Chapter 1747

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿

In Fu's family, Su Yingxia suddenly feels a panic in her heart, and a mouthful of blood suddenly comes out of her mouth. Regardless of the pain in her heart, she rushes out of the house and looks at the sky.

"Three thousand! Is that you? " Su Yingxia looks at the sky, and her beautiful face is flustered.

She knows that Han 3000 has come to the world of all directions. Although she doesn't want Han 3000 to be led here by the plan to help heaven, she knows Han 3000's character. He knows that he is in danger and he will come.

Su Yingxia's recent talk has begun to soften. She does not want to comply with Fu Tian's arrangement, but deliberately delays it. Fortunately, Fu Tian recently went to the Yongsheng sea area and has no time to deal with the issue of diverting Han 3000.

She just wants to give Han 3000 some time. She also believes that with Han 3000's intelligence, he will never rashly come here. As long as he is given enough time, he can step on the purple auspicious clouds to save himself and nian'er.

Su Yingxia is ten thousand times more confident in this, because Han 3000 will never let himself down.

"Three thousand, welcome summer and wait for you forever."

At this time, Han 3000, who had passed out, suddenly heard Su Yingxia's cry in the dark.

No, Su Yingxia is still waiting for himself!

He can't die!

Han 3000 suddenly urges all the new condensed gold body energy, and he will do whatever it takes, even if he risks the gold body will explode due to energy exhaustion.

The last trace of energy rushed to all parts of his body, helping Han 3000 repair his body quickly.

And the red eye jade Python in Han 3000's hand also slowly inputs its own energy into Han 3000's body.

In the middle of the air, Han 3000 suddenly opened his eyes and attacked five people with ferocity.

The five elders did not expect that Han 3000 would suddenly fight back. In a hurry, they reluctantly defended themselves. Han 3000 caught them unprepared and repeatedly defeated them.

Han 3000 is as crazy as a man. His eyes are red. He grabs the nearest elder Liufeng and covers his face with a big bang. Seeing this, several other people attack Han 3000 desperately behind him, trying to slow down his attack.

Elder Liufeng has been scared pale. Han 3000 only attacks himself, and almost gives up any defense, as long as he lives!

Strong horizontal, horizontal fear not to die!

In a hurry, elder Liufeng was directly hit in the chest by Han Sany's fist. If the other five elders hadn't tied energy ropes to hold Han Sany, he might have been killed by this guy on the spot.

Elder Liufeng looks at Han 3000 with lingering fear. Even if Han 3000 is bound by five people, he still doesn't dare to step forward.

The quiet beasts see Han 3000, under the roar of Linlong, fighting high spirited and fighting back.

"Nihilist disciples listen to the order and attack Han 3000 collectively!" Wu Yan drank it angrily.

All the disciples immediately took orders and aimed at Han 3000.

Han 3000's eyes turned red with a ferocious smile.

"You can laugh when you're dying, Han 3000. You're a demon. You're waiting for immortality." Elder Liufeng forced his mood and scolded angrily.

"Bah!" Han three thousand a mouthful of blood directly spray six peak elder dumbfounded: "what is Lao Tzu to concern your ass?"? Are you qualified to talk about me? Just now, the urine is almost scared out, isn't it? "

"You!" Elder Liufeng is angry. Han 3000 says that he is really scared to death. He has lived for most of his life. In the end, he is scared to death by a little demon slave. Where can elder Liufeng hang on his face?!

"Hum, elder Liufeng of nihilism, I don't want to talk nonsense with a dying man. Go to die." Elder Liufeng scolded.

"Nihilism? Joke, in my eyes, I can kill you all by myself. Let go and come again. " Han 3000 cheers coldly.

With this remark, the seven elders were in a bad mood. The thousand disciples of nihilist sect, together with the seven elders and the leader, really rushed out. Although Han 3000 was captured, the problem was that nihilist sect was in a mess, with broken limbs and arms on the ground, blood flowing into a river, and extremely heavy casualties!

Let go?

None of the seven elders had the courage, because they were afraid that Han 3000 would make a comeback.

"Why, afraid? That's right. If a sect lets a slave fight like this, it'll make people laugh. " Han 3000 said sarcastically.

"Han 3000, don't talk so fast. You're just a turtle in a jar. What's the right to speak?" Wu Yan said angrily.

"That's right. Find out who you are!"

"Tell me which evil sect you belong to. At least we can make your death more comfortable."

"Say it."

Han 3000 laughs: "Lao Zi Han 3000, there is no school. Do you understand me? A bunch of dogs. "

Wu Yan was so angry that he trembled and waved his big hand: "disciples, kill Han 3000 for me."

Then, all the disciples drank in unison, and Wan Daobing sword gathered into a huge ball to attack Han 3000.

The seven elders also retreated rapidly when the attack was coming. Han 3000's ferocious smile: "I want you to be buried with nihilism!"“ What's that“ What's that“ This is it In the middle of the sky, Han 3000 suddenly becomes a man of vast gold. The gold body just congealed in his body explodes directly. In the way of self exploding the gold body, he catalyzes the whole wuxiangshengong to the extreme“ Wuxiangshengong, the stars are changing All of a sudden, nihilistic land shaking, wind away cloud roar, set the strength of the entire huge energy ball suddenly stopped forward, turn the route, straight to the ground! All the thousands of disciples of nihilism had dilated their pupils. They watched the terrible scene and even forgot to run away“ Wu... Wu Xiang's magical skill“ No, it's impossible, isn't it In the eyes of the array, master Sanyong looked at the move of destroying the sky, and he was stunned! Wuxiangshengong, the real lost unique skill of nihilism, is precisely because it has lost this unique skill, so that nihilism has been trying to decline step by step for thousands of years. For nihilism, the perfect wuxiangshengong is a unique weapon. For Sanyong, it is something that he has been dreaming of all his life. Even the pain in my heart, including my master. But nihilism has been looking for thousands of years, but I didn't expect that Sanyong was lucky to see it, but it was in this way. Wu Xiang's divine skill, nihilism is supreme, but why is it on Han 3000's body?! Isn't he a demon? If he is a demon, how can he learn the skill of Wuxiang?! Without the biography of the leader in office, Wu Xiang's miraculous skills can't be taught by himself. This also shows that Han 3000 can't learn by himself or by chance unless he can be recognized by a Grandmaster of nihilism. But... Suddenly, Sanyong thought of a possibility, and the whole person was shocked: "no, weak water 3000, weak water 3000, isn't it that the ancestor refers to Han 3000?" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.