Chapter 2922

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
When the sunset is about to enter the west mountain, when the seven or eight teams divided by more than 300 people are farther and farther away from each other, the first team with Han 3000 and Su Ziwu as the core has reached the outside of Youming city. The city gate is very tall. Although the door is open, the secluded and long corridor is 100 meters high and tens of meters wide. It emits cold air and reflects the gray and black forests and mountains behind it. For a time, it is gloomy. Su Ziwu glanced at everyone present and signaled that they were ready. After that, a group of people stepped into Youming city. There is no noise and excitement in the cities in the Central Plains in the past. On the contrary, it is a dead silence here. Occasionally, you can hear the roar of the wind from nowhere, or some bursts of metal collision. It seems that someone is striking iron, or someone is drawing a knife and sword. The atmosphere is very strange. "This place, at first glance, is not close to strangers." Qinglong smiled coldly, but his eyes looked around warily. Similar to the Central Plains, there are still various buildings in the city, but most of them are broken walls. It seems that this is a city that has experienced the baptism of countless wars. "There are no moral restrictions on killing in the demon clan. It's as normal and simple as who we eat and drink. Don't be surprised. Go to the rest place first." Su Ziwu explained softly. The Su family is a big family in the desert. Naturally, the Su family also has some business contacts in Youming City, which is on the border with it. Therefore, Su Ziwu still knows something about it. Han 3000 nodded and looked at the pangolin: "try to keep a low profile." he followed Su Ziwu and a group of people went deep into the city. Pangolin depressed pointed to himself, shit, what ghost? There are many people in this team. Why do you just say this to yourself?! However, just after pangolins shook their heads depressed and caught up with Su Ziwu and others, several figures appeared on both sides of the streets where they stayed. They were powerful and majestic, about two meters high, fierce in appearance and murderous in their eyebrows. Several people smiled at each other, nodded, and disappeared in place. At this time, Su Ziwu and Han 3000 had stopped slowly in front of a three storey building about 100 meters high in the middle. On the surface, it seems to be the most prosperous and magnificent building all the way. However, even so, half of the building has collapsed, and the plaque hanging on the door swings slightly with the wind. It seems that it may fall down at any time. Compared with the dead silence and roaring wind outside, looking into the house, although the house is broken, many people live in it at this time. As Su Ziwu and his party entered the building, these people stopped their actions one after another, looked at them quietly with a cold or smiling face. There are thirty or forty tables and chairs in the house, but there are people at each table, either squatting or lying or sitting at the table. However, if Han 3000 only used a strange shape to describe them, they would have been completely praised. At least, at this time, whether Su Yan, Lvzhu, Su Yingxia, or Qin Shuang, these women all looked frightened! These guys are extremely huge, or have a big toad with a Lohan belly, or a deer freak with an incomparably long neck, or a black frog man. In short, they are all kinds and strange and rugged. However, fortunately, before entering the city, Su Ziwu had asked the four women to dress up in men's clothes. Even on their faces, they deliberately covered them with long brimmed hats! Therefore, although it attracted the attention of everyone in the house, it simply did not cause much waves. Su Ziwu took the people to the guest desk in the middle of the house. A monster like a toad sat there like a pool of meat mud. "Seven rooms," said Su Ziwen, throwing out a pile of amethysts. The monster didn't even have a neck. He smiled and motioned to wait. While they were waiting, a drunken man passed by and stumbled into Su Yingxia. With Su Yingxia's cry of pain, her body also stumbled slightly. Although Su Yan quickly held her, because of her great inertia, her whole head shook off and her long hat fell off. At the same time, one head of beautiful hair also appeared... All of a sudden, there were whistles all over the house!! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.