Chapter 133 – A Succubus and Holiday Spirit!

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 133 – A Succubus and Holiday Spirit!

"It's snowing!" Mio shouted across the house.

I shot awake, still groggy from having my sleep rudely interrupted. When I checked the clock, it was only six in the morning. Today was the first day of winter break, Christmas Eve, and all I wanted to do was sleep in.

So that's what I did. Letting my head drop back into the comfy pillow, cocooning myself up in the fluffy bed sheets, and shutting my heavy eyelid, slowly but surely allowing myself to drift back to sleep.

Peace... Calm—

Mio kicked my door open.

"Wakey-wakey! Did you know it's snowing outside? I haven't seen snow like this in ages!" The intruding succubus unrolled me from the bed, letting the chill enter my room.

"Uugh... I just want to sleep..." I groaned.Diiscover new stories at

"Let's play! Don't make me tailfuck you first thing in the morning." Mio put both hands on her hips. She was already dressed, bundled up with a scarf and snow jacket, to brave the winter season.

Funny enough, having Mio threaten me with a good time was probably the better way to get me up.

"Fine," I said, giving into her childish demands.

After spending a bit of time searching for my winter clothes that were stored away since last year, Mio and I walked out of the house into a snowy wonderland. The roads immediately outside my home were blanketed in white. A few of my neighbors were up early, shoveling snow out of their driveway and porch. Slowly making its way down the street was a snowplow, clearing the way for commuters to pass in the morning.

It only just started sprinkling with snowflakes last night and took a single morning to cover the entire city.

We flew into the sky, marveling at just how much snow there was. Every tree and building rooftop as far as the eye could see was dusted white.

Early-rising children in their snow gear, accompanied by their parents, raced into parks to play with their equipment and sleds. Snowmen and snow angels were a common sight. Street vendors were out in force despite the weather, selling hot treats and goodies for people to warm themselves up with. Mio was particularly taken by it all.

"Man... If I wanted to see this much snow back in Elza, I had to fly to the mountains. But you know how Bea was. Only time I got to play with snow was if it got really cold at the manor, but then I couldn't go further than the courtyard. I really dig living here." Mio smiled.

"Lucky you, there's plenty of snow to go around in Japan. A whole lot more if we go north," I said.

"Like where we're going tomorrow, right? Hokkaido? Shiiiit, I can't wait!" she whooped, then made a nosedive straight back into the surface.

We spent half the morning building snowmen at the front of the house. One for me, Mio, Hatsumi, and Selene. Eventually, my sister woke up to make us hot stew, which sure hit the spot. Mio was ready to play some more, and Hana even dropped by to hang out.

"Yo, yo! What's the dillio, yo?" Hana greeted us in a strange way.

"If this is your new character arc, we're gonna have some problems." Mio folded her arms.

"Come on, dudes. I'm trynna find a new identity here, yo! Humor a dude— a dudette? Dudes— puoh?!" A snowball nailed Hana right in the kisser.

The one who dealt it was Mio, already preparing to chuck another ball.

"Kahaha! There's your new identity!" Mio taunted.

When Hana flung a snowball of her own, Mio picked me up as a shield. Compacted snow powder smacked me square in the jaws.

"Hey! Using Saeko to block snowballs is cheating!" Hana flailed her arms.

I slipped away from Mio and brushed the snow from my face. "If you guys want to duke it out, keep me out of it. The last thing I want is to get cold—"

Another snowball struck me in the face.

"Heh. A two on one just makes this the perfect underdog story for me. I'll defeat you both and complete my new character arc!" Hana shouted to the world.

"Okay, Hana. You asked for it!" I started balling up snowballs.

Mio and I proceeded to bury Hana under a deep mound of snow until only her legs were sticking out. There would be no underdog story for her today. Satisfied with our handiwork, we returned inside the house to take a break.

As we were taking off our shoes in the foyer, Hatsumi entered the hallway with a request.

"Can you two go shopping for groceries? There's a lot of stuff I want prepared by the time we come back," Hatsumi said.

I took the list and was surprised by how long it was. "This much? It's going to take us the entire day!"

"Geez. No kidding." Mio frowned, recoiling from the amount of groceries that might take four trips. "We were gonna go to Rika's place to hang out."

"Now, now. Grandma and Grandpa will be coming over for new years. I need to make sure everything is in order, a stocked fridge being one of them, so we don't have to worry about it after coming back from Hokkaido. Be good girls and do this for me, or I'll make you do it." My sister's eyes glowed with power.

"Fine..." Mio and I sighed.

We fished Hana out of her snow grave to help us. Three people should be enough to cut this down into two trips.

On our way into the city, we had to explain to Hana why we couldn't hang out with her this following week.

"Uwhaaat? That sounds so fun! I wanna go with you guys!" Hana complained after we told her about the surprise vacation plans to an onsen.

"Well, you can't." Mio shot her down. "It's just gonna be us three! I wonder if this is my chance to finally fuck Hatsumi."

