Chapter 171 – The Manga Circle

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 171 – The Manga Circle

As evening neared, Mio and I dug through our closet for clothes that might fit the dress code Casey mentioned. I eventually settled on a peach cardigan over a white shirt and plaid checkered skirt. The outfit matched with the two black collars on my neck. But for some reason...

"It somehow makes me look like a slut," I said while staring at my own reflection.

"If you ask me?" Mio slapped me hard on the ass and grinned. "We can go sluttier. Meeting new people, so why not?"

The second I turned to Mio, my jaw dropped. A bareback purple halter top and ripped jean shorts with fishnets that pinch into her legs. I knelt down and poked at her thighs. The fat bounced back as I pressed them.

"Are we going to a mixer or to the corner of a redlight district?"

The chain leash to my collar suddenly appeared in Mio's hand.

"Oh, no... What is it now...?" I dreaded to ask.

"We gotta have a little more fun than that," Mio said of my outfit. "I say, off with your underwear. Both of them."

I swallowed hard, unable to resist the pleasurable urge to obey. Mio wouldn't have it any other way, so my fingers moved on their own to slip my panty off. The next to come off was my bra. Now the fabric brushing against my nipples was getting me horny.

"Saeko, Mio!" Casey barged into our room like a storm. "Wow, you two are killing it. Ready to go? I can call a cab and—"

Mio threw an arm around my shoulders. "Cab? Please. Saeko's got a swank ride, so we're going in style."


Well, at least we weren't drinking. I wasn't old enough to order alcohol anyway.

We drove down to Mori-Mori. Traffic was heavier than usual tonight, likely because of other clubs and circles having the same idea as the soccer club. They were waiting for once when we arrived. Students of varying ages, some looking old enough to be part of the working force, packed inside and outside the restaurant.

The soccer club, however, was full of good-looking guys that would give my high school kendo club a run for their money. Literally. Tall, athletic, and many who were probably destined for a great sports career post-college.

"Kido!" Casey waved.

One guy from the club, a handsome young man with a strong jawline, scooted out of the way to meet us.

"Casey! I'm glad you can make it!" The guy named Kido stiffened up from Casey's usual western physical affection when she hugged him.

"I brought my roommates, too. Saeko and Mio. Does this work out?" Casey asked.

"One, two... Works out perfectly. I'm Kido, by the way. Nice to meet you— Wait. You two are the succubus I've been hearing about?" He squinted hard at us.

Mio and I traded glances, then did the sensible thing by dropping our human forms to get it over with. As the physical succubus features emerged, Kido gasped and the club mobbed us in seconds. Many of which probably weren't even part of this group.

"Hey, quit scaring them! Everyone get inside already!" Kido pushed people towards the restaurant door and turned apologetically. "Sorry. It's just a little weird and unbelievable that you guys are real. Anyway, we're splitting into two groups because we got so many people to come out. You three are in my group, so follow me."

"Kido is the one I want to get to know. Isn't he cute?" Casey whispered as we followed them in.

"Hmm... Feels a little too goody-two-shoes to me," I mumbled.

"I feel it, too. Kinda off." Mio scratched the side of her head thoughtfully.

"Oh, you guys are just overthinking things. Besides, what's wrong with someone who's nice to a fault?" she asked.

"Because it's to a fault," we answered at the same time.

Entering Mori-Mori was a culture shock for me. It wasn't traditional like I was used to, but the design and architecture had taken a page out of the millennial cookbook. Random motivational quotes, low and warm lights, and too modern furniture made the place look like a geometry lesson.

We were led to the back where larger, private rooms were available for groups of our sizes. Seats were apparently pre-arranged in a girl-boy-girl-boy pattern. Although Mio didn't sit next to me, she did sit directly across the table from me. Casey was one seat over to my left and to her left was Kido.

"Hey, you're Saeko? The succubus, right?" A male student took the empty seat on my left.

The guy had dark skin, almost like chocolate. He spoke fluent Japanese, even more so than Casey. It still surprised me how many foreign students we had at Tsukiji University, but such was the power of being an international and private school.

