Chapter 147 – There’s a lot more Rising than just the Sun

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 147 – There’s a lot more Rising than just the Sun

Although we were reunited, the situation was still far from okay.

All of us winced at the harsh clash in the distance. Dark, swirling clouds began to form above Takamagahara, and with each crash, lightning fired down and destroyed buildings. This entire realm quaked and shook like it was armageddon. No doubt Raijin and Tsukuyomi were battling right now.

Uta squeezed both hands to his ears and started trembling. I cradled him in my arms, ushering him back inside the shrine where the booming was slightly muffled.

"What's going on outside? Why is it so loud and dark?" Uta asked.

"Have you been inside the entire time?" I asked in return.

"I was told to stay and be good, so... I haven't left. But I can't believe I get to see you again! I'm so happy!" He threw his arms around my neck and giggled.

I hugged him back, then glanced around the shrine.

The place looked like it could belong to an emperor. It was a lot more furnished Raijin and Kon's place, two kami of varying renown.

"Hey, Uta?" I pulled back from the hug to speak with him face to face. "Has your shrine always been this nice?"

"Hm? Yeah! Mother always showers me with gifts, even if I say I don't need it. Like this!" Uta jumped onto his bed to grab a stuffed toy that was in the shape of a girl with bat wings. By the stitchings, it looked handmade and delicately put together. There's no other likeness I could attribute it to than myself.

Amaterasu must have made it remind Uta of me. It was possible she wasn't entirely cold-hearted.

Thunder boomed again, this time much louder and caused Uta to shut his eyes.

"Are you afraid of lightning?" Saeko asked.

"I know it's Uncle Raijin... but I can't help it. Loud noises scare me," Uta mumbled, hands still pressed to his ears.

Seeing Uta in distress was getting me wet. I looked at my hands and felt the succubus hunger gnawing at the pits of my stomach. Sniffing the air, the heavy scent of lust wafted up my nose. In fact, it was sweetly suffocating. Uta had probably been thinking about me a lot while cooped up in here.

With my sexual energy mostly depleted, now was a good a time as any.

I grabbed Uta's hands and pulled them away from his ears, then led them to my breasts. His eyes snapped open and face quickly reddened up.

"Has my husband been lonely?" I cooed into his ears with a lascivious smile. "Because I have, and I could use some affection after being alone for so long~"

"Saeko..." Uta seized the initiative and kissed me first. Our mouths opened, allowing my tongue to nest within his and coiled around the other.

Small hands grabbed more than just my chest. They slid down my sides, sending shivers through me and reaching behind to squeeze my ass. Ten fingers buried themselves into the fat, like he was trying to carve the shape of his hands into me.

With a snap of my finger, I created a wave of force that knocked Uta onto the bed. He laid there on his back with a look of confusion, propped up on his elbows. I walked seductively up to the edge of the bed, one foot over the other. Hooking my fingers under the fabric of my succubus outfit around the bust, I peeled the thin piece of clothing off to let my breasts spill out.

Uta gulped. He pitched a tent underneath his baggy pants, which throbbed for release.

I climbed onto the bed after him, inching forward on my knees in nothing more than just the black thong and leggings, and my wings fluttering with the desire to be filled.

"Uhmm... S-Saeko... is it just me, or are you acting a little different?" Uta stammered as I came closer until my shadow completely enveloped him.

"What do you mean? I'm my usual self. It's just been so long since I had your dick that I can't wait anymore..." I said, drooling at the corner of my lips.

When I pulled Uta's pants down, his erect cock eagerly sprung out to greet me. One of my beloved cocks was waiting for me, and my body was craving it to hell and back that I couldn't think straight anymore. As I lowered my body slowly to savor this, the young kami reared his head back in bliss.

"Look, Uta... Look how my pussy swallows up your cock... ahh... It's throbbing so much inside me..."

"Saeko... I really might melt inside you..." Uta sighed in ecstasy, fingers pinching the sheets to his sides.

