Chapter 2516

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"It's too flashy to be attacked!"

Seeing Han 3000's sky fire and moon wheel, old Taoist Bai Hu disdains to hum coldly.

"Is it?" Han 3000 grimly sneered. He moved his hand. The next second, his figure had disappeared. When he reappeared, he was less than ten centimeters in front of the white beard Taoist priest with a sword.

The old Taoist with white beard frowned and drank in a hurry. The dust in his hand turned into a knife directly against Han 3000's sword tip, and he even stepped back to defuse Han 3000's attack.

"What's the meaning of Huang Mao's fierce attack but no defense?" White beard old way sneers a, another hand immediately a turn, direct a palm then from secretly clap to Han 3000.

However, when this palm was taken out, the sneer of the old man with white beard instantly solidified on his face.

See Han 3000 body suddenly turned into eight gold body, then again retract cost body, jade sword stab strength suddenly increased again.

"What?" The old man with white beard was shocked.

Naturally, he is very confident that he has developed the loopholes generated by Han 3000's attack. Therefore, he will proudly laugh at Han 3000. However, when he claps this palm, except for shooting eight illusions, the other party has nothing to do with it?

How is that possible?!

"Old man, you are so out of date." Han 3000 smiled coldly: "that's right. Those with old-fashioned ideas are frogs at the bottom of the well. Naturally, they like preaching."

"Only attack, no defense is you, give me break!"

With a roar of fury, the tip of the jade sword suddenly gives out a very strong light. The next second, the dust of the Hua Dao is directly opened by the tip of the sword, and the tip of the sword directly stabs the throat of the white beard Taoist priest!

The old Taoist with white beard was so flustered that he gave up the fight directly. One of them flew back several meters away. He wiped his throat, and his fingers were bloody!

"You White beard is an old man. He has lived for more than 2000 years. He has never seen any storm, and he has never met any danger. But today, he was almost killed by a young boy.

It's not about pain, it's about dignity.

He not only has the dignity of more than 2000 years old, but also has the dignity of the whole Tianji palace.

Han 3000 just looked at him faintly. Although he didn't say a word, he was relaxed in his eyes. The old man with white beard clearly knew that he was being looked down upon and disdained by the young man in front of him!

"It seems that I don't need to keep my hand. Boy, you've managed to annoy me. " As soon as the old white beard's voice fell, he was already carrying the whole body's energy in his hands.

Seeing this, Zhong Beihai, who pretended to sleep and die, couldn't do it any more. He cried out, "elder martial brother, you can't do it."

"Young Xia Han, the master of Tianji palace has infinite power. If we fight, this small restaurant will collapse in an instant, and then all of us will have no shelter." After calling senior brother, Zhong Beihai hurriedly explained to Han 3000.

Han Sanqian didn't say anything. He didn't intend to get into trouble, but they did too much. They didn't appreciate the help, but they also hurt people. Even the Buddha would be angry.

However, considering the safety of everyone, Han Sanqian nodded a little.

"What? Are you afraid? " Seeing Han 3000's intention to stop, the old white beard Taoist didn't have the slightest convergence, but became more arrogant.

Han 3000 did not speak, looked at Mo Yang and others, nodded, and called them back to their own territory.

But when Han 3000 just raised his foot, at this time, the white beard old Taoist said coldly and sarcastically: "I see a lot of arrogant and ignorant young people, but I really don't see such shameless and seedless young people as you."

"You're fuckin 'enough. It's endless." Dao 12's temper, how can he endure the provocation of others again and again? His brother drank angrily on the spot and rushed over with the knife.

"To die!" White beard old way cold hum a, hand whisk dust is again a jilt.

Han three thousand just let him suffer a dull loss and lose face in front of the public. Now he naturally wants to get it back from Han three thousand's men. Even when his energy is greatly opened, facing the rushing sword twelve, he directly brushes the dust and hits him.


With the cultivation of Dao 12, not to mention facing such a master as white beard, he is not an opponent even if he is an unknown person in the world.

If it's not used to blackmail Han 3000, they don't even have the qualification to enter here, let alone fight with the people here.

With the flick of the dust, Dao 12's arm was fanned out countless fine marks, and his body was beaten and staggered for several meters.

This time, Tianji palace people immediately clenched their fists, at this time, they can finally export evil spirit.

Instead, Han 3000 is just staring at the situation.

There was a trace of joy on Bai Hu's face. The next second, his hands rose again, and another floating dust was thrown towards Dao 12.

But this time, he suddenly found that the floating dust suddenly seemed to be hanging on something, and he couldn't pull it any more

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.