"Did the horns and wings give it away?" I joked, fluttering the pair on my back.

"And also how cute you are. I'm Blake, a second-year and psych major. You know what you wanna order yet?" Blake asked.

The style of food here was hot pot. We were given a broth of our choosing and picked food from the menu to throw in.

I decided to have a little fun and reached over to stroke his inner thigh.

"I'll have whatever you like." I smiled.

Blake recomposed himself quickly and picked out food for the both of us. As expected of a guy who was used to this sort of thing. He and some of the older members of the club ordered beer for themselves. Watching them drink so heartily almost made me want to try some. As the food and broth came, everyone started digging in and pairs formed really fast.

The guy with Mio, however...

"A-Are you sure you can handle triple-pepper spicy? We can try the other flavors," he said in a desperate attempt to avoid eating out of Mio's pot.

"You gotta try this. It's literally like sex in your mouth." Mio lifted the spoonful of magma-like broth to the soccer club member's trembling lips.

Not wanting to look weak in front of someone he was trying to hit on, he foolishly drank it.

"Huh. I guess it isn't so bad. It tastes pretty— urk. Sorry, Mio... I gotta use the bathroom!" He bolted out of the room, clutching his stomach.

"Mio, if anything's holding you back... it's your unmatchable palate," I said.

"It's not my fault he's a wimp. Ah, well. More for me!" Mio gorged herself on the entire pot.

The evening began to wind down. Pots on the table were turned to low heat and waiters slowed down on bringing us food.

"So... I gotta ask. Do succubus bite?" Blake leaned in so that our shoulders were touching.

"Not unless you want me to." I winked.

While stroking his thigh, my hand bumped into something hard. I thought to tease him, but the erection was a lot larger than I expected. Or ever felt before from other boys I'd been with. He could tell me it was a snake, and I'd believe him.

Electricity ran through my body when Blake planted a hand on my thigh. Unlike him, though, I wasn't wearing underwear. His fingers traveled tantalizing up my skirt. The depraved part of me wanted him to keep going. To find out that I wasn't wearing any underwear.

Then it happened. Thick fingers brushed against the wet lips of my pussy and my bare clitoris. Pleasure rushed through me. My nipples were so hard that they poked against the shirt. Blake and I locked eyes, and I knew he wanted to fuck me.

"Do you want to come back to my place?" Blake whispered, fingering me while people were eating and talking around us.

"Wait, why do you readily have a dildo?" I asked.

"You don't?" She looked at me in genuine confusion.

Daichi lit up. "That might actually work! Normally, we try to make sounds with random objects. Like squishing wet towels. Can we try a recording, Saeko?"

But sucking on a dildo in front of people...

Everyone, even Mio, looked at me expectantly.

"F-Fine!" I relented.

Daichi and Yu set up a condenser microphone on the desk, then Mio stuck the dildo right in front of it. For better fidelity, she said.

They went to the computer on the opposite side of the desk to direct me, so the microphone wouldn't pick up on ambient noises they might make. This was better more embarassing by the second.

Finally, Daichi pressed the recording button and gave the signal for me to go.

My chest was pounding. Hard. The four of them were watching so intently, I suddenly got performance anxiety.

Pushing them out of my mind and hair away from my mouth, I swallowed my hesitation and went for it, wrapping my lips around the tan-colored dildo and sucking on it. Their eyes burned into me, oozing lust filling my nose. They were getting me wet between the legs for all the wrong reasons.

"Okay, cut!" Daichi said.

A recording of me sucking dick played for everyone to hear again. I had to hear my embarassing fellatio of a sex toy.

"Mm... It's hot but it doesn't sound very... good." Yu rubbed his chin like this was a piece of art.

"Can you make it louder and more enthusiastic?" Riku asked.

"Come on! I know you suck dick like a pro. What's getting you cold feet now? Lemme try." Mio joined me on the other side and picked up the dildo.

Immediately, Mio went to town on it, making slurping sounds, deepthroating it, and letting drool slide down the shaft. Our senpais squeezed their legs shut. Seeing her do a better job made me feel like a failure as a succubus.

