Chapter 2124

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Outside the banner.

Wang Jianzhi led the crowd to a place on Han 3000's back. He had bombarded Han 3000 for a whole round.

Hidden in Han 3000's body, the position on his back has turned from purple to red. It is obvious that attacking a place in turn has made it difficult to resist that position of the immortal Xuan armor.

And everyone, also began to find that Han 3000's injury in a sharp increase.

This let a group of people finally take a breath.

"I thought you were really made of steel, but I didn't expect that you would be unable to carry it." Wang Wenzhi laughed in a cruel cold voice.

"As expected, the Lord has both ability and political integrity. Attack hard. Even if Han 3000 is really steel, it will be made into molten steel by us." Ye Gucheng complimented.

"Now this guy obviously can't bear it. He'll kill him when he's sick." There is humanity.

Bang, Shoufeng elder is very arrogant.

"Damn, isn't this grandson arrogant just now? Now it's not the same. We beat it as dead dogs? The grass has provoked our lonely city, but we dare to fight against our Lord. Lord, let the little one take his life. " Head peak elder see Han 3000 almost finished at this time, can't help but performance way.

Wang Huan one of smile: "since you want to accept his dog's life, it's up to you, anyway, also afraid of dirty my hand."

Elder Shoufeng takes his life, smiles coldly, looks at Ye Gucheng again, nods, and pours all the energy into his right hand, aiming at that part with one hand.

But at this time, Han 3000 figure suddenly move, backhand fierce palm directly reverse stuck arrogant head peak elder neck, and then fly straight to the sky.


The next second, Han 3000's figure was in the air, and the body of Shoufeng elder suddenly fell from the air. With a dull sound, he hit the ground heavily.

Open fear and puzzled eyes, can no longer move.

Before he was arrogant, he didn't understand what happened when he died.


Almost at the same time, the sky magic flag fell to the ground like a frosted eggplant.



A group of people look at each other, everyone thinks Han 3000 is dead, but where to know, this guy suddenly woke up, some people don't even know what happened.

Everything came too soon.


The eighteen demon monks sitting chanting Sutras were also directly knocked down by the counter attack because of the fall of the demon flag, and they could not help spitting blood one by one.

"The sky magic flag has fallen? That guy... "

"How could that be?"

A group of people were stunned, Wang Jianzhi also quickly picked up the leader of the eighteen blood monks at this time, and said in an urgent voice: "how can this happen?"

"He's broken." The monk, with the help of Wang Huan Zhi, sat up.

"It doesn't matter. If you trap that guy with the magic flag, he will have half his life left." Wang Huan's cold voice way: "you still insist of live?"

"We have no problem, but..."

"But what?" Wang Jianzhi said in an urgent voice.

The first monk shook his head: "the spirit of Tianmo banner is seriously damaged. I'm afraid it's impossible to go to the battlefield without half a year to repair it."

On hearing this, Wang Wenzhi was so angry that he twisted his head monk's chest and said: "didn't you tell me that the magic flag is the most precious of the magic gate? Even if someone accidentally escapes the array, can he use it again? Now, you tell me what's wrong with it? "

Wang Jianzhi has just experienced the cool part of the heavenly magic flag. Naturally, he likes the effect of this thing very much.

But now it can't be used all of a sudden. How can Wang xuanzhi not be angry!

"Yes, theoretically, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one heavenly demons in the heavenly magic banner. Even if someone has a strong mind and can break the battle, there are another eighty heavenly demons that can be used at any time. But the problem is... "Speaking of this, the first monk looked at Han 3000 with fear.

"What's the problem?" Wang Huan Zhi looked with his eyes, more angry.

His people are afraid.

"The problem is that Han 3000 encountered a demon Buddha." The first monk is very embarrassed.

Wang Huan one Leng, the hand can't help but loosen the first monk, the whole person also at a loss of body shape stagger.

Demon Buddha?!

Han 3000 met a demon Buddha?!

Isn't this the strongest of the 9981 heavenly demons in the heavenly demons banner? In other words, it is because of the existence of the demon Buddha that the Tianmo banner can be called Tianmo banner, and it can also be called the magic gate treasure.

Why can Han 3000 meet him?!

"This man has a very strong mood. He's the one with the strongest mood I've ever met." The first monk shook his head.

With Han 3000's years of forbearance on the earth, he has already exercised his state of mind in a very powerful way. In addition, the state of mind in the book of eight wild days is already incomparable.

The first encounter is the demon Buddha, which is already the best "praise" and affirmation.

"The demon Buddha was broken, the strength of the demon flag was greatly damaged, and he could not fight again in a short time. Moreover, even if he could fight again, what was the significance for him?" Hearing this, Wang slowly raised his head and gazed at Han 3000 in the air. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.