Chapter 1462

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Where there is Su Ying Xia, there must be Han 3000.

What Dao 12 said was right. Han 3000 sensed that Su Yingxia was in the hillside villa through his divine sense, and then he came back at the first time.

Although Qi Yiyun warned herself countless times in her heart that she must be calm after seeing Han 3000, when Han 3000 really appeared, she could not hide her excitement at all.

Until Han 3000 head-on toward Su Yingxia, completely did not care about her time, Qi Yiyun this just because of the loss and calm the excitement.

"You've changed. You've changed." Go to Su Yingxia in front of Han 3000 looking at Su Yingxia familiar appearance, can't help saying.

Su Ying Xia has as like as two peas now, almost identical to the three thousand before the rebirth of Han.

Except Dao 12 and Fei Lingsheng, Su Yingxia and Qi Yiyun didn't understand this, so Su Yingxia showed a puzzled expression.

"What is the same as before?" Su Yingxia asked strangely.

Han 3000 shakes his head and doesn't explain too much about rebirth. He will tell Su Yingxia later.

At this time, Su Yingxia's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Han 3000 obviously found that her face showed an impatient expression, intuition told Han 3000, this call, should be the man who haunted.

Dare to harass Su Yingxia, in Han 3000's eyes, has committed a capital crime.

"I can help you solve this problem. If you don't want to see him, I can make him disappear in Cloud City forever." Han 3000 said to Su Yingxia.

Su Yingxia didn't take this person to heart, just thought he was a little annoying, let him disappear is not.

"You'd better care about your troubles. Now you have more troubles than me." Su Yingxia said with a smile.

"Me?" Han 3000 Leng Leng, said: "I can have any trouble, not bragging, in this world, no one dares to find my trouble."

This is not a boast, but anyone who dares to trouble Han 3000 will not die unless he has nine lives.

"In the three years since you left Yuncheng, a lot of people with high status have come to Yuncheng and hope you can treat them. These people are still in the city hospital now. Listen to my grandfather, these people are more and more powerful." Su Yingxia explained to Han 3000.

At the beginning, Han Sanqian saved the Su family by miraculous means, which was revealed by some doctors on the spot, which shocked the whole medical field. At the same time, Han Sanqian's means of bringing the dying back to life were also widely spread among the people. After hearing the news, those people with high status and critical illness swarmed into Yuncheng, hoping that Han Sanqian could treat them.

Over the past three years, the number of patients entering Yuncheng has reached three figures, and as Su's father said, none of these people have a simple background. If you pick one up, it will scare ordinary people out of heart disease.

"High status?" Han 3000 sneered and said, "no matter how powerful they are, what does it have to do with me? Can you force me to treat them?"

To cure the Su family is because Han Sanqian doesn't want to cause more trouble for the Su family, and doesn't want to cause more trouble for him to solve.

This does not mean that Han 3000 is willing to be a famous doctor who can save the world.

What's more, he saves people depends on the mood, not the identity of the other party.

Besides, what identity in the world can threaten Han 3000? Can he be afraid of ordinary people.

"My grandfather told me that if you don't help these people, I'm afraid it will lead to a lot of trouble. For you, I'm afraid it will be a disaster." Su Yingxia said.

Looking at the worried expression on Su Yingxia's face, Han 3000's mouth slightly rises, which is obviously related to him.

"It's time. You're still in the mood to laugh." Su Yingxia said with a puzzled smile in the face of Han 3000.

"Of course I'm in the mood. If you care about me so much, can I not laugh?" Han 3000 said.

These words for Qi Yiyun, has a general pain.

After Han 3000 enters the villa, he doesn't even look at her, but Su Yingxia's little concern can make him happy to this extent.

"You'd better think about how to solve these problems." Su Yingxia reminds a way.

Before I had time to think about it, the doorbell of the villa had already rung.

There are very strict rules in Yundingshan villa area. It's impossible for neighbors to rush through the door.

So when the doorbell rang, Han 3000 guessed that it was most likely those so-called distinguished people who came to the door.

After giving Dao 12 a wink, Dao 12 went to open the door.

What is unexpected is that there is more than one person outside the door, but there are more than ten people crowded outside, and these ten people are obviously not a group.

"Han 3000."

"Where is Han 3000? We want to see him."

"Han 3000, come out as soon as possible. My master needs you to treat his illness."

The noise spread from outside the door to the living room, and those people scrambled to hold their own names, just as noisy as the vegetable market“ They're coming too soon, too. " Su Yingxia said in dismay that Han 3000 had just entered the house, and those people had already received the news“ It's no surprise that they must have paid off the security of the villa area, so they can receive the news at the first time. " Han 3000 said. The worry on Su Yingxia's face is more and more serious, because her grandfather talked to her very carefully several times, and every time it was because of this matter. He hopes that Su Yingxia can tell Han 3000 that he must deal with these things carefully. Who should be treated first depends on the level of his identity. If he offends some people, Han 3000 will have a hard time“ What do you do now? " Su Yingxia asked. Han 3000 didn't plan to help those people to cure. Otherwise, this hillside villa can't be turned into a clinic. So many patients in the world have to run here. Han 3000 didn't want to be the Savior“ Look at me With that, Han 3000 walked towards the door. Su Yingxia followed closely. Qi Yiyun is stunned. She doesn't know whether she is qualified to join in the fun. After all, she is almost the same as an outsider in this family. After walking to the door, Han 3000 said coldly, "what are you arguing about? Do you regard my house as a vegetable market?" The voice fell, and more than ten people outside the door were quiet in an instant. Han 3000 continued: "go back and tell your master that I will not treat them. No matter what their status and background, it has nothing to do with Han 3000." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.