"I-I like Mio's, but it sounds too good. Might work for the Shion, the big sister heroine who lusts after the protagonist, but not for Mai, who is still kind of reserved but harbors deep-seated lust for him," Riku explained.

"You really have these characters mapped out, don't you?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh, shit." Mio checked her phone. "I promised to meet up with Kairi at Kikubo Hall. Not sure where it is though."

"I can show you there!" Yu jumped from his seat.

"Me, too!" Riku exclaimed, leaping at the chance.

"Be back in a bit!" Mio left with the other two.

Now it was just myself and Daichi alone in the club room. The tension in the air had grown thick with awkwardness.

"So, Saeko... about yesterday..." Daichi hesitantly brought up, and I tensed up right away knowing what he was referring to. "D-Don't worry about it! People forget to do laundry all the time. I, uh... I do, sometimes!"

Seeing Daichi fluster over this was triggering something in me. I was beginning to realize that I do have a thing for geeks and nerds. Of course, as a succubus, everyone was my type as long as they had the compatible lust for my palette.

"What if I told you I didn't forget to do laundry, and I went without underwear? Does that turn you on?" I asked.

Daichi blinked absentmindedly at me for a few seconds and turned bright red.

"Are you... into that?" He gulped.

The urge to tease him was too great to resist. Instead of answering, I scooted back on my chair and crawled underneath the table. He panicked and was about to look down until I wagged a finger at him.

"Mio wasn't kidding, you know? Apparently, I really am good at blowjobs. A lot of people have told me. Maybe you want to be able to say the same?" I suggested, tugging his pants down.

"B-By a lot of people... You do this often? I know you're a succubus and all, but... I thought maybe you're one of those demon girls in webcomics that are prudish about sex," Daichi stammered in a spiel.

"Is this something that a prudish succubus would do?"

The moment I got his underwear off, a shapely penis sprung up to my face. Without wasting another second, I began licking his thick member wet with my saliva. His legs started shaking. Working on the tip made him tense up.

A pair of hands came down to grab ahold of my horns.

"Shllrrrp... shlrrrp... mmm... chuup... Better?" I asked.

Although Daichi didn't answer, I could tell by the throbbing in my mouth that he liked it. Cum squirted down my throat in waves. I swallowed it all up, then polished the head clean with my tongue.

Daichi let go of my horns and planted his hands on the desk. There was a soft thud from the microphone falling over the keyboard. I peeked out to see him blushing and speechless.

"What's wrong? Succubus drained you too hard?" I joked.

"That was... amazing... I-I'm actually a virgin, so that was... my first," Daichi said.

I climbed out from underneath and positioned myself between Daichi and the table, then lifted my skirt to reveal to him that I wasn't wearing underwear today either. He wasn't sure what to do with his hands. They were up in the air until I guided them to my waist. His dick was right on top of the entrance to my pussy when we heard shuffling outside.

Both of us snapped awake, Daichi pulling his pants up, and me wiping the cum from my lips. Mio, Riku, and Yu came through the door and only the succubus paused, sniffing the air like a dog.

"Th-That was quick," I stammered.

"Was never gonna be gone long. Kairi just wanted to borrow my notebook for the day since she left hers at home." Mio flashed a knowing smirk, having realized what Daichi and I just did.

Riku made himself comfortable on the other computer. "Let's try the recording again— Huh? There's a new recording file here. Did you guys do one while we were out?"

Daichi and I threw each other an awkward look.

As soon as Riku pressed play, the recording played the sounds of me sucking on Daichi's dick. Both of us went stiff. I was sure the others did, too, but for very different reasons. When the recording ended, everyone except Mio was speechless, who had a very smug grin on her face.

I was about to speak up until Yu interrupted first.

"That was perfect!" Yu exclaimed and replayed the file to my embarrassment.

Riku nodded. "No kidding... I feel hot just listening to it. We're going to need to edit the audio a little, but I think we can use that in the game. Good job, Saeko!"

"Uu... Thanks." I buried my face into my hands.