"Hehe~ It's okay if you want to finish early. Just let it all inside me like a good boy~" I purred.

Slowly and with increasing rhythm, I slammed my hips down harder and faster. Uta met my thrusts with his own, bucking like a wild animal. The way he stirred my insides threw me into pleasure.

"Saeko, wait— aahh!"

Trapped under my body, I pulled his short legs around the back of my waist and began pistoning for my own desires.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

So lost in pleasure was I that the bed's headboard started banging against the wall from how hard I pounded.

"Saeko... It's coming out!"

"That's it, Uta! Pump your hot stuff inside me! Make my stomach hot with your cum!" I pleaded deliriously.

The luster of stars in Uta's eyes grew intensely bright as they rolled to the back of his head with tears welling around the corners. His pink tongue flopped out, and by the glazed look I could tell he was thinking of nothing but my pussy.

"I... I can't think anymore... but I'm so happy... to be with my wife again... I'm going to— aauughh..."

"More, Uta... more... pump me full of cum like you want to make me pregnant!" I said, nibbling his ears near where the piercings were.

A rush of pleasure assailed my body. Uta's cock exploded with piping hot juices. He didn't stop. I didn't let him. While still pinned under me, I continued to thrust my hips until—

The shrine doors swung open. A completely naked Mio showed up, with a dozen disheveled shrine maidens behind her that were also undressed. All they had on was the cloth mask over their faces, sweating profusely, and clinging onto her.

"M-Mio?" I glanced over my shoulders and climaxed from Uta's second shot into my pussy.

"It's time for an orgy!" Mio declared, then pointed into the room as if leading a charge. "Onwards, you sluts!"

The shrine maidens invaded in mass, throwing me off the bed and swarming Uta for themselves.

"Hm?" Looking down, a shadow seemed to be keeping pace with us.

The second I looked up, I saw why— the gargantuan dragon was flying overhead. The length of its serpentine body snaking through the stars. My brain froze up with existential dread, and the shivers of pleasure I felt earlier became fear that pricked my soul.

Mio followed my eyes to the sky and gasped as it made a nosedive for us. The beast opened its gaping jaws, lined with rows of hundreds of razor sharp teeth.

"Uta, watch out!" I screamed.

However, Uta stopped flying and turned his eyes fearlessly to the dragon that was possibly thousands of times his size.

"Ryujin, heel!" Uta put a hand up, and the dragon smashed into an invisible force just feets away from devouring us. My hair flew all over the place from the gale force of the impact. The water beneath our feet rippled outwards in large waves.

Mio and I gaped in astonishment that Uta stopped the dragon so easily.

Ryujin, as Uta had called it, expelled a hot breath through its nose. Long whiskers wriggled taut, facing the smaller kami. Then it did the unthinkable. It turned around and flew away.

"I... I think I'm wet... for a very different reason this time," Mio said.

"H-How did you do that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but I've always been able to tell off dragons." Uta grinned.

Relieved that we wouldn't be bothered by any more surprises with Uta around, we were able to reach a fairly large island. This one, however, was unbuilt and had no shrine. Only the square of a wooden foundation and stone floor where a shrine might be built upon one day. Beyond the island, the sun was peeking over the water in an atemporal state, not knowing whether it should rise or go down.

At the center of the undeveloped shrine, sitting on her knees and hands on her thighs, was Amaterasu. We landed behind her, but Uta hesitated to walk any closer.

"So you have found me, with Utako in tow, no less." Amaterasu remained seated, unmoving.

"It's time to stop running away. Both our worlds need fixing, and I need your help to put it right again," I said.

She raised her head, but to look at the sky, not us. "You have come for nothing. I am no longer fit to be ruler of Takamagahara, and you cannot hope to defeat Tamamo. Return to the mortal realm and live the remainder of your days festering in the misfortune you released—"

"Mother!" Uta shouted. "Is it true that you released the seal on my shrine?"

