Chapter 1869

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Qin Shuang after saying this, panting looking at Han 3000, heart abnormal fast.

Qin Shuang, who has never been so cold, is not good at expressing her feelings, including her mother Lin Mengxi.

But this time, Qin Shuang summoned up all her courage.

From the time she thought Han 3000 was dead, she knew how painful her heart was and how trance her God was. For her, the days of fangfo were like the sky falling apart and there was no day in the dark.

She deeply understood that she liked the slave who had been following her.

However, Han 3000 was dead at that time. She wanted to talk to Han 3000, but there was no chance.

Now, seeing Han Sanqian again, Qin Shuang feels that she can't regret her life any more. She has to tell him clearly what she really thinks in her heart.

"Three thousand, if you like, we can be together, and I can give up my status as a disciple of nihilism sect and find a place to live our own life together with you, OK?" Qin Shuang forbeared shyness and waited for Han 3000's reply.

This is her voice, but also hope at this time can hold Han 3000, don't indulge in evil, prodigal son back.

Han Sanqian didn't speak, but his heart was churning. For him, he couldn't like Qin Shuang at all, because he had no room for anyone but Su Yingxia in his heart.

Qi Yiyun followed him for two generations, but Han 3000 was not moved. For Qin Shuang, Han 3000 could only refuse.

Although Qin Shuang is the most beautiful woman Han 3000 has ever seen, she even sacrificed too much for herself.

But Han 3000 can't refuse Qin Shuang at all. He knows Qin Shuang's character very well. If he can make her say these words, she has already gone out. If he refuses at this time, Han 3000 can imagine how sad and sad she will be.

Therefore, he has no way to hurt Qin Shuang.

But the more you don't want to hurt her, the more Han 3000 should let her die, but her refusal should not hurt her directly.

Han 3000 thought of this, long out of a cold, cold smile: "elder martial sister qinshuang, I think you are wrong, I Han 3000 is poor origin, how can I play with you again what seclusion, and then live those poor days? I am now living a very good, very happy, around some money can not spend, some women can not play, this free and unrestrained day, you want me to give up the whole forest for a tree? Elder martial sister, are you too ruthless? "

Hearing Han 3000's words, Qin Shuang's face was as pale as ashes, and her heart was even more crazy: "Han 3000, you lied to me! Can't my beauty compare with those women? "

"Elder martial sister, of course you are more beautiful than anyone else, but no matter how beautiful you are, you will always be tired of playing. But now I am different. I can play with different women every day. So why should I give up?" Han three thousand endure inner guilt, but on the surface he pretends to be cynical.

In order to make Qin Shuang believe, Han 3000 specially turned back at this time, but Qin Shuang's tears were like pearls, sliding from her eyes and falling slowly along her beautiful white face.

For Qin Shuang, the most sad thing at the moment is not that she has been rejected, but that she feels uncomfortable about Han 3000's present self indulgence.

"Go back, go back and make a mistake. I'm not worth it." Han three thousand looking at her appearance, in the heart really can't bear, even if want to perform this play, but after all still can't face the heart of sad, a trace of flurried heartache from the eyes after flash, this just coldly said.

Qin Shuang shakes her head firmly. Han 3000 sighs in her heart and turns to leave.

"Han 3000!" Qin Shuang cried and cried to Han 3000.

Han three thousand tiny a Leng, bite teeth, continue to walk toward the front.

Just two steps away, Han 3000 suddenly stops, which makes Qin Shuang feel a little happy. But Han 3000's next sentence breaks her mind.

"By the way, from today on, there is no relationship between you and me. You are no longer my elder martial sister, and I am no longer your slave." With that, Han 3000 threw down a sword and turned to leave.

Looking at the familiar jade sword on the ground, Qin Shuang felt that the sound was heartbreaking.

It was the sword that she gave Han 3000, but Han 3000 abandoned it here. It was obvious what it meant.

Tears like pearls, finally struggling desperately to slide, Qin Shuang looked at the ground no longer move the sword, slightly squatted down, the whole person hugged his knees and cried.

In more than 20 years of her life, Qin Shuang shed tears in front of people for the first time. Moreover, she never thought that her first sadness was so painful and unforgettable.

She also did not expect that her cold life, for the first time for a man and open heart, in exchange for it is so bitter full.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.