Chapter 2769

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Or he didn't move. The blue gray long shirt was as usual, but a blood suddenly flowed out from the abdomen, dyed a large piece of clothes red, and slowly dripping down the clothes. Bang... This time, he finally moved. However, the heavy and rigid body directly hit the ground“ He... He's dead. " Someone panicked. But what is more frightening is the way and process of his death. He just seemed that nothing had happened, but in the twinkling of an eye, he suddenly had blood like water, and then died“ It's not necessarily too fast, is it? " Someone exclaimed“ The sword is fast! " This is the only answer! When a person's sword is fast enough, the sword passes, and the body doesn't seem to feel the existence of the wound. Before any reaction is made, everything is over! But this is enough speed. What kind of speed is it? People do not know, but never thought“ How is this possible? " Liu Tao was shocked and looked at the scene in front of him. The twelve elders are almost the treasures of the Liu family. Any elder has at least the strength to kill evil. Even if he takes them out alone, he doesn't dare to say that they are invincible, but at least he can't meet an opponent. Even if there are masters like eight wastelands, it is impossible to kill them with one sword. What's more, the elder is not single, but in their strongest twelve person array. So you're killed?! Not never thought about it, but never thought of it. The eleven elders were also shocked. Especially when they looked at Han 3000, they were stunned to find that there was no trace of injury on Han 3000. Just now it was clear that both sides had no defensive bombardment. Why did their elder die and Han 3000 was unharmed? It's impossible! Even if they are as stable as an old dog, at this time, they can't help but feel a trace of fear and confusion in the bottom of their hearts. However, there was no time for them to understand the reason, because Han 3000, with a sword in one hand, killed them again. Elders rush to fight! However, without the blessing of iron and copper array, how can the hard-working eleven win in the face of Han 3000?! With the deepening of the war, the eleven people were not only forced back by Han 3000, but also constantly fell various sword wounds. A group of elders who were originally immortal were beaten one by one“ Fierce, is this too fucking fierce? "“ Shit, they are all the pillars of the fucking Liu family. They not only have no advantage in front of him, but are completely pressed and beaten. Am I wrong? "“ You're right. This guy's sword technique is very outrageous, and his sword is very fast. At the same time, his sword is also very powerful. Where the hell is this guy? " People watching the war were shocked. Even in front of the Liu family, they had to show their inner shock. Over there, the Liu family's face was obviously not good-looking. At this time, the confidant next to Liu Tao looked at the scene of the field and said in a hurry: "the situation is wrong, master. Some of the eleven elders can't hold on. If they go on like this, they will die." Liu Tao also nodded. He can't see such a situation. Moreover, the situation is now so. If the eleven elders lose again, where should the Liu family's reputation go“ Master, do it. " The man whispered. Liu Tao stopped talking, but his hands had already slightly transported energy, and a red flame suddenly appeared slowly in his palm“ Supreme fire! "“ Shit, the owner of the Liu family, is this going to do it? " When I saw that Liu Tao had begun to carry the flame, the people watching the war couldn't help shouting at me. Even at this time, Han 3000 had an absolute advantage against the 11 elders, but it could not stop a group of people from deeply worried about him at this time. Supreme fire. That is the real unique skill and foundation of the Liu family. The supreme fire released by Liu Tao is obviously by no means a three legged cat like childe Liu“ I didn't expect to see Liu jiazhiwei again here after many years! " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation