Chapter 2256

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"Afraid?" Han 3000 chuckled: "there is no fear in Han 3000's dictionary. Besides, for the sake of my friends, wife and daughter, let alone the magic dragon, I will pull him down even if he is the true God of the Lu family. "

Han 3000's words surprised Lu Ruoxin. If someone said such words in front of her, she must have slapped her. Because obviously, the other side is bragging.

But Han 3000 is different. Although Lu Ruoxin doesn't know where he comes from, he doesn't know why. His tone can't be refuted at all. He even makes Lu Ruoxin believe that he can do it.

"Are you threatening me?" Lu Ruoxin's cold voice.

"Maybe, maybe, it's the truth again?" Han 3000 was not afraid of Lu Ruoxin at all. He said calmly, "whatever you think, you can."

"You're crazy." Lu Ruoxin's eyes were cold and evil, but the next second, she said with a smile: "however, people are not frivolous. Han 3000, I just like you. Help me heal. One last time. Then it's time for us to meet the magic dragon for a while


"Can you hold on? Help me heal twice. You fought with me yesterday! "

Han 3000 suddenly a smile: "worry about yourself."

As soon as the voice fell, Han 3000 directly grabbed Lu Ruoxin's arm in the air, and a very strong energy was input into Lu Ruoxin's hand along his arm.




At this time, the battle in Kunlongshan has become white hot.

More than 100000 people scattered and stood, dodging and constantly launching various attacks on the magic dragon.

The magic dragon was attacked by people in all directions. Looking around, it was full of people, like stepping into an ant nest. But these ants can bite.

This makes the dragon very angry.

Ants bite people will not be very painful, but bite more, it will hurt.

The evil dragon roared angrily. The breath of red light on his body spread out one by one, and sometimes roared angrily. The breath of dragon shot out, killing people outside.

Both sides you come and I go, killing the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon.

From dawn, all the way to evening.

From evening to late night.

It was not until more than 100000 people were tired and the magic dragon was felled that dawn was able to take a rest around and work on the top of the shift. In the tired individual camp, no one pays attention to it. I don't know when there will be one more man and one more woman.

Although the magic dragon is still under attack, the shift attack makes it feel better at least.

The next day, just after dawn, more than 100000 people launched a joint attack again, and it turned dark again.

"The magic dragon has been exhausted. Everyone work harder. Tonight, we will make the magic dragon disappear and wipe out a disaster for the world!" Lu ruoxuan shouts out loud.

Everyone raised their arms and yelled!

"Tell us to keep some strength. When the dragon is tired and weak, we will join forces to enter the red circle and seize the shackles of God. Remember, we have to move fast so that we don't have too many dreams Lu ruoxuan whispered orders to help people.


"Also, find some death squads to stand in front of us at that time. The shackles of God and the magic dragon have already been integrated and suppressed each other. If you take away the shackles of God, the magic dragon will also die. Therefore, even the exhausted and powerless magic dragon, once we enter and kill him, he will absolutely resist, so... "

"The master of the family has made arrangements for sending 108 dead men from the Lu family."

"So good!" Lu ruoxuan nodded with satisfaction.

"The magic dragon is very weak. Everyone work harder and give your strongest blow." In the distance, Wang Huanzhi drank aloud.


"Kill the magic dragon and do justice for heaven!"

All of them are serious, but everyone knows that who cares about killing the dead dragon? What they care about is the shackles of God tied to the dragon.

As for killing the magic dragon, it's better to leave it to others and save some strength for yourself to snatch the shackles of God later?!

In this state of mind, another wave of attacks went straight to the magic dragon.

However, behind the seemingly strong, in fact, is everyone's wishful thinking!

To get rid of the demons, all we care about are babies!


But ants are also flesh. The attack of more than one hundred thousand is like the last straw for the wounded magic dragon. With the explosion of ten thousand methods, the arrogance and hegemony of the magic dragon disappear and explode!

Everything is peaceful.

The longan, the size of a football field, was also slightly closed.

Seeing this, everyone was more and more ecstatic, and regardless of the three seven twenty-one, they directly opened their Qi and rushed to the magic dragon.

At this time, no matter what his etiquette is, no matter what his benevolence, righteousness and morality are, everyone has only one idea, that is to rush to the magic dragon with the fastest speed and seize the shackles of God.

But at this time, the earth suddenly trembles, the sky is completely covered by black clouds, a kind of invisible black instant wrapped heaven and earth“ What's going on? " Someone said strangely“ Roar Suddenly, in the dark, a pair of blood red eyes lit up in the dark! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.