Chapter 2564

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
The vast underground palace is dozens of times larger than Fu Tianfang expected. Standing in it, you can't see the left and right ends. It seems that there are about a dozen football fields.

But what surprised Fu Tian most was not its size, but what it contained.

From left to right, there are row after row of cells. It's not clear how many of them are, but if you can tell by the visual perception of the naked eye, there are not 10000, at least thousands.

Each cell is very simple, with a few sticks, inserted into the ground and surrounded by the top. Therefore, the situation in each cell can be seen. It's not the prisoners that are held there, but the women who look younger one after another.

With the light on, some of the girls opened their eyes and looked at this side, some still looked at a fixed place, but no matter which one, their eyes were numb and dull.

Dirty clothes and disheveled hair also show that they seem to be locked up here for a long time.

Looking at Fu Tian's surprised eyes, ye Shijun said with a faint smile: "how about it? Help the patriarch? "

"This is..." Fu Tian slightly back to God, surprised asked: "where are so many girls, why do you want to catch them?"

"Where did you come from? Can some sisters fall from the sky? I sent people to get them from the recently looted town. Hehe, they are young and beautiful, absolutely the best. " Ye Shijun said with a smile.

"You disappeared for a few days, and then... You went to catch these people?" Fu Tian frowned.

He was a little shocked and unbelievable. Fu Mei and ye Shijun had been married for a long time, so he had a lot of contact with Ye Shijun. But in Fu Tian's impression, ye Shijun is a very honest man, not as domineering as the traditional rich second generation, but more like the foolish son of the landlord.

Fu Mei suddenly makes him angry and makes extreme revenge. Fu Tian is understandable.

After all, in the case of the two couples, Fu Mei often bullies others too much, but at the same time, she won't coax Ye Shijun well. So even Fu Tian, a family member, thinks that Fu Mei's practice is a little too much.

But the fight back to Fu Mei, although a little brutal, can at least understand, but catch so many innocent women here, Fu Tian obviously did not expect.

"It's strange, isn't it?" Ye Shijun obviously saw the doubt of Fu Tian, and with a smile, he was indifferent.

"Yes Fu Tian nodded, but did not deny: "Shijun you are in my eyes, are..."

"I used to be cowardly and honest, but as I said, that was before." Ye Shijun interrupted Fu Tian's words with a contemptuous smile: "Ye Shijun had already died before, now is now."

Fu Tian had nothing to say. He took a look at the thousands of people in the prison. Even if they were as cruel as him, they couldn't bear to say: "did they all offend you?"

"No, they are all my playthings!" Ye Shijun directly rejected Fu Tian's words.

Fu TianDun was so numb that he knew that ye Shijun had a plan to catch these girls, but how could he think that so many women here would be depicted by him: "Shijun, this..."

"This is thousands of people, this..."

"There are too few people for me." Ye Shijun sneered coldly.

Too little?!

Hearing this, Fu Tian felt like a thunderbolt and shocked.

It's not crazy, it's insane.

"Help patriarch, don't be so pitiful, don't be so surprised, don't scold me abnormal in the bottom of my heart, because you will be the same as now."

"These virgins are the most perfect and purest gathering body of Yin Qi in the world, and these pure Yin forces are the most powerful source of limitless magic power." As soon as the words fell, ye Shijun's hand moved. Suddenly, a strong force erupted from his hand. In a row of more than 20 cells in the distance, all the sticks turned into powder in an instant, leaving only about 20 women in the cell still in place.

"What Fu Tian opened his mouth and was shocked.

What a power it is. It's so terrible that people can't help taking a breath.

"You... You mean... As long as you collect these women's Yin Qi, you can help the growth of immeasurable divine skill?" Fu Tian frowned.

"Not bad." Ye Shijun smiled coldly.

Fu Tian's eyes opened slightly, and the only pity in his heart began to disappear, and was covered by the desire for power.

"It's a necessary way to practice xiaowuliang's divine skill." Seeing the heat in Fu Tian's eyes, ye Shijun gave a cool smile. However, he soon gave a light smile: "however, it's nothing."

"Oh?" Fu Tian frowned strangely.

"Because compared with xiaowuliang, great Wuliang will be more cruel and exciting." Speaking of this, ye Shijun's mouth has gone up unconsciously, and his eyes are full of a wild animal like desire

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.