Chapter 2316

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Think of that time, Han 3000 is still in the end, the heart of the Dragon released a huge amount of energy to Han 3000 at that time were extremely shocked.

He has been using the heart of the dragon for so long that he has never seen such a scene.

Even that kind of scene is still one of the reasons why han 3000 is full of confidence.

But this time, how can it become calm, or the most common usage?!

Han Sanbai has no idea

"Ha ha ha ha!"

In the book of eight wild days, the old sweeper suddenly gave a hearty smile. He looked at the old sweeper and said with a smile: "this silly boy, last time you helped him, it seems that he was addicted to help, and he will still remember it."

Ba Huang Tian Shu immediately covered his forehead with his hand, full of embarrassment: "Alas, this smelly boy..."

"What do you think?"

"What else can I think? Although the pressure is a kind of power, but sometimes too much pressure is an obstacle to power, you don't forget, this guy is facing two true gods. Although I hope he can directly shake the two true gods, just like you, it is not necessarily a good thing to pull out the seedlings and encourage them. " The eight wasteland Tianshu said with a smile.

The old sweeper nodded: "there are not many of the three thousand cultivation methods that can be used, few of them are useful, or they are still in the process of improvement. It's OK to use them to deal with ordinary people. It's not enough to deal with experts. They have more heart than strength."

"Secondly, those two old men bully a young man two times. I really can't stand it, or you can help him?"

With a smile and a slight movement in his hand, the eight wasteland heavenly Book suddenly stops. In the sky of the eight wasteland world, the wind blows and the clouds move


Almost at the same time, Han 3000's strength from the heart of the dragon clan suddenly increased, and the mountain at his feet suddenly rose several meters higher. The light of the earth color was directly reflected.



Ao Shi felt a strong force coming from the opposite side, and the whole person was shocked by the strange force. He retreated several steps, and his Qi and blood reversed. His throat suddenly became sweet, and a stream of blood went directly into his mouth.

Ao Shi quickly shut up and swallowed the bloody blood back into his throat. Although he pretended to be calm, he could not hide the shock and confusion in his eyes.

"This boy, how can it be!" Aoshi heart angry roar, extremely unwilling to look at the head of Han 3000.

But Ao Shi was so alert, but Han 3000 was in a state of ignorance.

What's the situation?!

He didn't make any effort. How could he suddenly have such a powerful force?! Is it difficult for the heart of the dragon people to understand people's words or guess their own thoughts?!

Shit, can you think of anything, so magical?

But, how did not hear Lin long mention?!

"Shit, what ghost, why... Why do you suddenly have such a strong force?" Such a huge energy, together with the spirit of the magic dragon in the body also shocked!

"I... I don't know." Han 3000 was stunned: "I just thought, it just... It suddenly appeared out of control."

"Damn, are you kidding me? Do you know your own things? " The spirit of the dragon does not believe.

"Shit, you're still a dragon. You don't even know the heart of the dragon family?" Han three thousand depressed shout a way.

"Less nonsense, now that the energy is so great, can you share it with me, I want to heal!" The spirit of the magic dragon is very depressed.

It's unlucky enough. It's beaten by Han 3000. After that, it's tricked by Han 3000. After that, it's forced to go out for business. Soon after business, it's beaten by two real gods

The ancient magic dragon has come to an end today. It can be described as miserable

"Points!" Han 3000 is not a man to kill a donkey. Although the spirit of the evil dragon forcibly occupied his body, even threatened him at the beginning, since he made peace, Han 3000 would keep his promise and would not take advantage of his illness to kill him.

And just now, the spirit of the magic dragon did work. If he was hurt, he would not hesitate to save him.

Think of here, Han 3000 directly part of the power to the spirit of the magic dragon.

Power has been branched, and Han 3000's powerful power released from the heart of the dragon clan has also been weakened. However, even though the energy has been reduced a lot, Ao Shi, who is opposite, does not relax his vigilance at all. On the contrary, he can not help but be more careful.

After all, as far as he is concerned, the sudden weakening of Han 3000's strength is definitely not weakening. It must be Han 3000's intention to paralyze himself. Just like just now, he first countered with a wave of similar strength, then suddenly strengthened and hurt himself.

It's just... Ao Shi obviously thinks too much about everything

Han 3000's side was obviously just an accident. It can even be said that Han 3000 didn't know what was going on. Ao Shi was obviously smart, but he was mistaken by smart. He tossed a big circle, but threw himself into the pit.

At this time, with the continuous distribution of energy to the spirit of the magic dragon, the injury of the spirit of the magic dragon is also in constant recovery.

Han 3000 thought Aoshi would launch a counterattack, but saw that Aoshi had been staring at himself with vigilance, and there was no movement for more than ten minutes“ I'm almost there The spirit of the magic dragon spoke softly at this time. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.