Chapter 2584

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"Have you taken all the pills?" Han 3000 frowned and asked. Purple feeling red face, low head, nodded“ In fact, Xiao Qi not only took the pill, but also ate the most among us. " Liu Sha said“ My sister gave me all her medicine, but... "Ziqing said that, the whole person was obviously very sad. After all, for her, although everyone's pills are full, they are equally divided in quantity. However, in order to worry about Ziqing's physical condition, Liusha, the sixth sister, gives Ziqing all her pills“ I'm sorry, alliance leader. I know that I don't abide by the rules when I make private claims. I'm willing to accept any punishment. " Liu Sha lowered her head“ Sharing things equally with each of you is to hope that each of you can have a stable promotion, so that you can have the ability to better protect yourself in times of danger. " Han 3000 said softly, "but the quantity is fixed. How to use it is your own problem." After showing that he will not be punished for distributing pills without permission, Han 3000 patiently looks at Liu Sha: "the city of burning bones is very dangerous, but now you have lost the chance of promotion. Do you regret it?"“ The seven monsters in Jiangbei have always been six guarantees and one, but now they are just four guarantees and two guarantees. "“ The big deal is death. What's your fear? " Several strange people in the north of the river headed by the big cake sky immediately said firmly“ In fact, it may not work at all for seven younger sisters. Our seven brothers and sisters have already discussed this. If it doesn't work, the four brothers will spare no effort to protect us. " Liu Sha whispered. Han 3000 nodded and smiled unexpectedly: "I don't mean to blame you, Moyang."“ Yes“ Go to the alchemy room and get some more pills for Liusha. " Han 3000 whispered. Mo Yang nodded and walked out quickly“ Alliance leader this... "Liu Sha immediately looked at Han 3000 in consternation. In fact, she secretly divided the pills. Although the seven monsters had made the worst plan, it was for her. For Han 3000's explanation here, they don't expect him to forgive them. They just hope that Han 3000 won't be too angry. But where can they imagine that Han 3000 is not angry at all, but also... "You're right. When we are together, we should twist into a rope, regardless of you and me. So I don't think there's a problem with your approach. " Han three thousand gently smile, then, the body slightly sat in the purple feeling side“ But... "Han 3000 frowned and looked at Ziqing. It was hard to say. In the hands of energy again, directly patted on her shoulder, this time, Han 3000 all the true Qi directly along the purple feeling of the whole body meridians, carefully walked again. No, After a long time of cultivation, and with a lot of miraculous elixir blessings, let alone purple feeling, even ordinary people should at least cast some foundation. This is like a ton of food, even if you can't grow fat, you can eat it in your stomach, and you can gain weight in a short time. But Ziqing is the only exception. There is no energy in the body, even no trace of energy flow. If it's not seen by his own eyes, even if someone tells Han Sanqian that Ziqing doesn't eat pills or practice, Han Sanqian will believe it. If a bird passes, it must leave a hair. But this... Can be in Han 3000 incomparable doubt, suddenly, he suddenly frowned, in purple feeling all meridians, suddenly there is a very hidden little white group suddenly jumped from the meridians. Han 3000 thought of continuing to trace, but at this time, the real Qi instilled in her body was exhausted. What is that?! Don't think about it any more. Han 3000 made an effort in his hand, and the more powerful chaotic force was directly discharged into it, and then frantically spread all over Ziqing's meridians. No matter how fast the energy is consumed, Han's practice of spreading all over the meridians also makes Han 3000 block the white things in a dead end. It's a white ball. It's surrounded by strong white air. Inside, it seems that there is something hidden. Han 3000 slightly adjusted the Qi of chaos, took out a trace and slowly moved to the white ball, trying to find out what the white ball in front of him was. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stopped our translation