In a way, it was.

Before I knew it, Hana and Mio were in my face.

"You're gonna wear one, too, right?" Mio asked. "I wanna try fucking you in it."

"Oh, my god..." I put a hand to my face.

"Can we wear one, too? They look so cool! I want a pink one that matches my hair!" Hana exclaimed.

"Me, too!" Mio chimed in.

Hatsumi had two kimonos that I knew of. One for when she was a child and another in adult size. Either I or Mio would be the odd one out unless we went out to buy one.

"I'll ask my sister about it," I promised them. "Maybe she has a friend with an extra kimono to lend."

The day arrived that we would be going to Kosei. Mio, Hatsumi, and I were up early to finish packing and settling the chores around the house before leaving.

Mio was especially antsy, eyes darting to my present to her sitting under the Christmas tree. When we were finally done, she sprinted right toward it.

"Can I open it now?" Mio asked.

"Don't hold back," I said, holding my breath to see her reaction.

The succubus tore into the wrapping paper until she was down to the box.

"Holy shit, it's like a whole ass pirate costume!" Mio exclaimed, smiling from ear to ear and happier than I'd ever seen her. She immediately screwed the hat on top of her head, placed the parrot plush on her shoulder, and struck a pose. "What do you think? A real pirate captain if y'ever seen one, matey?"

I held back a laugh at her attempts to imitate one. "Pfft... I'm glad you like it."

Mio's excitement grew tenfold. She picked up the present she had gotten for me and shoved it into my hands.

"Open it! Open it!" Mio urged.

"Okay, quit yelling!" I began to tear open the rectangular gift, eager to see what she got for me, only to find a double-sided dildo.

The sight of the girthy, skin-colored dildo wiped the smile from my face, but a chuckle escaped my lips instead. I mean, what else could I possibly have expected from Mio? This was about as Mio as Mio could get.

In fact, I would have been disappointed if she got me a normal gift.

"You like it? We can use this shit together. Bond over it like pussy sisters! Kahaha!" Mio cackled so heartily it infected me with laughter, too.

"Thanks, Mio. I, uh... I'm looking forward to using it with you. I'm also looking forward to spending Christmas with you again next year," I said.

That was the magic word that lifted Mio's spirits more than any gift could. It was proof that we would always be together.

"Ah, man. I told you I'm not good with the sappy stuff, then you had to go and lay it on thicker than a pent-up nerd. You're rubbing off on me way too much nowadays." Mio made a quick glance around the room to make sure we were alone, then swooped me off my feet to kiss me. Both of us went airborne. She had one arm around my back and the other behind my head, tongue-deep in my mouth.

Upon hearing the front door open, we planted our feet on the ground and separated.

Hatsumi peeked in and asked, "Are we ready to leave?"

"Before that—" I grabbed two more gifts under the Christmas tree to give to Hatsumi and Selene.

Suffice to say, they were both overjoyed that I even considered buying them gifts. Seeing them smile, I could understand how being in the giving mood— even though my wallet took a hit— was nice every once in a while.

"We're trusting you to take care of the house while we're away," Hatsumi said to Selene.

Selene bowed. "Your house is my castle. I shall protect it with my life, Queen Hatsumi."

"Are you expecting our house to be attacked or something...?" I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, if any packages come in, just bring them into the foyer, and we'll sort them out when we get back."

Mio, Hatsumi, and I took a train to Kobe, then boarded a plane bound for Sapporo. The two hour flight, like the one we took to Okinawa, was filled with Mio marveling at the sights rural Japan had to offer from the window. Who could blame her? We lived in Tsukiji, which was about as city as a city could get until Tokyo came into the picture.

A cab drove us the rest of the way to Kosei, a cozy onsen resort nestled at the foot of the snowy-peaked mountains, and a valley of trees behind the establishment. Resort guests, eager for a more intimate view, hiked along a paved path around the building.

Right through the lantern-lit lobby, decorated with traditional sumi-e paintings and tall vases, several workers greeted us with a beaming smile and bowed.

"May I see your placards?" a young woman, dressed in the brown and black work clothes standard of Kosei, asked us.

While Hatsumi and I handed ours over, Mio was hesitant to part with hers.

"Don't worry, there are plenty with different kinds of artworks you can purchase at our souvenir shop just past the lobby," she reassured Mio.

"There better be the same one, or I'm coming for that booty," Mio said, passing over the placard.

I put a hand to my face as her words caused the woman to turn red, but a force of will maintained the composure to stay professional.

After authenticating the placards, we were led to our room, which boasted a nice view of their outdoor garden. If we wanted to leave the room, a door led out to an engawa, an exterior hallway for us to take a walk outside on. Inside, however, three neatly-made futons were made available to us, including a tea table, a hot plate, and a water boiler.

"Well, then. Does anyone want to take a dip with me in the onsen?" Hatsumi grinned with impish intent.