Chapter 2774

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Outside, Liu Tao, who was supporting the power of fire, was suddenly shocked and looked at the supreme fire that suddenly became extremely diffuse.

How did this happen?!

That guy is still resisting now?!

What the hell is this guy made of?

Terrified, he suddenly continued to bless his strength, and bean's sweat continued to drip down his forehead.

He has tried his best, but what makes him even more surprised is that even so, the supreme fire in front of him still jumps very hard to control!

That guy can support!

Liu Tao was shocked for the first time in decades.

What kind of guy did he meet?!


"What are you doing?" Liu Tao looked back and drank softly.

The eleven elders were shocked, and Liu Tao was shocked, not to mention them. As he shouted, a group of elders suddenly returned to their senses. They didn't dare to think more. Eleven people moved fiercely and waved their hands directly to support Liu Tao.

As the eleven rays of light hit Liu Tao, Liu Tao's energy to support the supreme fire of the body suddenly increased.

The supreme fire that jumps restlessly directly stabilizes the body shape, which is much bigger than that just now.

"Shit, clan leader Liu joined hands directly with the eleven elders."

"Shit, this is going to kill that young man."

"That's not true. This is half of the Liu family."

"Even if you look at the whole desert, who dares to confront it head-on? Although I know that the young man lost, even if he lost, he was worth it. "

"That's right. It's reasonable to lose in this situation."

A group of people sighed, shook their heads and sighed one after another.

However, some people have a whim: "if you want to win in this case, what will happen?"

As soon as he said this, the crowd suddenly fell into silence!

In this case, what will it be like to win?!

This is a very surprising question, but in turn, this is a very funny question!

"Ha ha ha!"

After being stunned in the crowd, the hall was full of laughter.

"At this time, don't make such jokes again, will you?"

"Yes, be serious, be serious. The others are playing very fiercely. As bystanders, we should be polite and maintain basic respect."

"Yes, don't tell such jokes casually in the future, or you'll just make yourself laugh!"

As soon as the person with this strange idea said a word, he attracted everyone's crazy anger. The poor guy didn't even have a chance to refute. He was scolded and bowed his head.

But in his heart, he is not satisfied. Although this idea is really strange, it doesn't mean it's impossible.

"Brother, it's better to watch the game at ease than anything. As for your strange ideas, you'd better put them away. This is the head of the Liu family. With the strongest eleven elders, do you know what this means? "

"What this means is that almost half of the Liu family's family strength, not to mention the young man, even if the owner of the Fang family comes, what can he do?"

Master Fang?

That is the strongest existence in the desert world!

Is there nothing he can do?!

Hearing this, the guy nodded blankly, which completely gave up his delusion.

If even the owner of the Fang family doesn't have a chance to win, indeed, the young man can't have the slightest chance of winning.


On the other hand, Lvzhu also clenched her teeth and scolded angrily.

Su Yan and pangolin are also eager to stamp their feet in place. So many people are invincible.

"Xiaoqian." Su Yan shouted softly.

A waitress hurried up and said, "yes."

"Go and inform the Fang family."

The waitress nodded, quietly withdrew from the rear while everyone was not paying attention, and ran all the way to the direction outside Juying Pavilion.

At this time, in the supreme fire, the white gas exploded by the jade ice beads filled Han 3000 almost slowly, and the anti Buddha formed an ice and snow fog world for him.

Under the urging of Han 3000, the jade ice beads in the center are still sending out a steady stream of cold and incomparable white breath.

But at this time, another strong external force suddenly hit.

But this time, Han 3000, sitting in front of Yu Bingzhu, didn't panic just now. Some were just a cold smile at the corners of his mouth

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.