119 – Counterattack!

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
119 – Counterattack! AnnouncementGoing to be updating this series regularly at 1ch/week on SH again. You can read up to chapter 171 right now by subscribing to my !

Yumi and Hana returned to my house with me. Now that I was whole again, I didn't plan on making the same mistake as last time. We had gone in with no plan other than to face them with numbers. The enemies proved themselves to be stronger and smarter, so just throwing ourselves at them wouldn't work.

However, with Sarena wielding my Blade of the First Temptress, a powerful weapon that could alter even reality, we were at a severe disadvantage.

When we got home, Hatsumi was preparing dinner in the kitchen.

"Welcome back, Saeko— " My sister gasped.

"Aha... I'm back, Hatsumi..." I said, scratching the back of my head.

"We'll give you two some space!" Hana said.

"Ufufu~ Hana and I shall be upstairs, waiting in your room." Yumi bowed to Hatsumi and exited the living room with Hana.

As soon as they were gone, Hatsumi raced up to me and started groping my horns and wings. She got to the tail and squeezed the tip, electrifying me with pleasure.

"Aauuhh! S-Stop! Don't just touch me all of a sudden!" I tried to push her away, but didn't put any strength in it.

"It's just that I was hoping you would stay as a boy for a little while longer." She squirmed in place, legs squeezed together to make it obvious what she wanted.

I gulped hard at the thought of having sex with my beloved older sister as a boy, then shook my head to cast away the temptation. It was one thing to do it with her as a succubus, but something told me we would be crossing a very different line, and that she wanted more from the intimacy of sex.

Right now, I had another problem. How was I going to tell Hatsumi that we would be facing a foe that might end my life? Having transformed back into a succubus, I would remain a threat to Sarena and Shayle alive. Succubus or not.

Mio and Selene were in trouble. They were counting on me to pull through and save them. I already failed once... There was no telling what would happen if I failed a second time...

Hatsumi picked up on my hesitation and hugged me. Her hand affectionately stroked my hair and back. A tender warmth seeped into me. Her scent, one that I'd known since I was very young, filled my nose which triggered both pleasant and indecent thoughts.

"You're worried about Mio, aren't you?" she asked in a whisper in which the words struck deep in my chest.

I relaxed into her embrace and nodded.

"It's because I was weak that she was taken away. I'm definitely a lot more confident than before, but a part of me is scared I'll fail again. If I do— mmph?" My sentence was cut off by Hatsumi planting a kiss on me.

The two of us stood there in the living room where we played so much as children, arms wrapped around each other, and lips locked in an embrace of their own. It felt like hours, but when Hatsumi parted, she brushed the hair from my blushing face and smiled warmly.

"You love Mio, don't you?" Hatsumi asked.

"E-Eh? I... Uh...."

It occurred to me that Mio and I never really brought up our relationship to Hatsumi before. I'd always been so terrified about how she would react given her predilection towards me. Though it seemed that she had been aware all this time.

"Hehe. Did you really think you could have hidden anything from me? I've known for a long time now. Mio helped you accept yourself for who you are. It's thanks to her that I have such an adorable little succubus sister," she said.

"You're not... jealous?" I reluctantly asked.

"Of course, I am! However, I do approve of your relationship. But ahhh~ I guess I'm no match for Mio after all."

I got on my toes to give Hatsumi a deep kiss, reminding her that I also loved her. Once our lips parted, she was left surprised by what I did.

"I'm... I'm a succubus, remember? There's enough room for you, too." I cast my eyes to the ground out of embarrassment.

Hatsumi responded by tightening her embrace on me and squealing.

"You might still be unsure of your own strength, but my little Saeko would never give up, would you? You're going to bring Mio back to us because she's family," she said.

When I heard it straight from my sister's mouth, I believed her. That she sounded so sure might have even granted me the courage I needed to face Sarena.

Still embraced, we gazed into each other's eyes. The scent of my beloved older sister's overflowing affection and lust for me triggered my succubus hunger. We drew closer until the pot in the kitchen began to bubble.

"Oh, no! Not the nikujaga!" Hatsumi broke off and ran for the kitchen. "Sorry, Saeko! Can you tell Yumi and Hana that dinner will be ready soon?"

Cockblocked by dinner...

I went upstairs to my room to find Yumi and Hana debating over how best to divvy up the artifacts.

"What do you think, Saeko? Do you have a preference on which one you would like to use?" Yumi asked, holding the bodyswap rod in one hand and anti-charm cloak in the other.

"I've already decided on this one!" Hana was playing with the time-rewinding pocket watch, turning back time on a poor spider on the window sill so that it couldn't go anywhere.

Since Yumi was a lesser succubus, she might not be able to resist the charm powers from the sword. She should probably keep it as defense against Sarena.

"I'll take the bodyswap rod," I said, though unsure what opportunities might arise for me to use it.

After dinner, I was washing myself up in the bathroom and wondering how Mio was doing. Sarena said she had history with her and Selene. That almost seemed to suggest that the sword wasn't the only thing she was after. After all, she had won. There was no need to stay here any longer. As world hoppers, they could have just up and left. Whatever Sarena was up to, it couldn't be good.

