Chapter 1385

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Mo Yang has been thinking about retiring in the Jianghu for a long time, because the end of the road must be dark, and most people like him will not get a good end. In order to have a peaceful old age, Mo Yang hopes to get out of the gray world.

However, there are times when people can't help themselves in Jiang. Now Mo Yang doesn't want to retreat. He has too many enemies. Once he leaves this position, those enemies will surely retaliate against him. At that time, Mo Yang didn't have any countervailing power.

In order to retire from the world, Moyang must have one of the first conditions, that is, to give everything to a person who can trust 100 percent. Moreover, this person must ensure his safety after he quits.

Unfortunately, there is no such candidate around Mo Yang, so it's just an idea to retire.

Mo Yang never told anyone about this idea, so when Han 3000 said this, he felt particularly shocked.

"You... What are you talking about?" Mo Yang pretends to be puzzled and asks Han 3000.

Han Sanqian smiles indifferently. It's not unusual for Mo Yang to hide from himself. After all, this matter has a great influence. Mo Yang never wants this kind of information to leak out easily, otherwise, his opponent is bound to plot secretly.

"I can tell you that I'm the one you absolutely trust. As for why I know what you think, it's because in the future, you do, and you regret it." Han 3000 said.

The future?

How can he know the future? Can he still have the ability to foretell?

Mo Yang never believed in ghosts and gods, so Han 3000's words were just a joke to him. Maybe he just guessed at random.

"Why do I regret it?" Moyang asked with a smile.

"Because the woman you love most died in your hands." Han 3000 light said.

Mo Yang couldn't hide the smile on his face, because now he didn't have a real woman around him, and the most beloved woman seemed impossible to Mo Yang.

"Do you know that people like me don't deserve love? I have many women around me. How can I give up the whole forest for a tree?" Mo Yang said.

"You will in the future, but I want to remind you that in any case, don't give up your present status, otherwise, you will regret it later." Han 3000 said.

Although Mo Yang is a little awed of Han 3000's identity, he doesn't want to be disturbed by Han 3000's thoughts, saying: "my own life, only I can decide."

"Don't you believe me?" Han 3000 turns his head to look at Mo Yang and says with an eyebrow.

"Can you see the future?" Mo Yang asked.

Han 3000 shook his head.

Mo Yang said with a smile: "since you can't see the future, how can you know that I will regret it? Do you know what it means when this road comes to an end? "

"Although I can't see the future, I've experienced the future. All these things I said happened before. It's just that everything now has happened again." Han 3000 said.

This kind of words, listen to Moyang confused, after the future?

What is the future.

What doesn't happen and when, that's the future.

How can the future be experienced?

"To be very disrespectful, I think you should go to the hospital." Mo Yang thinks that Han 3000 may have something wrong with his brain, so he reminds him kindly.

Han three thousand light a smile, this kind of words to anyone to listen to, they will be Mo Yang such reaction, because this is human nature.

But just because they don't believe it doesn't mean it's not true.

Han 3000 as a personal experience, this is the truth.

"You don't believe me. It's normal. No one can believe that life can be reborn, but it does happen." Han 3000 said, and then his hand lit up a ball of light.

Mo Yang was surprised for a moment, and soon felt that it was just a magic trick, so he was not surprised.

"We are good brothers in the future, so now, I'd like to tell you the truth of some things. For example, I'm reborn from the future, and I know everything about the future." With that, Han 3000's whole body is wrapped up by the light. An adult Han 3000's virtual shadow stands behind young Han 3000.

"This is my future Moyang, and you..." before I finished, another scene appeared in front of Moyang.

This is a casino, Mo Yang holding a woman's body crying.

This scene made Mo Yang's heart beat faster. Although he didn't know how Han 3000 created these scenes, his feelings in the scene were very real, and even made Mo Yang feel the same.


The pain of tearing the heart and splitting the lung.

Mo Yang covered his chest, even he didn't know why he felt like this.

Soon, the scene disappeared. "This is what will happen in the future, believe it or not, it's true," Han said Mo Yang took a deep breath. He thought it was all magic, but now it's not so simple. It's not magic. What can it be“ How did you do that? " Mo Yang asks Han 3000“ I have extraordinary power. I can't explain these things to you. If there is a chance in the future, I will let you know. " Han 3000 said“ Special function In the eyes of Moyang, the extraordinary power is a special function, but this kind of thing only appears in movies? Han 3000 smiles and shakes his head. The special ability is a natural gift, but Han 3000's ability is not as simple as a gift“ It's not a special function. " Han 3000 said with a smile. Voice just fell, Mo Yang suddenly felt his legs off the ground, floating in the air. This let Mo Yang instant panic up, hastily said: "this... This is how to return a responsibility, I how fly up!" Han three thousand looking at almost piss Mo Yang, in the heart of a bad idea, this guy stingy, also should give him a lesson. See Han 3000 with a wave, Mo Yang directly flew out of the balcony. The height of stretching from the ground makes Mo Yang feel more afraid. If he falls from the balcony on the second floor, even if he is not disabled, he has to train in a wheelchair for a year and a half“ You... You let me go back, let me go back. " Mo Yang said in a panic“ Next time, bring me cigarettes. " Han 3000 said with a smile. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.