Xin knows that he deliberately shows the distance between the two. As he once said, they met by chance, and nothing else could happen. Although this sense of distance makes Wu Xin feel very frustrated, she also understands that Han 3000's tough attitude, no matter what she does, can not shorten the distance between them“ No, I don't want any compensation. I want you to feel that you owe me all your life. " Wu Xin said“ I'm not a sentimental person, and I don't always feel that I owe you anything. So now is your chance to open your mouth. If you miss it, you won't get anything, and this kind of thing may be forgotten tomorrow for me. " Han 3000 light said. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.