Chapter 2572

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"But..." Han three thousand only said a word, then some worry and embarrassed look to two women.

If the experiment is successful, everyone will be happy. But if the experiment fails, or if Han Sanqian's method is wrong, it will be a huge blow to everyone, especially himself and Qin Shuang.

It's not a good thing to take it as a hope without experiment, but once the experiment fails, the consequences will be extremely serious.

"No matter what, I want to know the result." Qin Shuang looks at Han 3000 and says very seriously.

Han 3000 quietly looked at her and finally nodded.

Then, Han Sanqian stretched out his left hand, palmed his right hand, and made a stroke in the air. The palm of his right hand was like a sharp cut made by a knife, and the blood flowed slowly along the cut.

"Three thousand, what are you doing?" Looking at Han 3000's sudden "self mutilation", Qin Shuang and Ning Yue couldn't help tightening their hearts.

Han three thousand signal two people don't need to be nervous, then, looked at the front of ginseng baby formed by the only child: "ginseng baby's biggest wish before you know what?"

Both women shook their heads.

"When he was alive, he was like a son of a bitch chanting scriptures. He read in my ear every day and wanted to drink my blood." Han 3000 recalled those details, and his heart was filled with sweetness and bitterness.

Since ginseng baby extremely want to drink their own blood, it must show that their own blood for it, may have a strong attraction.

When I got to know this guy, I was near the tomb.

And what's in the God tomb, it's no need for Han 3000 to say. Although he doesn't know the origin of renshenwa, Han 3000 always thinks that this guy has a great relationship and involvement with the God tomb.

And he wants to drink his own blood, most likely because he has God's blood in his body.


Han 3000 slightly raised his hand, aimed at the two fruits, and sprinkled his own blood.

It's dangerous, because once it's not the rebirth of ginseng baby, but something else that it left in the world, it's very likely that Han 3000's blood will not be able to digest, or even corrode and die because of Han 3000's blood.

Therefore, Han 3000 will be very hesitant before starting.

When the God's blood drops, attached to the two seeds, even if it is as stable as Han 3000, at this time also nervous clench lips, breathing stopped suddenly, motionless staring at the above.


All of a sudden, when the three of them were concentrating on the small green seedling with two fruits, the red bead stained with divine blood suddenly made a loud noise. Then, almost when the three of them didn't reflect it, they immediately burst into flames.

It's like a ignited gasoline barrel, and the fire is coming. Even if the three people are considered to be experts in each field, they are unprepared for this situation.

In a hurry, while using energy to resist, while constantly withdraw, but even so, the three people are in a mess.

Han 3000, in particular, is as close as he is. Even if he is as good as him, he is not burned, but he is also black headed and dirty by the black air.

Between opening his mouth, he directly breathed out the black gas

"Shit, what's going on?" Han 3000 is very depressed, looking at the still erupting flame. For a moment, he is not in the mood to care about himself. He just looks at the source of the fire nervously, and has an uncertain premonition in his heart.

The fire was extremely fierce and formed a huge fireball.

Not to mention the weak and incomparable small plant growing from the seeds of ginseng baby, even if it is a big living person, it is impossible to leave any signs of life under such a fierce fire.

This also shows that Han 3000's judgment goes to the latter.

He failed!

"No!" Qin Shuang obviously knows what this means. With a heartrending roar, the whole person is heartbroken and will rush to the fire.

Ning Yue's eyes and hands were quick. She quickly hugged her and looked at the raging fire. She shook her head sadly and said, "Qin Shuang, calm down and don't do anything stupid. It's gone, it's gone."

The burning flame, not only does not weaken the posture, but also more fierce, just like a newly awakened fire tiger, showing fierce posture.

"How could that be?" Han 3000 murmured and looked at the raging fire. He was also a little distracted for a time.

"Wuwu..." Qin Shuang is held in her arms by ningyue, looking at the pile of active, wailing.

"Bo Bo..."

The plants close to the fire also dried up and withered under the strong fire. Then, because of the heat, they began to twist, and some were even ignited, raising small fires.

Gradually, more and more plants began to wither, even with the fireball as the center, and the plants within one meter around them were all like this.

But for Han 3000, the fall of these treasures is nothing. Compared with the disappearance of ginseng baby, it is obviously ginseng baby that hurts him more.

But suddenly, a certain situation in the corpse field made Han 3000 frown at this time!

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.