Chapter 136 – Winter Comiket Day 1

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 136 – Winter Comiket Day 1

"So, what you're telling us is there's a little boy named Yama-ori no Utako, who calls himself a god, and he has claimed you as his wife?" Selene asked, the skepticism in her voice palpable.

"Yes..." I said. "And Uta is standing by your side right now, making kissy faces at you."Alll latest novels at

Everyone in the room turned their eyes to Selene's side and were unconvinced.

Uta, who had followed me home and asked to be referred to as such, was currently standing next to Selene with his lips puckered. If she could see him, she would have probably whooped his ass already.

"Saeko swears he's really there, but Mio and I don't see or hear anyone at all," Hatsumi added.

"Freaked us out at first, but I feel like there is someone though. When I poked the ring, this crazy force rippled out and sent me flying," Mio said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Only my wife, the one who wears my ring, can see or hear me! I can scream REALLY LOUDLY AND THEY WON'T EVEN KNOW I'M HERE!" Uta shouted into Selene's ears.

"Indoor voices please..." I squeezed my own ears shut with my hands when he yelled.

"I didn't yell though?" Mio made a troubled expression at me, only to realize a second later. "Or do you mean your husband?"

"Yes— I mean, no! I mean, he did yell, but he's not my husband!" I contested.

"Yes, I am. That ring on your finger is proof. We're wedded for all eternity!" Uta exclaimed, throwing his arms around me.

The top of my self-proclaimed husband's head was only as high as the bottom of my boobs. Although he appeared and acted childlike, my succubus senses— which I also found odd that the others couldn't sense with their own— recognized an incredible power, like if I was bumping auras with a greater succubus. In fact, his scent and emission of latent power far exceeded Hatsumi's, who was possibly the current strongest succubus until the Blade returned to my hand.

Whoever Uta really was, he undoubtedly had centuries in age over me, but whether those years actually related to his maturity was another matter.

"You guys don't believe me, do you?" I sighed.

The others exclaimed otherwise.

"It's just... I know you wouldn't lie about something like this, but the circumstances are hard to believe," Hatsumi said.

"Yeah. Like where is he now?" Mio asked.

"Uhm... Hugging me like a parasite..." I answered reluctantly.

Mio walked over and patted me down like an airport security agent. I watched as her hands passed right through Uta as if he were a ghost. Not only hearing and seeing, but apparently no one except I could touch him physically either.

"I'll get in contact with a few elves who stayed behind on Earth, and see if they can reach Queen Elendir or Shayle for help. It could be that the ring is an artifact from Elza or another plane of existence entirely," Selene said.

"Oh, good call! I hadn't even considered that it could have been an artifact. Sorry to have you do this. When I bug Uta, he only tells me he's a god." I glared at the short bugger, clinging to me.

"That's because I am a god! What is it going to take for you to believe me?" Uta pouted.

"Leaving me alone is one way..."

"No can do!" He shook his head like throwing a tantrum. "We're bound in divine matrimony!"

This was starting to look more and more like an annoying babysitting role. Hopefully Uta didn't misbehave. I knew next to nothing about what sort of god he was or what kind of powers he was capable of unleashing.

"Until we get this figured out, what are you going to do about it?" Mio asked.

I glanced down at Uta again, who returned a toothy smile.

"Nothing I guess. For now, I kind of have a little brother—"

"Husband!" Uta interjected.

The rest of the day went by exhaustingly. My god-husband followed me around everywhere. There was not a single moment of peace. It took a lot of convincing in order to dissuade him from going into the bathroom with me.

I was finally getting into bed for the night, but when I entered my room after brushing my teeth, Uta was lying under the sheets as though waiting for me.

"You know what? I'll pull out an extra futon for myself, and you can keep the bed." I said, heading for the closet.

"What are we? On the verge of divorce?" Uta sat right up and frowned.

"First of all, you're the only one who thinks we're married. To me, we're practically strangers."

"How about this," the pint-sized god began, sitting upright in bed. "We can start getting to know each other now. Ask me anything you want. Anything!"

