Chapter 2488

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Suddenly, at this time, the proud Fang Kun was pale, cold eyes, almost constantly shaking his head, while his body was constantly backward.

It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible!

How can he take such a serious injury, fight with those experts for so long, fight so vigorously?!

It's impossible for people to insist on this, so Han 3000 can never do it.

"Lying, you're lying. With such serious trauma, it's very difficult to fight alone with so many people and maintain no disadvantage, even if you want to move freely." Fang Kun roared.

"Of course, people will lie, but facts are always facts, evidence, and evidence. If you suspect that my judgment is wrong, there are doctors in your army. Call them and you will know." Seven elder cold voice shout a way.

"Fang, do you suspect that the elder of blue mountain Pavilion is unfair or not professional enough?" Lu Ruoxin cheered coldly.

She was naturally shocked that Han 3000 could fight for so long with such a heavy injury, but she was different from Fang Kun. She had no doubt, but more admired the man in front of her.

A man's ambition is so bloody that it's like a dream.

Fang Kun was shocked by Lu Ruoxin's roar, but it was difficult to ride a tiger at this time. He hardened his head and said, "as the strongest existence at the top of the blue mountain, I don't doubt the strength of the blue mountain Pavilion. However, everyone knows what you mean to Han 3000. It's not impossible for the elder of the blue mountain pavilion to love Wu and house."

"I just think that I hurt Han 3000. I saw so many eyes with my own eyes. After I hit him, he fell into a coma immediately, didn't he?" Fang Kun himself cried to his confidants with a guilty heart.

"Yes All the close believers shouted in unison, but their voice momentum was no longer.

Everyone's eyes are not blind. The iron facts are in front of him. Even if Fang Kun doesn't recognize them sophistically, what kind of spirit and confidence can he have?!

"You Hearing the feeble response behind him, Fang Kun's face turned green and suddenly turned back, staring at the confidants.

What the hell were you bragging about just now?

I was almost blown to heaven just now, but what is it now!?

But at the most critical moment, I sold myself?!

However, where did he think that he could be shameless, but his cronies could not be shameless.

"Fang Kun, even your own men don't believe what you say. When do you want to argue?!" Seeing this, Lu Ruoxin couldn't help sneering.

Fang Kun turns around and stares at each other. He roars at a group of cronies: "waste, waste, you waste!"

"I can't. when Han 3000 is ready, I'll make an appointment for you. You'll fight again." Lu Ruoxin said with a cold voice: "life and death, you don't have to care too much about my feelings, let alone I care about this person, you just have to fight with all your strength, the living stay, how?"

Hearing this, Fang Kun's pupil suddenly opened!

He didn't know Han 3000's ability before, so he was eager to try. He didn't want to get back the dignity between men, but wanted to surpass Han 3000.

But just now, it is obvious that he has known the huge strength gap between himself and Han 3000.

If Han 3000 had not been merciful just now, he would have died in Han 3000's hands. Because of this, he knew that he had no chance to win Han 3000, and he would attack Han 3000 with some despicable means.

If he wants to fight head-on again, he knows better than anyone else and has a certain chance of winning!

What's more, there's one thing that makes him think about it. That's when Han 3000 fought with him before. He was so seriously injured. If he was in a healed state, this

How can we fight this?

Life and death? For Fang Kun, I'm afraid it's more of a dead end?!

"No? If you don't dare, just shut up. " Lu Ruoxin scolded coldly.

When was Fang Kun scolded and insulted in front of himself? He was angry, but what could he do if he was angry?

Is it really necessary to fight with mental disabilities?

Dignity is important, life is more important!

"What are you still doing? Go to the camp." Lu Ruoxin orders his subordinates in a cold voice, and then respectfully says to the seven elders: "his injury..."

"Although it's very heavy, I can still keep my life. What's more, the boy's will to survive..." said the seven elders with a smile: "it's stronger than that thousand year old son of a bitch!"

Hearing this, Lu Ruoxin finally showed a relieved smile on his frosty face and nodded.

"But what about it?" Seven elder at this time faintly some worry of hope one eye, there is still devouring the evil gluttonous food of the few remaining monks, some depressed.

"Although I can't subdue it, I have other ways. Maybe I can keep it from disturbing us for the time being." Lu Ruo Xin Dao.

Seven elders nodded and ordered his men to carry Han 3000 to a more comfortable place. After that, they put out camp treatment. Seeing that he was busy there, Lu Ruoxin glanced at the evil gluttony in the distance and flew out like a fairy“ Evil Taotie, Han 3000 has been hurt by these people. Follow me and I'll help you find these monks. " Lu Ruoxin said loudly. When Fang Kun heard Lu Ruoxin's words, he scolded shabby. He did not expect that Miss Lu's family, the body of thousands of gold, and even the most intelligent head, would do such a stupid thing and talk to a beast. It's so funny“ See how mindless women are in love. " Fang Kun said sarcastically. But just when he was cold and sarcastic, at this time, the evil Taotie, who was chasing those monks, suddenly stopped and looked at Lu Ruoxin with his eyeless head. A moment later, he roared in a low voice, as if he understood Lu Ruoxin's words. With Lu Ruoxin's direction, he rushed all the way to the distant mountain forest. Fang Kun and his party are totally silly. You look at me and I look at you. Even breathing seems to make the atmosphere colder! What do they know? How can Lu Ruoxin's IQ be low, and how Han 3000 got out of the evil Taotie? She doesn't know. She only knows that the evil Taotie and Han Sany appeared in the border town together. In the next few days, they were all at peace. Now, the evil Taotie is helping Han 3000 kill those monks! What does this mean?! Explained a lot! With Lu Ruoxin's involvement, the people of Lanshan Pavilion also began to save. However, what they can't think of is... This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation