117 – A Human Body, a Succubus Heart and Soul

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
117 – A Human Body, a Succubus Heart and Soul

The reinforcements from Okinawa arrived some time after Sarena and the elves had left. They found us in the gym, lamenting our total loss. Clerissa, the leading succubus we had met during the school trip, was first to notice my change.

Everyone was noticeably confused.

"Queen Saeko, is that you?" Clerissa asked.

"Sarena and the artifact hunters did this... They took Mio and Selene, too..." I explained as she helped me up, but her eyes couldn't help but stare. "Let's help everyone who's injured and come up with an idea to get those two back."

Most of the succubi did nothing. They stood there, as if appalled that I dared give them an order.

"It doesn't look like Saeko is the queen anymore, or succubus at that. Why do we need to obey him?" one asked.

Others began to agree.

"What does a human think to order us around? I say we teach that little pecker of his a lesson." A succubus licked her lips, causing my penis to twitch. The unfamiliar sensation which I hadn't experienced in a long time sent pleasure signals down my spine. With succubus auras all around me, it didn't take long for them to give me an erection.

No longer the succubus queen and reduced to a mere human boy, I had become just food for them. Were they... really going to rape me?

I gulped hard.

Several succubus and Clerissa stood between me and their disloyal counterparts.

"As far as I'm concerned, Saeko is still our queen. She's treated us well unlike Beatrice," Clerissa argued.

Her words touched my heart. Even if I had a raging boner right now. I didn't know they even cared. All this time I thought it was my status and strength alone that kept them under my thumb, but Clerissa was proof that my kindness back at Okinawa resonated with her.

But they were severely outnumbered. My kindness certainly didn't reach enough of them. There were many who saw me as a full course meal to dig into. Succubi, after all, were free spirits that did as they wished.ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

"I bet you just want him for yourself, Clerissa. How about you guys step aside, and we'll share him together?" the head of the rebelling succubi offered.

"Over my limp tail." She growled and ignited her hands with magic. "Queen Saeko, please escape while we hold them off!"

"I can't just leave you guys!" I cried.

The horde of succubus charged right for me. Those few that stood to protect me were going to get slaughtered. Even as a succubus, even now... I was still useless. If only there was more I could do. Maybe I could have still protected Selene and Mio, saved everyone, and kept the sword—

A barrier was raised in time before we were pounced on. Some of the succubus smashed into it and fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Y-Yumi!" Taleia's voice rang out from behind me.

"Ara ara~ It seems as though we have some disobedient succubus in need of a scolding." Yumi climbed unsteadily to her feet. She was bruised all over, but those wounds quickly disappeared upon healing herself.

The turncoats faltered momentarily, seeing Yumi conscious and taking my side.

"There's still more of us! We can take them and Yumi!"

"You will not touch a hair on Saeko." Yumi's eyes, which were normally shut, snapped open with a wrathful fury. Her barrier let loose a powerful blast that sent everyone outside it flying. Even the succubus next to us trembled at her anger.

Although I wasn't a succubus anymore, I understood how strong she was at that moment. Yumi never demonstrated this power against me even when I was rampaging.

"I dunno what's going on and why Saeko's got his peepee again, but if these monkeys are thinking about falling out of line... Then I guess I gotta step in to do some disciplining." Hana stood up, clutching two giant, vibrating dildos as weapons.

"Hana... Yumi... '' Witnessing these two stand up for me was making me choke up.

Yumi took my hand and lifted me into the air.

"Please hold them off while I bring Saeko to safety," Yumi said.

"Leave it to us!" Hana saluted with one of her dildos.

"Wait, Yumi!" Taleia cried out for her sister as we were leaving.

"Taleia... As much as I love you, I have never been more disappointed in you than today. I hope you reflect on what you did wrong." Yumi took off flying, leaving her younger sister in tears.

As soon as we landed in front of my house, Yumi collapsed to the ground.

"Hang in there. We're almost home," I said, picking her up and carrying her the rest of the way in.

The house was pitch black and quiet. It didn't seem like Hatsumi was home. For the first time in a long while, I felt alone. There was little I could do in my state.

I brought Yumi into the living room where she collapsed onto the couch. Some of her injuries were still present. Her breath came out ragged and hoarse. The battle and flying us home must have taken a lot out of her. She probably ran out of juice because not all of her injuries were healed.

"I'm sorry, Yumi... If only I was stronger, this wouldn't have happened..." I said, eyes getting wet.

She raised a hand to stroke my cheek. "You have nothing to apologize for. I know you're always doing your best."

I knew she was just trying to console me, but hearing her say that hurt more than it helped being where we were.

"I'll get some bandages and medicine." As I got up, Yumi grabbed my hand.

"There's an easier way," she said, opening one eye to meet my gaze.


That could only mean one thing. After all, I was a succubus until moments ago. My erection hadn't gone down since it came back to me. This feeling that I thought had been lost to me returned in full force, standing at full mast and throbbing for release.

"Until then, it's time for school, bozos!" Hana shouted from the living room, ripping the VR headset off her head.

"Wait, school?! But—"

I couldn't believe Hana was the one who reiterated the importance of not missing school when she was the biggest troublemaker. My reservations for going were very clear. Everyone knew me as a girl for a little over half a year now. I feared what they might think. Luckily, my boy's uniform was still in the closet.

Once I arrived at school, I was surprised to find that virtually no one seemed to remember that I was ever a girl.

"Saeko, thanks for helping us at the tournament. You're the best manager we could ever ask for!" Gouda slapped me hard on the back, then walked ahead into school with Yuuto and Hayato.

"Good morning, Saeko," Kaede said as she passed by.

The biggest surprise for me was Kana, who was still a girl. Both of us stared blankly at each other in the hallway, mouths open and in utter disbelief.

"S-Saeko... Is that really you? I feel like I'm seeing a ghost." Kana rubbed his eyes to be sure.

"Yeah... It's me..." I went on to explain what had gone down in Kyoto.

"That's horrible... But if I remember you, that means some people you were close to might, too. What about Hitomi? She used to be a succubus. Can she help you?" he suggested.

Kana brought up a good point. After Hitomi returned to being a human, she had some lingering strength left over from being a greater succubus. Enough to toss Hana around like a doll. If that was true, it might be the same for Hatsumi. They might even be able to help us fight.

"I'll talk to Hitomi after school, but— h-hey!"

He suddenly pulled me underneath the stairs and pinned me to the wall, out of sight from people walking through the hallway.

"K-Kana?" I said his name and received heavy breathing in response.

"I'm not sure why... but seeing you as a boy is making me really hot..." Kana pressed his hips against mine, stimulating my body more than I anticipated. Having been a succubus for so long until very recently, my senses tickled me with a very succubus-like pleasure. As though it remembered being one and yearned to return to it.

Being this close to Kana exacerbated those feelings.

I swallowed hard as Kana leaned in to kiss me. We traded spit, gouging each other's mouths with our tongues while students were walking up the stairs and passing by us. A hard feeling between his legs reminded me of the last change I made to his body. Our erect members rubbed against each other through the fabric.

Even though I had become a human boy again, I still thought of myself as a succubus. So did every fiber of my being.

Kana jumped when I reached into his skirt and grabbed his twitching cock. The hard thing throbbed so much in my hand. I wanted to put it in my mouth and have it fuck me again.

Before things got too spicy, the bell rang. We separated from each other and fixed our clothes.

Throughout the rest of the school day, I had a hard time keeping my horniness under control. Maybe it was because Hana and Yumi were in the building and their aura was affecting me a lot. Or... it could be something else.

After class, I searched for Hitomi and found her alone in the student council room. She dropped a stack of papers, seeing me enter.

"Saeko...?" Hitomi choked out.

"You remember me!" I sighed with relief, then gave her the long-story short of what happened.

"I can't believe that all really happened. If you need my help, you have it. Although I'm not sure if I still have any residual succubus strength left. Maybe you might after only recently being turned human?" she wondered aloud.

If only that were true. The only thing holding me back was that I didn't know how to tap into that well of magic as a human.

Hitomi got up and started making several phone calls. The conversations sounded very serious, especially when she spoke in her true accent. At times, it got a little fiery and scared me. She assured me that this was normal.

"I owe Mio and Selene, so don't expect me to just abandon them. My family will be working with a clan based in Kyoto to scour the entire region for them, including any suspicious figures that look like elves or succubus," Hitomi said, hanging up her phone.

"Wait... Family as in... Y-Your yakuza family...?" I gulped.

"That's right." She chuckled. "I'll let you know if they find anything. Let's bring them back together."

As I got up to leave, a wave of dizziness struck me harder than anything I'd felt before.


Hitomi was shouting my name, but I couldn't respond.

I was in pitch darkness once again. The succubus me sat with her legs folded, suspended in midair, and was laughing at me.

"Back here again? Have you failed twice or did you miss me?" she taunted.

"I think I know why I see you. You're the lingering sexual energy that I drained but haven't used up yet, aren't you?" I asked her.

Succubus-Saeko flew over to me and lifted my chin. Our lips were so close, I thought she was going to kiss me. Not much time had passed when Mio bodyswapped us, and I essentially had sex with myself. For the succubus version of me to be right in front of my eyes was turning me on.

"Oooh. How sharp. All that sex you had before being transformed is bristling inside. I am that energy given form."

Then it was true. I might be able to use that energy to fight Sarena and the elven artifact hunters.

"I know what you're thinking. We are one and the same after all, but in order for that to happen, you must accept me. Unlike when you tried to get rid of the better part of you," she said.

"Tell me how! I want to use that power to save Mio and Selene. To turn back into a succubus!" I declared.

The other me clasped my face in her hands and kissed me. Her lips formed a wicked smile.

"Then let us begin."