A creeping feeling told me she was after more than just the sword. But what?

I finished rinsing myself and sighed. Just as I was about to enter the bath for a soak, someone had let themself in.

Ellara stirred from the commotion. Her eyes slowly opened. Upon seeing Kana, she grabbed onto his arm and humped him with her entire body.

"Hey, Master~ Fill me more with your filthy human seed... Elves can't get pregnant with your race anyway, so we can have as much raw sex as you want..."

"S-Saeko, get this crazy elf away from me! I'm going to die at this rate!" he pleaded.

I giggled at his expense. "Okay, fine. Ellara, that's enough."

Taking a page out of Mio and Beatrice's book, I snapped my fingers to conjure chains which wrapped around the elven woman's limbs. Even then, she appeared to be enjoying what she thought was BDSM play.

Ellara was probably the first time I ever fully charmed someone. I saw now the extent of how powerful the effect was from a greater succubus when not holding back. The fact that she remained this way even when I had briefly become a boy again was testament to a charm's lasting effect.

Lifting the elf by the chin to look me in the eyes, I saw a mindbroken sow gazing back at me that would do anything I asked. "I have a plan for you. Do it right and you'll be rewarded plenty. Mess up, and I'll have no need for you anymore. Will you be a good girl and do as I say?"

"Yes, yes! Whatever you ask, I'm yours to command!" she exclaimed.

I brought Ellara back to my house to give Kana a chance to live in peace again. But mostly it was to let Yumi and Hana in on the plan I had hatched.

"It's possible that Shayle may be fooled, but Ellara has been gone a long time. She may suspect something is amiss," Yumi warned.

"We only need her to let her guard down," I explained to ease their uncertainty. "If she sees Ellara wearing the anti-charm cloak, she might be more inclined to believe her."

"Uwah... That sounds like a gamble if I ever heard one. Don't ya have this cunt charmed?" Hana asked.

"I do, but Ellara is more than just charmed. Watch."

I tossed Ellara the cloak for her to put on. Yumi and Hana watched her carefully in case she attacked us outright. However, the elf did nothing. She stood there patiently, eyes turned to me as if seeking praise.

"Who is a good doggy?" I asked the elf.

Me! I am!" Ellara dropped to her knees, tongue hanging out, and panting like a dog in heat.

"Ara ara~ You have completely broken her, I see. What a fine succubus you have become." Yumi giggled.

Satisfied that Ellara wouldn't betray them, Yumi and Hana agreed with the plan to lure Shayle out.

The four of us went to the largest park in Tsukiji city which was mostly deserted this late in the night. Getting the stragglers out was an easy task by repelling them with our auras. Ourselves and a large number of succubus hid themselves in the outskirts of the park, blending into the city's still bustling nightlife.

Meanwhile, Ellara was making contact with Shayle through elven magic. We couldn't hear what they were saying, but I was confident that she wouldn't betray me.

A few minutes later, a portal ripped open in the space in front of Ellara. Out stepped Shayle and several other elves, all armed to the teeth with artifacts.

"Ellara! I thought we had lost you!" one of the light elves said with relief.

"I'm sorry for worrying you. Earth is such a fascinating place, I thought to explore a little," Ellara said.

"Be careful." Shayle stuck out an arm to keep her two companions from getting any closer to Ellara. "She has been gone long. We can't be sure if she has been charmed by a succubus."

"What are you saying? She's wearing a cloak, isn't she?" the other contested.

"Stand down! This is the kind of splintering that Sarena wants! We still have to be careful about her and the other succubus in the city." Their leader growled as the two slipped past her to reunite with their long lost friend.

"A dark elf like you must be used to casting aside your allies. We may be hunters of the same trade, but as light elves, we cannot simply abandon our own."


It seemed like there was some infighting.

Mio did explain to me before that light elves and dark elves were opposing factions in Elza. The former fought for their Goddess of Light, and the dark elves strayed from them to serve the demon lord. It was a miracle that these artifact hunters even worked together, but it proved obvious that there existed animosity between them.

This was perfect for us.

"Now!" I shouted.

Ellara collared two of the light elves in an instant, toys which were a courtesy of Hana. Both fell to the ground clutching her bodies, suffering from bouts of pleasure coursing through them.

Upon realizing that it was a trap, Shayle cursed under her breath and tried to open a portal to escape. But I was faster.

I conjured multiple chains to bind Shayle, pulling her away from her only escape route.

"You? You shouldn't be a succubus anymore..." Shayle bared her teeth at me in defiance.

"I'm not in a good mood because you guys took Mio away from me. Surrender if you don't want to be made a sex toy to a bunch of succubus." My eyes flared up with magic and hands crackled with energy.

The dark elf didn't seem fazed by my threats. Instead, she bursted into laughter.

"You know, our kind used to be allies in Elza. If only Beatrice was half as cunning as you, we might have won the war. I won't be defeated so easily, and I can't afford to let you stop us." Shayle tore the chains with her bare hands and chose not to escape.

I realized then that she was looking for a fight.