Chapter 1527

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"It's beautiful." When he said this, Su Yingxia was like a country bumpkin with no sense.

However, Han 3000 knows that Su Yingxia has seen more things than him. It's just the world in all directions that Han 3000 hasn't touched. What's more, she used to be a strong person in Kongtong.

Now Han 3000 doesn't understand the realm of the eight sided world, and he also knows what Kongtong realm means in the eight sided world.

But there is one thing he knows very well. Since Linlong is so afraid of her strength, it shows that Kongtong must be very powerful.

Han 3000 never dreamed that a wrong marriage would make him marry such a strong wife.

Su Yingxia has such strength, Han 3000 can't help thinking that if he goes to the world in all directions in the future, he will have a backing.

Think of here, Han 3000 mouth unconsciously up.

"What are you laughing at?" Su Yingxia sees after, don't understand of ask a way.

"Laugh when you're happy. I'm happy when I'm with you." Han explained.

Su Yingxia's face is crimson. Han 3000's expression without scruples makes Su Yingxia a little shy. Although she knows that she will become Han 3000's wife in the future, such confession is somewhat shy at Su Yingxia's age.

"Can you swim?" Han 3000 asks Su Yingxia.

Just finished this sentence, Han 3000 jumped into the water.

Su Yingxia was splashed by the water and angrily scolded Han 3000, but with a smile on her face, which showed that she was not really angry at all.

"Come down, the water is cold, very comfortable." Han 3000 swam in the water and said to Su Yingxia.

Su Yingxia can't let go. After all, there are only a few men and a few women swimming together. What if something should not happen?

But looking at the cheerful Han 3000, Su Yingxia can't control it, because she used to be a swimmer, and she liked to play in the water since she was a child.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Su Yingxia finally fell down in front of temptation and jumped directly into the water.

This is probably the most relaxing time for Han 3000 over the years.

No matter before or after the rebirth, Han 3000 is under great pressure.

Once he had no happy childhood under the oppression of Nangong Qianqiu.

Even as an adult, Han still has to face enormous pressure.

After he went to Yuncheng, he became a discarded waste. At that time, Han 3000 almost accepted his life. It was not until Su Yingxia took him by the hand that Han 3000 made up his mind to make all those who looked down on him regret.

This road is not difficult for Han 3000, and he did, but the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Now Han 3000 is still responsible for dealing with Linlong. It can be said that there is not a moment when he is relaxed.

But now, Han 3000 can finally put everything down and enjoy this moment of peace.

Han Sanqian once thought that after dealing with Linlong, he would take Su Yingxia to find a paradise and enjoy their world. But now, this idea can't be established.

Because Su Yingxia's previous life came from all directions, she will go back one day, and Su Yingxia's strength is very strong. In order to be worthy of Su Yingxia, Han 3000 also needs to make herself stronger.

Happy times are always short.

When Su Yingxia was a little tired, they took a rest on the shore.

Su Yingxia lay on Han 3000's leg, looked at the beautiful scenery around and said, "I didn't expect there would be such a beautiful place in the world. If I hadn't met you, I'm afraid I would never have left Yuncheng."

"You've seen more beautiful scenery, but you've just forgotten." Han 3000 said.

"Will you take me to see the beautiful scenery?" Su Yingxia asked.

"Of course, I'll take you wherever you like." Han 3000 soft voice says.

Su Yingxia happily closed her eyes, ready to rest for a while, at this time, she found that her clothes had been all dry.

"I wish I had your ability." Su Yingxia said enviously.

After all, Su Yingxia is more powerful than him. It's just a matter of time.

"You're going to be better than me, too." Han 3000 said.

Su Yingxia mumbles, obviously does not believe Han 3000's words.

Tired Su Yingxia soon fell asleep on Han 3000's legs. Han 3000 stayed so quietly that he didn't dare to move for fear of waking Su Yingxia.

The world of all directions.


At the moment, Han 3000 suddenly wants to go to the world, because that's su Yingxia's real home.

However, Han Sanqian was also a little nervous. After all, he was in a higher world. His divine power was probably just the weakest one in the world. In this case, Han Sanqian undoubtedly lost his ability to protect Su Yingxia.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.