Chapter 1483

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Extremely excited in the Yi old heard Han 3000 this sentence, did not think much blurted out: "shishuzu."

For yilao, Han 3000's position in his mind is supreme, so how to call Han 3000 is not important to him. Even if shishuzu's expression is false, yilao can accept it, because Han 3000's strength can lead the whole glory of Tianqi. What's a call for shishuzu?

"Shishuzu, why are you here?" Old Yi asked.

"To me, coming here is like going home. Can't I go home yet?" Han 3000 said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, of course." Old Yi nodded busily, looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally Han 3000 came. How could he say no?

"I'm not the one you just said, am I?" Han 3000 asked.

"Besides you, who else can I be? I'm looking forward to your Apocalypse every day." Yi said.

"Why?" Han 3000 said curiously.

Speaking of this problem, yilao's face became dignified and said: "today's Apocalypse has long been unable to compare with a hundred years ago. The sharp decline in its strength has led to the fact that Apocalypse has no strength to compete with the second world. Now only you can lead Apocalypse back to its peak, and only you can deal with the invasion of the second world."

The invasion of Xuanyuan world?

Can we say that what did yilao feel, or what special situation happened at the entrance of the space tunnel?

According to the present time, the Linlong of Xuanyuan world should not be sober, and the people of Xuanyuan world, who divide the Three Kingdoms, do not have the strength to invade the earth again.

"Why do you say the second world will invade the earth?" Han 3000 asked.

"Just a while ago, there was a huge turbulence in the space tunnel, which I suspect has a lot to do with the invasion of the second world." Yi said.

When elder Yi told Han 3000 about the turbulent time in detail, Han 3000 found that the time point was just after his rebirth, that is to say, at that time, he had already left Xuanyuan world, and the turbulence occurred at this time point, which is likely to be something happened in Xuanyuan world.

However, Han 3000 does not know exactly what happened.

Did Linlong wake up in advance?

Think of here, Han 3000 can not help but show a worried look.

If so!

If Linlong came to the earth, it would be a human tragedy. I don't know how many people will die under his claws.

This must be the scene of life being ruined!

"Shishuzu, what are you thinking about?" See Han 3000 in a daze, Yi old can't help but ask.

Han Sanqian shakes his head. He is not sure whether it is really related to Linlong. Maybe it's just an ordinary space tunnel shock.

"Nothing. Take me to the devil's cave." Han 3000 said.

Yi old show the facial expression of amazement, good Duanduan, why want to go to demon king cave? You know, it's a place of life and death. Most people are not willing to take risks in it. Even those who were lucky enough to come back from it will never go there again.

"Shishuzu, do you know the danger in the devil's cave?" Old Yi asked.

"Of course I know, but they are just a few strange animals. Don't worry, they are not my opponents." Han 3000 says faintly that he now has real divine strength. In Han 3000's eyes, these exotic animals are just a group of small pets. There is nothing to be afraid of. Apart from Linlong, Xuanyuan world has no creature that can be his opponent.

Old Yi swallowed his saliva unconsciously.

It's just a few strange animals!

Look at this, how relaxed and comfortable it is. It's a life-threatening thing, but Han 3000 didn't see it at all.

"Shishuzu, please follow me." Yi said.

Two people go all the way, Yi old asked Han 3000 why he wanted to go to the devil's cave, Han 3000 just said there is something important, did not want to Yi old detailed.

Yi Lao is also an understanding person, and in his heart, Han 3000's status is very high. Since Han 3000 is secretive and unwilling to disclose, he doesn't keep asking.

When I came to the entrance of the devil's cave, a pungent and fishy wind came. I'm afraid ordinary people would have vomited.

But Yi old just some slight color change, and Han 3000, but is calm, nothing happened.

"I'll go in and you'll wait for me here." Han 3000 said to Yi Lao.

Old Yi could only nod his head. He only went to the devil's cave once, which was a near death. After that time, old Yi could no longer get up the idea of entering the devil's cave.

Even if there is Han 3000 now, he may be able to have a long experience in it, and Yi Lao is not interested at all.

Han 3000 is familiar with the devil's cave. After all, this place has been here once.

He came to the place where Shengli grew. When Han 3000 saw the red fruits growing on the vines, he was relieved.

On the way to the apocalypse, Han 3000 had been worried that the holy chestnut in the devil's cave was gone, because it would mean that he had gone for nothing. Now it seems that he had not come for nothing. With these holy chestnuts, the cultivation of those around Han 3000 will become more simple, and the strength can also be improved faster, which will enable Han 3000 to return to the Xuanyuan world as soon as possible and solve his serious problems. Han 3000 did not let go of all the holy chestnuts. All of them were in his pocket. After all, this kind of treasure left in the devil's cave is also a terrible thing. Besides him, who else has the courage to go into the devil's cave and pick up the holy chestnuts? And ordinary people don't know what kind of effect this thing will have. Just as Han 3000 was about to leave, a hissing voice came from his ear. Han 3000 is very familiar with this sound. It's the snake's spitting sound, which means that the red eye jade Python is nearby“ Come out. I'll get you out of here. " Han 3000 said. Before Han 3000's rebirth, red eye jade Python had a great affinity with Han 3000, and even regarded Han 3000 as its master. That's because of the skeleton, so at this time, red eye jade Python didn't recognize Han 3000. After hearing Han 3000's voice, he climbed up Han 3000's shoulder from his right leg“ Little thing, we meet again. " Han 3000 said with a smile. Red eye jade Python spits out a red letter, as if in response to Han 3000“ It's a pity that you are a python after all. There is an insurmountable gap between you and the dragon. It's doomed that you are not the rival of Linlong, and you have to be lower than it. " Han 3000 tone slightly helpless said, his heart's real idea, if only a dragon. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.