Chapter 1511

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Feilingsheng looked at the young man puzzled, did not understand where his smile came from.

After stopping laughing, the young man said to feilingsheng, "who told you that Xuanyuan is the only one with strong spirit in the world."

After savoring these words carefully, feilingsheng's eyes widened.

His meaning is very obvious, there are not only Han Sanya, but also other powerful people in Xuanyuan world.

And this man, obviously, is him.

Because he can create dreams, which feilingsheng's ability can't achieve.

Above the Supreme Master is the divine realm.

"You... You are also a strong God!" After finishing this sentence, feilingsheng began to shake his head suddenly and said, "impossible, impossible, how can there be a strong spirit in Xuanyuan world?"

"Why are you so sure you haven't?" The young man asked curiously.

"Because I know enough about Xuanyuan world." Said ferlingson.

"Stupid waste, with your ability, how can you understand Xuanyuan world? You don't think Xuanyuan world is what you see." Young people disdain to say.

Feilingsheng questioned herself for the first time. She has lived for hundreds of years and has been to every place in Xuanyuan world. If she doesn't understand Xuanyuan world, how can she?

"You... You are the strong one in Xuanyuan world, but... Why can you still stay in Xuanyuan world?" Feilingsheng asked, she thought it was a flaw of the young man, because after the expression was reached, the gate of heaven would open, which would make him fly to another high-level space, which was not rejected by human force.

At the beginning, Han 3000 did not succeed in his ascent because he did not reach the real divine realm. He was only a false divine realm.

"That's why you don't know that I exist. I've covered up my breath so that I can stay in Xuanyuan world." The young man explained.

"Ha ha." Feilingsheng sneered and said: "do you really think I will believe it? With more advanced space and more powerful breakthrough, how can you stay in Xuanyuan world?"

"Because I knew Han 3000 would destroy Xuanyuan world, so I would wait for him. After he died, I could fly up carefree." Said the young man.

Will Han 3000 destroy Xuanyuan world?

How can this be? He just wants to kill Linlong now. This is a good thing for Xuanyuan world. How can it destroy Xuanyuan world?

Feilingsheng felt that the young man was full of lies.

And even if he is really a strong God, it is impossible to predict the future.

"Who are you, what do you want to do when you appear in my dream?" Now that he created the dream and appeared in the dream, he must have a purpose.

"I want you to help me. As long as Han 3000 is dead, I can tell you the way to reach the divine realm." Said the young man.

Feilingsheng frowned and said, "do you want me to kill Han 3000? With my strength, it can't be his opponent at all

"Of course not." The young man said with a smile, as if he thought that feilingsheng thought too much of himself, so he still had some disdain.

"What I want you to do is kill Su Yingxia." Said the young man.

"Why?" Feilingsheng puzzled asked, Su Yingxia is just an ordinary person, will not cause any threat to Xuanyuan world, even can say she is an innocent person, her life and death has nothing to do with Xuanyuan world.

And if you kill Su Yingxia, you may stir up Han 3000's anger and anger to the whole Xuanyuan world, which will pose a threat to the Xuanyuan world.

"You don't need to know why, as long as you can help me kill this woman, I can tell you the way to reach the divine realm." Said the young man.

The way to reach the divine realm!

It's a huge temptation for feilingsheng, because her goal now is to reach the divine realm and fly to another world.


Su Yingxia is more important to Han 3000 than the world. If Su Yingxia dies, Fei Lingsheng can hardly imagine what Han 3000 will do.

And if it's up to her, Han 3000 can't let her go, even if it's the end of the world. Sooner or later, Fei Lingsheng will die in Han 3000's hands.

"Are you afraid of Han 3000's revenge? You don't have to. After killing Su Yingxia, you will return to Xuanyuan world. I can protect your life. " The young man continued.

Feilingsheng still dare not easily agree, because this decision for her, is a huge turning point in life, on the one hand, the divine realm, on the other hand, completely angered the strong divine realm, it is difficult for her to choose.

Just then, the dream suddenly disappeared.

When feilingsheng opened his eyes, he had returned to reality.

It is also at this moment that the dark forest of Xuanyuan world sends out a dragon chant, which rings through the whole Xuanyuan world and makes the world shiver.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.