Sighing, I climbed into bed and Uta snuggled up right next to me. We faced each other, and I was treated to his adorable, boyish smile. I still couldn't get over how weird it was, but until we figured out a way to get rid of him, it couldn't hurt to get to know him.

"Hmmm. First question: exactly how old are you?" I asked.

"Probably a few hundred years old! Though, I've lost track after all these years. What about you?" Uta returned the question.

"Definitely not a few hundred years old. I'm only eighteen, but I'm turning nineteen this March."

"Oooh. My wife is so young and pretty!" He giggled.

Both of us talked well into the night. Uta was very chatty, but that was to be expected of someone stuck in a shrine all those centuries. It was as though he was trying to make up for lost time. Which was weird because a god should have all the time in the world.


"Huu... huu..." Uta had fallen asleep, clinging onto my pajamas.

"Maybe this was how Hatsumi felt when I was little." Drawing Uta into my arms, sharing my warmth with him and pulling the bedsheet up to his neck, I too drifted off to sleep.

I awoke with a start early in the morning to my own alarm that I'd set to remind myself of Winter Comiket. It was six. I should be sleeping in, but this was the price to pay for promising to help Kaede. We had to get there early, and a three-hour train ride awaited us.

Before getting up, my body suddenly throbbed with pleasure.

My pajama shirt had been pushed up to my neck. Uta was lying on top of me, hands squeezing my boobs, and his mouth latched onto and sucking on my nipple as if trying to coax milk out of it.

"Uta... I need to get up," I whispered.

Trying to move him proved fatal. Uta tightened his grip on me and bit my nipple.


However, because pain had long since become a strange source of pleasure for me, Uta's nibbling brought me to climax. My shuddering body stirred him awake, and he let go.

"Good morning, Saeko..." Uta murmured, rubbing the crust from his eyes and unaware of what he had done.

"Morning..." I patted him on the head. "I have to wake up, so can you— mmph?!"

No way would vendors be generous enough during times like this.

"Thanks, Kana!" Kaede smiled. "Maybe I offer you two volumes of my manga for free?"

"I... feel like I have enough succubi in my life..." He picked one of the books up and squinted. "Anyway, Saeko or Mio? Either of you want to hang out during your break?"

"Count me in!" Mio shot her hand in the air.

"Me, too— erm..." I cast my gaze to Uta who, unbeknownst to Kana, had put himself between us.

"You two seem really close..." Uta said, brows furrowed.

"W-Well, Kana's... Kana's my..." I hesitated to finish that sentence, but the entire convention started shaking.

People began to panic. Merchandise fell off tables and display shelves. Mio and Kaede were trying their best to keep the manga books from falling. Then it stopped all at once when Uta returned underneath the table to mope.

"Holy crap, that was a crazy earthquake," Kana said. "Saeko, are you okay?"

Did Uta just do that? Because he was angry with me?

"Actually, Kana... I have something to tell you..." I said, pulling him off to the side.

After explaining to Kana my situation, he was in just as much disbelief as anyone else I told.

"You're... not joking?" Kana hesitantly said once I was done.

"I know it's hard to believe, but this black ring on my finger won't come off." I tugged on it to show him.

"No, I believe you. A lot more unbelievable things have happened before. I'm just not surprised anymore. But this god, kid... whatever, it kind of sounds like he's craving affection. I mean, any child would, right?" he explained.

I'd been enlightened by this new perspective. The way Uta acted was someone who was starved of attention. How was I supposed to deal with that though? I didn't want him to stay attached to me for as long as I lived.

Kana ran into some friends and left Mio and I to work. Two hours after noon, Kaede finally let us off to take a break. She had made a killing and was almost out of stock on the first day, and so had to make a call for a priority rush order to print more for the second day.

"I'll hold down the fort until you guys come back. Please enjoy yourselves!" Kaede said.

"We'll bring ya something nice back!" Mio promised.

"Come on, Uta." I extended a hand to him.

