Chapter 2129

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
As a medical saint in all directions, no one in the world knows better than him how difficult it is for Han 3000 to go and return, but his serious injury completely dissipates.

Even he himself, together with the natural resources and local treasures, is difficult to complete in such a short time.

"What kind of monster are you? Han 3000, Han 3000, you are a great trouble to me. If I don't get rid of you, how can I have peace for the rest of my life? "

After talking to himself, Wang Jianzhi's eyes shrank sharply and said angrily, "let everyone go up to help. At the same time, go to abbess Xianling to smoke some people."

"But Lord, there is a battle between abbess Xianling and Fu Ye. I'm afraid it will affect the war situation there if I rush to send someone here."

"Let her stand up to me first, and when we finish the army, we will send someone to help her in time." Wang Huan's face is cold.

"If abbess Xianling fails, it will bring great benefits to the Fuye family, and at the same time, it will bring great disadvantages to our future pattern. Lord, you should think twice."

Wang Huan's sudden anger: "do I need you to teach me how to do things?"

"I dare not. I am also for the future of Yaoshen Pavilion."

Hearing this, Wang's tone softened. At the same time, he also understood that the rash withdrawal of abbess Xianling's troops would cause great military turmoil to abbess Xianling: "if the next decisive battle is lost, I don't know that it will affect our overall battle, or even our future. However, if we don't get rid of the Han 3000 in front of us, there will be no future for our Yaoshen Pavilion. "

His subordinates heard: "I understand. I'll go down here and dispatch people."

"Call for reinforcements in the eternal sea."


After his subordinates left, Wang Jianzhi took a look at the experts around him, and then yelled at everyone: "don't panic, everyone. We can cripple him the first time, we can cripple him the second time. According to the original strategy, give it to me

With Wang's words and another group of experts around him, more than 50000 people in Yaoshen Pavilion, led by many experts, spread out in an instant, making the battlefield infinitely large.

Han Sanqian, Ming Yu and Tian Lu Chen, stay together for a while. They are back-to-back and help each other defend.

"Can you hold it?" The dark rain will count to the water circle to coagulate in front of him and ask Han 3000 softly.

Close to her, Han 3000 could smell her unique body fragrance: "of course, no problem. But why are you here? "

"I used to lead Tianluhu away for you, but later I found that he didn't keep up. I was worried about whether he would go back to trouble you again, so I came back to have a look, but I met their mother and son on the way. I wanted to leave now, but Xiao Tianlu suddenly felt that you were in danger, so I came to see if you had anything to help with them. " The dark rain is indifferent.

Han Sanqian smiles and pats Xiao Tianlu's head: "I haven't raised you so long in vain."

"Ouch!" Hearing Han 3000's praise, Xiao Tianlu shouts and rubs Han 3000's hand with his head.

"They are delaying tactics and won't fight us hard. They all retain their strength and play slowly. Don't be too fierce and too aggressive, so as not to consume too much." Han 3000 reminds a way.

Ming Yu nodded, and Da Tianlu also roared. Facing the crowd slowly rushing up, the three people attacked each other back to back.

Han 3000's experience reminds us that the two men and one beast should be more calm in dealing with the attack of yaoshenge. Although it is very slow, the triangle defensive team can reduce the support consumption of each other to the greatest extent, and the fighting time is equal.

However, Yaoshen Pavilion is obviously patient. After all, it takes time to transfer people and horses from abbess Xianling.

Slow attack can not only delay time, but also reduce casualties, and let them spread out the rotation attack more orderly.

The fight lasted until the night was over.

The medicine God Pavilion surrounds the nihilist sect and recuperates for a while.

Han 3000 and Ming Yu, two men and one beast, finally had a rare chance to breathe and return to the main hall of nihilism.

Although Han Sanqian has a lot of energy, it's a pity that although his physical injury has been alleviated, he has never recovered. However, Mingyu and Tianlu have been tired for a long time. As soon as they return to the main hall, they are soft on the chair and the hall, gasping heavily.

Qin Shuang takes care of the injured Renshen baby. No one mentions Han 3000's injury.

"As long as I can get through this evening, I'll wait until tomorrow." With a sigh, Sanyong brings the soup in the green energy bottle to them.

Many treasures of the two or three senior generals were also lost in front of big Tianlu and small Tianlu.

"Yes, our nihilism is open. It doesn't take three days for Shuilan city to come. As long as tomorrow, the main force of supporting family will come. Even if the supporting family army doesn't help us, as long as they show up, they can restrain the main force of Yaoshen Pavilion. In this way, their burden will be much lighter." The second elder also nodded.

But at this time, Han 3000 shook his head. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.