Chapter 128 – A Date with Kana and Mio (Part 2)

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 128 – A Date with Kana and Mio (Part 2)

It took a whole lot of effort to get Mio off the boat after our dinner cruise. She wanted to ride it a second time like some sort of amusement park ride, so Kana and I ended up promising her another trip in the future before she was willing to leave.

"Nnnhh! Being on the sea's almost as good as sex!" Mio said as we walked along the boardwalk, swinging our clasped hands to enjoy the rest of the night.

"Say, why do you like boats so much?" I asked. "Wouldn't flying over the ocean be a lot more fun?"

The succubus let go of our hands to race ahead and leaned over the railings to look down at the waters, crashing against the harbor. Her expression answered me without a word. She loved it.

"There's something about being surrounded by a vast ocean, never knowing where you're going to end up. Flying takes all that fun away because you see islands everywhere up there. I just wanna... drift," Mio explained.

A strong breeze blew in, causing Mio's hair to flutter behind her. Illuminated by the stars above and neon Christmas lights from the back, she brushed the bangs from her eyes to gaze at the bay with a warm smile.

I quickly snapped a picture, desperate to capture this moment forever.

Mio heard the digital shutter and grinned at me, caught in the act. She threw an arm over mine and Kana's shoulders, drawing us in close.

"Hey, hey! You can't be taking pictures of just me! If we're out here making memories, it's gotta be all of us, remember?"

"Well, you were just looking so photogenic. Besides, Kana wanted a nice lock screen picture of you on his phone," I teased.

"You were the one who pulled out a phone!" Kana rolled his eyes at the accusation. "Mio's right, though. The only pictures we have are at the Christmas tree. I'm down to take more, we still have some time before the last train."

The three of us did just that, taking as many pictures as we could until the memory storage in our phones were almost filled. A lot were stupid and silly, some of them cute and sweet, and a couple were just Mio sexually harassing me and Kana.

We even flew Kana out to sea, much to his terror.

"I... I like my feet on solid ground..." Kana shuddered as he dropped to all fours the second we brought him back. He had a hand pressed hard to his pocket, like trying to stop it from bleeding. After steadying himself on both feet, he took a few breaths as if to prepare for something. "Hey, guys. I'm going to be right back."

"Are you hurt? Should we come with?" I asked worriedly.

He pointed to a public toilet across the way and rushed off. "I just need to use the bathroom!"

"Shouldn't have eaten all those oysters! I got just the thing if you want an aphrodisiac!" Mio shouted.

"Guh— You have the wrong idea!" he yelled back.

While Kana was gone, Mio and I bought some hot chocolate from a vending machine. We drank them at a nearby bench that faced the sea. Many people walking past us were hand in hand. They were all couples, families out spending time together, walking their excited dogs, and loners enjoying their once a year outing.

A mother and father strolled by, lifting their laughing child between them by the hand.

Seeing that put me in a damper mood, wondering if things had turned out differently that I'd have better parents.

Mio put an arm around me and said, "Succubi don't know their parents, you know? All of us are born looking like half elves because of our pointed ears, but without the wings, tail, and horns. It ain't until many years later we start fucking anything that walks for food. Once we're old enough, we kinda gravitate to each other after a while and form a hive."

"How do succubi survive the years after being born?" I asked, surprised by the revelation and curious to learn more.

"Hope that some nice family takes in the orphaned baby. Most get sold off or killed before we can think for ourselves." She frowned.

"W-What? That's horrible!"

"Hey, we're a menace if not kept in check after all. In my case, it was this old sailor guy who had a big belly and laughed like Santa. A captain of his own ship and everything," she revealed with a nostalgic smile.

This was my first time hearing about how succubi lived in the other world. Or where they were before going to Elza. Mio rarely ever talked about her past.

"I'm guessing that's why you like being on boats, huh?" I said.

Mio leaned back on the seat and kicked her feet. "Probably! I always fly alongside the ship when it sails. The deckhands were cool. I fucked every single one of them in secret. The captain, well... he saw me too much like a daughter. It was so fun, but... good things never last. Bea came looking for me. A war was coming, and we needed to be raised and trained for it. She sunk the whole ship out at sea and forced me to watch everyone go down. I hated her so much for taking all that away from me. It happened during a freezing night like this, too."

Beatrice turned out so much more terrible than I knew. We were all better off without her. In a way, I was thankful. It was a strange feeling. The truth was, I might not have ever met Mio if she stayed on that ship. That didn't mean I couldn't feel sympathy and mourn with her.

I put my drink down to wipe the tears from her eyes, then cupped her trembling hands.

"Yumi's the only other person I've ever told. Feels good to get it off my chest though." Mio forced a smile.

All of us had our own circumstances. My parents were absent for most of my life, and Mio's was taken away from her. However, for her to be in this new world and for me to be in this new form gives us a chance to do things differently.

I didn't want to be like my parents. Ever.

"One day, we're probably going to have kids, too. I feel like you're going to make a good mom, if not a little irresponsible one," I teased.

"Oh?" A playful smirk returned to Mio's face. "Guess you ain't wrong. Kana'll make a good dad, but he's gotta put a kid in each of us first. But having my own rugrats, huh? Dunno why, but that sounds like a lot of fun."

