Chapter 1593

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"Why don't I ask feilingsheng to advise you?" Han 3000 said to them with a smile.

Zhan Tai Liu Yue heard this, and her heart thumped, because she always thought Han 3000 was not simple, and even guessed that Han 3000 might not be as simple as jishijing.

If he could call Fei Lingsheng casually, it would prove Zhan Tai's conjecture.

But yanqinghua's attitude is totally different.

She thinks Han 3000 is just joking.

Feilingsheng is a strong man in the extreme learning environment. He can't be seen by Han 3000.

And even if he could see it, he was not the one he could call and wave.

"You are really a boaster. If you are really good at it, please come and have a look." Yan blue and white does not believe evil said.

"Feilingsheng, do you hear me? Come and see me now." Han 3000's voice rang throughout the imperial court.

In the Yellow Dragon hall, the emperor's face was pale at the moment, and he even felt shivering.

What Han Sanqian doesn't know is that although he was reborn and changed many things in Xuanyuan world, Han Sanqian didn't erase from the memory of those strong people in the extreme learning environment.

That is to say, all the strong people in Xuanyuan world still remember the existence of Han 3000, and Emperor Zun is no exception.

Emperor Zun once died in Han 3000's hands and was revived because of his rebirth. This is an unexpected turn and surprise for emperor Zun, but it is also an opportunity for emperor Zun to redeem himself.

Emperor Zun, who once died, will never fight Han 3000 again, and will never let history play again.

After hearing Han 3000's voice, feilingsheng rushed to the ethereal sect for the first time.

When Yan Qinghua still looks at Han 3000 with disdainful eyes, feilingsheng appears.

This scene, let Yanqing eyes almost fell to the ground.

Extremely frightened looking at Han 3000, Yan blue and white brain has no thinking ability.

He actually a word, called the court's first strong!


How is that possible?

How can he do it!

More importantly, when Fei Lingsheng walked behind Han 3000, he buried his head slightly, which was obviously an act of respect for Han 3000.

Zhan Tai Liuyue's breathing became short for no reason.

She knew that her previous guess was probably correct.

If the man in front of him is really just a master, how could Fei Lingsheng, who is also a master, be so respectful to him?

Now, there is only one explanation for this scene, that is, the man in front of us is stronger than feilingsheng.

On the other hand, there is only the legendary divine realm!

Unknowingly, Zhan Tai Liuyue had goose bumps all over her body. She never thought that she was lucky enough to see a strong God!

"I've called you. When are you going to tell me about the founder?" Han 3000 said with a smile.

Yanqinghua has been completely confused, and can't even speak.

Zhan Tai Liuyue forced herself to calm down, looked at Fei Lingsheng and said, "he wants to know about the founder of ethereal clan. Should I tell him?"

Han 3000 saw this scene and felt a little strange.

Zhan Tai Liuyue is the leader of the ethereal sect. These things should be decided by her. How can she ask an outsider?

"You can say whatever he wants to know." Said ferlingson.

Zhan Tai Liuyue's heart sank. It seems that he can't do without talking today.

"You seem to have something to hide from me, feilingsheng." Han 3000 light to Fei Lingsheng asked, although Fei Lingsheng told him about his life, but it is obvious that she also concealed some things.

"I used to be the leader of the ethereal sect, but this little thing is not worth mentioning." Said ferlingson.

So it is!

However, there is really nothing to mention about this matter.

But if Han 3000 had known about it, he wouldn't have had to come to wuwuzong.

As a former patriarch, feilingsheng's understanding of ethereal sect is certainly not bad.

"In that case, you should know these things as well." Han 3000 asked Fei Lingsheng.

"There is a forbidden area in the ethereal sect, where there should be all the secrets of the ethereal sect. However, the door of the forbidden area can't be opened. Even the strength of my extreme teacher's realm has been tried countless times, but it failed in the end." Said ferlingson.

Hearing the word "forbidden area", Han 3000 smiles.

There is an unexpected secret in the place where things can be hidden, which is good news for Han 3000.

"It can't be done in the extreme teacher's realm. Maybe it can be done in the divine realm. Lead the way." Han 3000 said to feilingsheng.

At this time, Zhan Tai Liuyue and Yan Qinghua have lost their value. Han 3000 only needs to consult Fei Lingsheng.

What's more, feilingsheng's fear of him must be full of words. After Han 3000 had gone a long way, Zhan Tai, Liu Yue and Yan Qinghua felt that their power had disappeared and they had regained their freedom“ Lord, what does that sentence mean? " Yan Qinghua asked Zhan Tai Liuyue in a trembling voice. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.