Amaterasu didn't answer, but she did twitch to the sound of his voice.

"Tell Uta the truth. Nothing escapes your notice, right? You knew we were in Takamagahara. Before you left the city, you undid the seal so that we could see him again," I said to Amaterasu.

"Outrageous. For what reason would—"

"What else would a mother do for a child other than to at least let him be happy at the very end?"

Uta slowly walked up to Amaterasu's back. He was shaking and unsure of himself, looking over his shoulder at us. There was a moment I thought he was going to back away, but he pumped both fists to reaffirm his resolve and hugged Amaterasu from behind.

"I'm sorry for being disobedient. I know now that you didn't yell at me because you hated me. Before, I just didn't understand. As kami, we have to be better than that. You taught me not to abandon my duty. Saeko, Mio, and the shrine maidens on my island told me you actually care about me, and knowing that is enough. Will you come back to Takamagahara, and help Saeko and Mio?"

We held our breaths, watching from afar.

Uta let go just as Amaterasu stood up. As she did, the sun behind her rose slightly and reclaimed some of the night.

"I was prepared to meditate for a thousand years to reflect on where I went wrong as a mother. You would forgive me for the centuries of your childhood I have taken?" Amaterasu asked her son.

"As long as it's the warmth from your sunlight I can wake up to again." Uta smiled.

Amaterasu drew a sharp breath, then turned around to face Uta and us. The sun seemed to have gotten brighter and more intense.

"Will you... help us?" I asked again, reluctant to ruin their moment. "We were told that only a child of the sun can defeat Tamamo. Does that mean Uta?"

"A child of the sun does not refer to Utako. It refers to the children of Japan. I spoke the truth when I said you cannot do anything, for as a succubus, you are no longer human. Those who have slain her in the past were fearless men of renown. If you wish to defeat Tamamo, find one who might bravely face the yokai. There might even be one close to your heart," Amaterasu explained.

"Close to my heart..." I mumbled after her, then threw a look to Mio.

"Whatcha looking at me for? I ain't human," Mio said.

What about my sister?

As if reading my mind, Mio added, "And Hatsumi's still a succubus."

I put a hand to my face and groaned.

The only other person I could think of that could help me was Hitomi or Kaede, but I didn't want to drag anymore people into my problems. After her was Kana, but he was currently being controlled by Shuten.

Sighing, Amaterasu strode up to me like the waking sun. She neither smiled nor let any other emotion show on that poker face of hers. She did, however, put her hands together and slid one palm across the other, creating a blank talisman that levitated between us. From her breath came a single cinder that found purchase on the light brown parchment, burning symbols into it.

"Take it," Amaterasu urged me. "This shall perform for you an exorcism on whomever it is placed on. Tamamo is too powerful, but the talisman should immobilize Shuten Doji momentarily. I give you this not out of any love for you, but because my son has so earnestly asked me to help his wife."

I took the talisman that was still warm from Amaterasu's fire.

"Thank you, but what are you going to do about Tsukuyomi?" I asked.

"Kami mustn't wage a battle over Takamagahara. I will speak to my... errant sister. However, whether I can wrest the rule of Supreme Deity from her claws is another matter. Tamamo's release has left a permanent wound in both Japan and this divine realm. Whether or not that was by my hand doesn't matter. It still happened under my watch," she said.

With the talisman Amaterasu had given us, it should provide a fighting chance against Tamamo and Shuten by crippling the latter. I should be rejoicing right now, but it felt like I was missing something important.

"I would not tarry any longer here, were I you," Amaterasu warned. "Tamamo has greater plans than to just sow misfortune across the lands."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"There is one way to unleash so much misfortune unto the world that, even should she be sealed away once again, would bring chaos for centuries to come. A legacy to ensure she inevitably returns even stronger— that is, to shatter the divine gates and allow yokai into your world like a plague. You must defeat Tamamo before that comes to pass. No matter the cost."