"Finally!" he exclaimed, throwing the manga back onto the table and startling Kaede who thought it was a ghost.

There were a lot of exhibits to see. One day of walking around wasn't enough to explore it all. I also wanted to check out the other doujin tables to support small mangakas, but it would take forever.

However, it seemed our break time wasn't going to be very peaceful while in costume.

"I remember you two from the doujin market! I bought both of the manga and read it all already," a guy said.

"Read it all... two whole volumes?!" I choked on my spit.

It had only been a few hours. Although Kaede's first two books weren't that large. Someone who was really into it could have finished it pretty quickly.

"Whaddya want, buddy? A picture like all the rest of them? We're kinda busy so hurry and snap a shot, so we can be on our way," Mio said, having clearly grown annoyed at being stopped to take pictures.

"A-Actually, I was hoping... if you two don't mind... Can you reenact this scene!" He opened the manga to two pages where it was just the main character and her succubus girlfriend making out. The details in the tongue, lips, and saliva were... extreme.

That Kaede. Despite it being winter break, I hadn't had the time to read the copy of the manga she gave me and Mio. To think, she drew something so lewd.

"Oh, I remember this scene!" Mio exclaimed, then grabbed the back of my head. "Let's give this nerd something to jerk off to."

"Wait, I don't think this is a good id— mmph?!"

Once again, a kiss was being forced onto me. Mio hugged my body so tight, our bare skin rubbed against each other due to how sparse the costumes were. As soon as our lips made contact, an invading tongue wormed its way into my mouth. She sucked on my tongue and pulled it out between her lips.

"Mmm... chuu... chuu..."

It was such a wet kiss. Very soon, faster than I realized, a photography circle had formed around us. All I could hear were the camera shutters of pictures being taken.

I was distracted, however, trying to look for Uta in the crowds. Was he going to get angry with me again? When I did find him, trapped in the mosh pit of photographers, my god-husband was staring intently and completely red.

Mio finally let go and wiped the spit from her chin, then seized the opportunity to advertise Kaede's table number.

Someone tugged on my arm. It was Uta, squeezing his legs together and gaze cast down to his feet.

"T-Toilet..." Uta mumbled.

"There's one across the way. Can't you go by yourself?" I asked him.

He shook his head, eliciting a sigh from me. I told Mio, and she reluctantly let me go in favor of meeting up with Kana to hang out with for the time being, and I would catch up to them later.

I led Uta to the restrooms, but he wouldn't go in without me. With no other choice, I took him into the girl's side, and we both occupied the furthest stall in the back.

"What's wrong now? You don't need to pee anymore?" I asked.

"That was a lie," Uta said apologetically. "I... I actually wanted to have you alone to myself."

"We're kind of always together—"

"I want to kiss you like you did with the other girl!" he exclaimed.

Taken aback by his clear desire for me, I was left speechless. The urge to give him what he wanted welled up within me, but I needed to fight it. I shouldn't. It would only encourage him to ask for more.

Before I knew it, I was on my knees and holding his cute little face. My heart was racing even faster. I hesitated. Uta took the initiative, wrapping his arms around my neck and pressing his lips to me again just like this morning. But he was awake now and conscious, not half-asleep.

The stiff, inexperienced kiss, his eyes squeezed shut, but the act was filled with so much resolve that I couldn't help myself anymore.

I kissed him back, pushing my tongue into his mouth and playing with his limp tongue.

"Hahh... chuu... shllrrp... chuu... mmm..."

Drool slipped down the corner of our mouths. When we finally parted, Uta's eyes were spinning. My body was on fire again. I wanted to do more with him. The hunger inside me wanted to swallow him up.

"S-Saeko... I feel weird... When I read that book, it made me like this, just like whenever I look at you..." Uta pulled his pants down to reveal a very erect penis. Small, uncut, but a very adorable pecker that looked very delicious right now. Just the sight of it made my pussy throb and gush even more.

This was okay, wasn't it? What could it hurt, indulging in this god?

"Don't worry, Uta. Let your wife take care of that for you," I said, licking my lips.