Chapter 1767

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"No... no, not even Laozi's Dragon and Phoenix poison pills?" Wang Dong said to himself.

That's the most poisonous poison in the world. Even if you take the golden elixir, why do you steal it?

All of a sudden, Wang Dong roared angrily at the secret crossing: "you... You are going to die, even this thing, steal me a dime and a remnant?"

At this time, in the mountains east of the city.

Han Sanqian was crazy. He roared and danced wildly in the whole river, but almost all the places they could see were boiling. All the creatures in the river died, and even sent out a faint smell of meat. On both sides of the river bank, all kinds of flowers and trees were burned to ashes.

Qin Qingfeng and Wang Simin, looking at the scene in front of them, were too scared to speak for a long time.

Wang Simin has tears in her eyes. She is so anxious that she feels guilty. Although she is unruly and willful, she is by no means the kind of young lady who cares about people's lives. On the contrary, Wang Simin is kind-hearted and loves to help some civilians in Tianhu city. For Han 3000, she just wants to catch him. She has never thought of making Han 3000 like this.

At this time see Han 3000 so, she is very remorse, if it is not for his temporary prank, which will cause such a disaster.

After a moment's hesitation, Wang Simin will rush to Han 3000 to save him. Qin Qingfeng immediately holds her and says in a hurry, "Miss Wang, it's dangerous there. We can't go there."

Wang Simin is about to struggle, at this time, Han 3000 is suddenly like a vent ball, the whole person plop, directly fell into the water.

Wang Simin was in a hurry. He broke Qin Qingfeng's block and rushed into the river. He found out where Han 3000 had fallen.

Soon, she touched Han 3000's arm in the water, and then carried him to the shore with all her strength.

At this time, Han Sanqian's red color has disappeared completely. Instead, he is like a charred black charcoal. Wang Simin's all the way to drag him ashore is blackened by the charcoal on his body, and Wang Simin's hands are full of black.

Wang Simin immediately flustered: "he... How can he be like this?"

Qin Qingfeng shook his head, then put his hand gently between Han 3000's nose with a dignified look.

"And breathing. But, Miss Wang, are you sure it's really just three thousand drops of itching poison? " With that, Qin Qingfeng wiped Han 3000's arm.

The black was wiped away, revealing Han 3000's arm, but his arm was bruised.

"He was poisoned." Qin Qingfeng said coldly.

"Highly toxic?" Wang Simin was stunned. There were all kinds of pills in the alchemy room. When he took one of them, he had no intention to mix the poison with it.

Think of this, Wang Simin flustered stand up, carrying Han 3000 will go home.

"Don't worry, Miss Wang. He's so poisonous that he can't live for half an hour." Qin Qingfeng took her hand and shook her head.

Hearing Qin Qingfeng's words, Wang Simin completely stayed on the ground, which means that he poisoned Han 3000? Although she can't stand the sick child, she doesn't want to kill him.

"Master Qin, please find a way to save Mr. Han." Know Han three thousand live less than half an hour, Xiao Tao also urgent voice way at this time.

Wang Simin also looks forward to Qin Qingfeng.

Qin Qingfeng shook his head hard: "this poison, I've been wandering in the rivers and lakes for decades, never heard of, never seen." With that, he looked at Han 3000 sad, but also can not help for his apprentice's ill fated, feel the sadness of silk.

Just out of danger, but once again into the gate of death.

"No... impossible, impossible, i... I killed people, i... I killed people?" Wang Simin was completely flustered and lost his mind. He sat on the ground with a decadent buttock. His eyes were empty and he talked to himself. His face was full of regret and fear.

Although she has been practicing for a long time, at most she is fighting for the injustice of some people in Tianhu city. But she has never done such a thing as killing, let alone killing Han 3000, an innocent man.

A moment later, Wang Simin suddenly got up and shook Han 3000 desperately, tears of remorse in his eyes kept flowing: "Han 3000, you get up, you get up, you don't die, big deal, I promise you, I won't fight you in the future, OK, OK."

Qin Qingfeng got up in a hurry to stop Wang Simin's excited action, but at this time, Han 3000 suddenly coughed and slowly opened his eyes: "if you shake again, I will really die."

After hearing Han 3000's words, Wang Simin was stunned for a moment. He was overjoyed, and Qin Qingfeng and Xiao Tao came together.

"Master, help me find a safe place. Don't be caught up by Master Wang. I... Feel curious in my body now... I want to settle down." Han 3000's weak way.

Qin Qingfeng nodded. As soon as he got up, Wang Simin bit his teeth and carried Han 3000 on his back. Qin Qingfeng was stunned for a moment. He got up and walked in front of him and went to the mountains.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.