Now that Mio was feeling better, things were right with the world again. This was how it should be.

"Speaking of Kana, he sure is taking a while." I glanced over at the bathrooms.

The two of us decided to go check out of worry only to hear scuffling behind the bathrooms.

"Ya got something important in there? We just wanna take a look, buddy?"

"Tell us more about those girls you were with, too. What's a little bitch like you doing with some hotties like that?"

Kana was on the ground, clutching onto something and being hounded by a group of punks. He held firm a plastic baggie to his chest, while the guys were punching him and trying to pull it away.

"The hell do you guys think you're doing?" I growled.

They backed off as Mio and I put ourselves in front of Kana.

"Those cute ladies came falling into our laps. Your friend punched me in the face. How are you gonna make it up to me?" One of them, whose face looked slightly bruised, reached out to me, but I slapped his hand away and helped Kana up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry..." Kana frowned. "I heard them call you two sluts and kind of just... acted on my own."

"Well, they ain't exactly wrong. But..." Mio scowled at them. "Buzz off losers. This guy's our boyfriend, and we got a whole lot of fucking to get to that none of you are invited to."

"W-Wait a minute... as in this scrawny kid has two girlfriends?" the guy asked, his confidence crumbling in real time.

"What? That so hard to believe?" She grinned, then surprised us all by making out with Kana on the spot.

"Mmrph— Mio... mmm...!" Kana flailed around as she sucked the life out of him.

When they were done, I did the same while stroking his inner thigh until he sprung an erection.

"N-No way... they're serious..." another guy whimpered.

The group of playboys became dejected, their shoulders slackened, and eyes went lifeless.

"We're on a date, so how about you limp dicks beat it?" Mio sneered.

"Tch... You cunts got nerve for just some high schoolers.".

Things were about to turn violent as one pulled out a pocket knife. "Let's teach them a lesson."

Mio was about to step in until I walked past her and put myself between them. The gang went frozen solid. Their weapons fell to the ground. They watched in terror and confusion upon realizing that something wasn't quite right here, and they would be correct to assume that.

Because I had them charmed with the fury of a greater succubus.

"Didn't you hear?" I asked, trembling with anger for having my date with Mio and Kana interrupted. "We're on a date. Get out of my sight, or you're about to find out how much you like having anal sex with each other instead."

A rather vividly-induced vision of them screwing each other entered their thoughts in the span of a split second. They all recoiled and gagged, looked one another in the eyes, and almost vomited.

"I-I don't see you guys that way!" one guy ran away screaming.

"Where the hell are we?"

"What the fuck, bro. That's gay as fuck!" A second guy was covering his butt, keeping himself guarded from his friends.

Our unrelenting attacks left Kana squirming where he sat.

"Shllrrp... shllrrp... Do you like how we suck your dick? Shllrp... hahhu..." I asked, massaging his balls and licking the shaft.

"Let it out... Chuup... shlllrrp...whenever you want... shllrrp... mmm..." Mio said.

"It's coming— nngh!" Kana sprayed our faces with sticky strings of cum.

I grabbed Mio's face to make out with her, both of us licking up the juices for ourselves. She reached behind to squeeze a handful of my butt cheeks, causing me to let out a surprised gasp.

As soon as Kana got in for a soak, Mio had me sit on her lap. Her fingers flicked my hard, and each time brought me closer to an orgasm. The teasing abruptly stopped, and she pried my legs open with her own.

"Come over here and fuck this pussy," Mio said to Kana, spreading my lower lips with her fingers.

Kana gulped and did as he was told. The beloved cock that I fantasize about on a daily basis entered me in a single thrust.

"Aahh.. Saeko... you're already squeezing me so hard..."

"Nn... I can't help it... your dick just feels so good..." I moaned, wrapping my arms around his back.

Mio did the same of his hips but with her legs. The second I pushed my tail into her pussy, she almost jumped out of the bath. A lot of the water splashed over the top.

"Cheeky, aren't ya? Really going ham with that tail lately," she said, nibbling on my ears.

Locked in a debaucherous embrace, Kana pounded my pussy with the stamina of a beast, and I fucked Mio with my tail.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

"Kana... ahhh! More... keep going— nngh... aahhh, this is... practice— aaaahh! For when you... really get me pregnant!" I raised my hips to meet the rhythm of his thrusts.

"One day... I will!" Kana vowed. "I'll make you both my wives and get you pregnant!"

"Yes, yes! Give it to me— I'm cumming!" My eyes rolled to the back of my head as an orgasm rushed through me.

Mio seized that moment to dig her fingers into my boobs and tail into Kana's ass, magnifying our climax. Wave after wave of cum, hotter than the steaming waters at max setting, gushed into my womb.

"Hahh... hahh... You guys... aren't satisfied yet... are you?" Kana asked, head between my boobs and struggling to catch his breath.

"Nope," Mio and I said at the same time.

After drying off, we went right for the bed.

Kana was between my legs this time, tongue ravishing my pussy like a good boy after ejaculating inside me. He knew what made me feel good by hitting all my weak spots. Of course, I couldn't be the only one having all the fun. With Mio's pussy in my face, how couldn't I not go all out?

