Chapter 2299

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"You guy, what did I say to you when you went out? I told you not to be really angry, and not to lose your mind. Before I finished my words, you were so Niang... Shit, how could you be so calm when you were lying with me?"

In the space, the spirit of the evil dragon, who is not aware of it, can't help but drink in a low voice at this time.

With the soul contract, he can feel that Han 3000 is becoming more and more angry. At the same time, he is becoming more and more irrational and out of control!

"Damn it, hold it." The magic dragon was a little anxious. He really didn't understand that Han 3000, who was so calm and incomparable with himself here, showed that his state of mind was very high. How could he become so in less than a moment after he went out.

It was incredible to him.

To some extent, he thinks Han 3000 is more sophisticated than his veteran who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. How can he explode his emotions so easily?!

The feeling of the magic dragon is naturally right. Although Han 3000's life age is one heaven and one earth compared with that of the magic dragon, his life experience is inferior to that of the magic dragon.

In his whole life, Han Sanqian has been living step by step in the process of forbearance. He has to bear all kinds of humiliations all the time, but he has to be careful. If he goes wrong, he will lose everything.

All the way up to today, Han 3000 knows how difficult it is. Only he knows it best.

But it's not clear that the magic dragon is a dragon. Han 3000 is not a dragon, but he has the same untouchable scales as Su Yingxia.

At this time, Han 3000's eyes are full of anger. He doesn't mind being fooled by Lu Ruoxin. However, if Su Yingxia is included in this, it's absolutely unacceptable.

She even dares to make fun of Su Yingxia's life.

Lu Ruoxin seems to feel Han 3000's infinite anger, but she is not afraid. She holds an important chip in her hand. Han 3000 is just an ant that can be crushed at any time in her eyes.

"Is it useful to be angry? This world is the world of Mangfu. " Lu Ruoxin disdained the cold hum, and then his face became ferocious: "if you want to be angry, I want you to kneel down and be soft. Han Sanqian, get down on your knees. "

There was no response, only Han 3000's blood red eyes because of anger.

The blood in the body, under the birth of magic blood, becomes extremely active and boiling.

Magic blood burns, animal blood boils!!

"Hey, Han 3000, I'm talking to you!" Lu Ruoxin raised his head and looked at Han 3000's bloody eyes, but he was stunned.

Strong as her, arrogant as her, was also startled by Han 3000's bloodthirsty and cold eyes.

"You... What are you doing?" Lu Ruoxin subconsciously slightly retreated half a step, staring at Han 3000.

Han 3000 was silent, but panting like a cow. A moment later, he said in a cold voice, "where is Su Yingxia, where is Han Nian."

"If you are obedient, they will be safe, but if you are not obedient, you will never see them again in your life." Lu Ruoxin also forced a calm angry voice to fight back.

No one can make her humble, including Han 3000.

"I'll ask you for the last time, where are su Yingxia and Han Nian?"


Han 3000's black evil spirit suddenly erupted from all around his body. The black spirit spread like a dark starry sky and a black tiger. It was very strange.


The whole body is three feet long, and the Qi is scattered outside. Unexpectedly, it directly explodes all the dead and living creatures around it into powder.

What a strong storm!

Lu Ruoxin's heart was slightly surprised, and he was shocked by heaven and man for a time.

But the next second, she frowned.

Although she and Han 3000 are not friends, Han 3000 has never had such evil spirit in his understanding and recent relationship.

Is it the influence of dragon's blood?!

Think of here, Lu Ruoxin hands slightly move, life and forever to the moment slightly storage force.

"I said, I want Su Yingxia and Han Nian!"



With a roar, the black air exploded!

Above his head, fangfo feels Han 3000's roar. The sky is clear and the sun is gone, leaving only black clouds rolling in. Taking Han 3000 as the center, it forms a huge vortex, echoing from top to bottom.

On the ground, flying sand and stones, strong wind.

The spread of black gas suddenly back, dead around Han 3000.


All of a sudden, those black clouds around Han 3000 suddenly turn into ghosts. They are ferocious and roaring. They suddenly turn into black gas and continue to surround Han 3000. Or they turn into beasts and turn around, just as the former dissipates.

In the middle of the black atmosphere, Han 3000's skin is slightly blackened and his veins are exposed. He looks like a devil. His handsome face is as white as paper, as pale as blood. His eyes are red with blood. His black hair suddenly turns silver white and suddenly turns red with blood.

In the black air, the long hair of blood color is like silk, like blood, like coagulation, bright and shining. If Han 3000's silver hair and golden body were the God of war, then Han 3000 is the evil spirit, just like the evil god! With the variation of Han 3000, the sky moves and clouds surge, the earth is shrouded in darkness, and the powerful evil spirit spreads with you! Whether it's Ao Shi who just arrived at the camp and other people in the immortal sea area and Yaoshen Pavilion, or they are ready to disperse their own alliance after watching the excitement, they are all shocked by the vision and run back one by one“ Grandfather, there... "Ao Yi opened his eyes and looked at the camp on the top of the blue mountain. The black clouds are on the top, the central vortex and the blood light are rushing to the sky, directly covering the ground. The heaven and the earth are connected together“ That's a lot of magic. " Wang Wenzhi couldn't help swallowing his voice“ Is this magic Qi a magic dragon? " Ye Gucheng also looks surprised. Even if he is far away from there, he can feel the extremely strong evil spirit. Even to some extent, the evil spirit today is much stronger than facing the evil dragon when he was trapped in the Dragon Mountain“ Is the Dragon alive Gu you also Leng way“ No Ao Shi rarely frowned and bit his lips: "this breath of evil spirit is similar to that of evil dragon, but it is more powerful."“ Isn't that possible? " Wang xuanzhi immediately opened his mouth: "the magic dragon is the ancient devil king, and its magic power is so strong today that no one can beat it. How can there be more powerful magic power than him?"“ Over there, what's going on? " Ao Shi didn't answer. He just stared at the other end. He also wanted to know what was going on. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.