"Holy shit... When did you get so good at this?" Mio gasped, breath coming out in irregular puffs.

Her face twisted with pleasure, hole leaking with sweet juices, and completely flushed red. Even though the three of us laid sideways on the bed to be able to lick each other, Mio was having difficulties sucking Kana off and had to use her tail to jerk him instead.

Although it was hard to concentrate with Kana eating my pussy like a champ, but no offense to him, doing it with Queen Elendir made every cunnilingus pale in comparison. Still, I maintained enough of my senses to perform the same techniques on Mio. Fingering her, licking her, and rubbing her clit— so much to multitask but was necessary to give her a taste of heaven.

Lick! Lick! Lick!

Shllrrp... shllrrp... shllrrp...

We were all enjoying the flavor of each other's juices, and the taste was absolutely delectable.

"Oh, god— fuck! I can't... shit, fuck, shit! I'm cumming so hard from your tongue— what the hell are... aaaaahhhhhhh!" Mio shuddered to an orgasm and rolled over onto her back.

While she was catching her breath, I noticed Kana swallowing hard from seeing her opened legs. A little nudge took him by surprise. He threw his hands out to catch himself on the bed, where the two were inches away and gazed into each other's eyes.

Mio was the one who blushed and turned her head away. A teasing smile flashed across my face as I realized that she was weaker to Kana than I thought.

"W-What are you just looking at me like that for?" Mio asked.

"Sorry... I just thought you looked so pretty like this." Kana was about to get up, but I held him in place and wagged my tail at him.

Embarrassed, Mio covered her eyes with her arm and said, "Don't keep me waiting... put it in already."

Kana pushed his dick into Mio and elicited from her a very girly moan. It was as if her playfulness had vanished and was replaced with a demure coat of paint. Giving her that ring proved to be rather strategic.

"You're so hot inside... I feel like I'm melting." He sighed blissfully.

"Oh, fuck... it's different this time..." Mio whispered. "When did you start lusting after me this much?"

With my tail slickened from Mio's pussy, I drilled it into Kana's ass and caused both of them to jolt.

"That's because he's starting to really like you the way he likes me. Don't you, Kana? Show Mio how much you're into her." I dry humped him from behind, pushing his waist to thrust into Mio.

"Saeko, wait..." Kana begged. "I'm still trying to get used to— aahh... "

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" Mio moaned like a beast, bouncing on top of his waist. "This cock is way too good... It's the best I ever had... harder! Faster! Come on, fuck me like you mean it!"

"Mio... your pussy feels so good... it's squeezing the life out of me..." he said, thrusting faster and faster.

I held him from behind and pushed him down to lay on top of Mio.

"Don't you have something to tell her, too?" I nibbled on his ear.

Mio held his face. "I can... feel it... your lust... there's so much of it! Kana, do you love me, too? Like you love Saeko? I wanna hear it. Tell me you love me!"

"T-That goes without saying!" Kana began, as he searched his heart. "It's never a dull moment being with you... I used to be a chicken, but you're always pushing me to try new things... If it weren't for you, I would never have ever found the courage to confess to Saeko either. You're just as important to me as her, that's why... I love you, too, Mio— mmmph!"

The two of them fell into their own little world with their lips locked, fingers intertwined, and connected at the hips. Mio was always the one on top, but it seems Kana was able to tame the beast and make her a lovestruck girl.

I had worried that our relationship hinged only on me. I wanted the three of us to be together. Those worries, it seemed, were unfounded.


"You guys sure are having fun. Let's take it up a notch." I focused my massive aura on the two of them, enhancing their pleasure to rapturous levels of ecstasy.

Mio's eyes glowed pink as the effects took hold. "Ahh... S-Saeko... you— nnhhhaaahhh! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Holy fuck, I'm cumming so hard!"

"Me, too... My dick is on fire... " Kana's eyes screwed shut, glowing with the same color. "What did you— aaaahhhhh!"

Both of them trembled with the strength of an earthquake that the whole bed shook.

"Uu... I... I can't stop... cumming... but my... balls are empty..." Kana mumbled deliriously.

Mio continued to convulse from her unending orgasm. "My pussy won't stop... I can't stop... guh..."

"Aha... Maybe I overdid it a little. Might have brought a whole new meaning to mind-blowing orgasm," I said, rubbing the back of my head.

Mio fought her way back to sanity and jumped on top of me. The warmth of her bare body, though sticky with from cum and sweat, seeped into mine. We held each other's hands tightly, admiring the shine of our new rings under the dim room lights.

"You little cunt, when did you learn something like that?" She squeezed my breasts so hard I had to roll away from the pain.

"I already feel a headache coming," Kana groaned.

Mio and I dragged him up between us. He had an arm over his face and was breathing heavily.

"Wait... I need to... rest..." he said, gasping with each word.

"Kana~ Don't stop now. Your succubus girlfriends want more~" I cooed, coaxing his cock back into an erection.

"Isn't this our honeymoon after you gave us those rings? You promised to stay up all night to feed us." Mio purred into his ears and pinched his nipples.