Chapter 179 – In Search of Hana

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 179 – In Search of Hana

The both of us walked circles on the stage while facing each other. Our bodies were laid bare for all to see. Not even the audience was cheering anymore as they watched with bated breath who would make the first move. The dark elven queen's hung and veiny cock throbbed as she moved, tempting my succubus being just looking at it.

When Elendir and I first did 'battle' to decide the hierarchy, she was tender and sweet. It was almost akin to passionate lovemaking. Now, however, the steeled resolve in her glinting eyes told me she wanted to be sure of victory.

"I don't want to waste another minute while Hana is missing, so excuse me while I make the first move." I lifted both hands and summoned portals from which chains shot out of. Two snatched Elendir by the arms and one on the ground coiled around her neck. It reeled down, forcing her to her knees.

Satisfied that Elendir would be restrained for the time being, I grabbed her by the head and massaged the length of her ears.

"You think this will hold me for long?" Elendir asked.

"Nope. Just long enough," I said, pushing her face into my crotch.

Elendir's eyes snapped open, but she seized the opportunity to eat my pussy out. Her tongue plunged into me with great skill and lips teased my clit which brought me mind-numbing pleasure.

However, I didn't close the distance to just let Elendir take the upper hand... My tail slithered down and coiled around the length of her dick, like a snake constricting around its prey. I felt her tongue stiffen from me clenching it tighter. Her eyes began to flutter and tongue slowed down as the pleasure I inflicted made her weak.

"What's the matter? You're going to lose at this rate~" I taunted and slowly closed in with my aura to intensify her senses.

Elendir flexed and shattered the chain restraints. My portals closed shut. Through sheer will, she had broken the trance and freed herself.

When I jumped back, Elendir snatched my ankle. I fell flat to the ground. She grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked hard, forcing me to stare out at the crowds going wild.

"I have defeated many succubi. You will be no different. Now, taste the pleasure of countless before you, Queen Saeko." With those words, Elendir thrusted into the limits of my depth in a single push.

Lights out. I was seeing stars instead of dark elves and succubi spectators. Elendir's massive cock fucked me effortlessly without missing a beat.

"Look at them," she urged me with another yank to my hair, bringing me closer to climax. "Those are our subjects. Hundreds— nay, thousands. Each with their own family. We are responsible for their lives. If I have to fuck you to submission to remind you of that, then prepare yourself!"

The rhythm picked up. Elendir pistoned so hard, the tip of her dick was assaulting my womb. Each time she struck, I'd lose bits and pieces of my sanity. All I wanted next was for her hot, dark elf cum filling me to the brim.

But... a face appeared before me. Hana's stupid grin. A toothy smile so big that it could reflect the sun's rays and blind you. She stood by mine and Mio's side whenever we needed her. Never questioning why. If I were to lose Hana, how could I call myself the succubus queen?

"It's because... I'm responsible... for their lives... that I have to do this... I'd do it... for any one of them!" I muttered, pushing myself up by the elbows.

Elendir slapped my ass. Pain shot up my spine. She must have hit hard enough to leave a handprint. Again, harder. This time to the left cheek.

"You like that, don't you? Pain and pleasure go hand in hand for a succubus. If I—"

A hard kick to Elendir's chest pushed her away. Her dick slipped out of my pussy as she fell backwards. The audience gasped. Mio whooped. I conjured magical chains from portals again, binding her wrists and ankles to the ground, and then climbing atop her dick to ride on.

"Sometimes... It feels better to be on top," I said, snapping my fingers. The ensuing ripple of magic shattered the restraints of those chained up at the back of the stage.

They looked around cluelessly until I placed a charm on them and beckoned them to us. A light elven man, a succubi, and two dark elven women. All four were criminals, prisoners of the dungeon underneath the manor made to be eye candy up here but were now my slaves.

"What are you... doing?" Elendir asked.

"Claiming victory," I declared.

Elendir opened her mouth to make a retort, but the light elf silenced her by pushing his dick down her throat. The two dark elves bent down and sucked on each of her nipples. Lastly, the purple-haired succubus knelt down to kiss me. Both of our tails slithered behind Elendir and drilled into her puckered ass.

The five of us fucked her relentlessly. Soon, she began to convulse intensely. Her throbbing dick erupted with thick, fertile ejaculate that would have impregnated me for sure had it been that time of the year again. As Elendir filled my pussy with cum, I noticed her hand tapping against the stage floor.

I shoved the succubus away and ordered the light elf to back off. He pulled his dick out Elendir, who began coughing out semen that might have gone down the wrong pipe.

"Do you want to admit defeat? Or should I squeeze some more out of you?" I asked, shaking my hips and causing her to writhe again.

"No... I concede..." Elendir announced, loud enough for the crowds to hear and go nuts cheering.

Though the loudest among them was definitely the succubi.

"From henceforth, you reign as queen in our alliance... But Saeko, there must not be war... promise me that," she pleaded to me.

"I promise. All we want to do is find Hana. We could use help from dark elven magic," I said.

Elendir sat up but was still shuddering from climaxing so hard. The penis from their special elixir usually didn't go limp, but hers did. She motioned to Shayle, who jumped from her seat and hurried onto the stage.

"We're not here to play nice," I began calmly. "A friend is missing. We think she went searching for more rogue succubi or something called ahari somewhere in Elza. If she had any lead at all, where in this world would she begin looking?"

The question was kept vague. Doing so allowed their brain to process differently while charmed. For the longest time, I'd been using my compulsion in a way that only begot binary answers. Yes or no. But there were other ways of applying my succubus magic, and it was more akin to suggestion.

The red-headed succubus I had caught and was the most recent addition to the prison, bowed her head in obedience.

"Queen Saeko, Hana would most likely be heading due northwest. Too far west, and the beast tribes of Elza would sooner tear her to shreds. South, there would be no succubi to find other than the armies of the Everlight's prisoners," she answered monotonously, eyes shifting slowly from one side to the other while in thought.

"Northwest? What's up there?" I asked.

When I turned around, I saw that both Yumi and Mio had a grim look on them.

The succubus continued, "The lands of our former demon lord. It has since been razed in holy fire by the bastard light elven's champions, rendering the entire domain mostly uninhabitable."

"It's true," Yumi said with sadness in her voice. "All across those lands were manors and garrisons much like this one, filled with nests of demons. The one we inhabit is among the last to stand, thanks in large part to Queen Elendir's political maneuverings following the war's end."

"Uwah... Suddenly, I feel very terrible about taking leadership from her." I sighed.

"We got our place. Get up, Red. You're coming with." Mio dragged the red-headed succubus up and gave her butt a hard smack.

A flock of two hundred succubi took flight from the manor towards northwest Elza. Yumi, Mio, and I led the way. We had them spaced out in a gargantuan line to cover a greater distance. This way, it would be easier to detect Hana or a rogue succubus' aura. Red, whom Mio had so jokingly named, remained under my mind-control and flew alongside us.

"Yumi, you said places like Queen Elendir's manor were destroyed, right? Is it possible that some are intact enough for rogue succubi to live in them?" I asked.

"It is possible, but it is unlikely. The reason being our race needs to feed. If the land is too inhospitable for another race to make a living in, then there would be no one around to feed off of. A succubus much rather prefers dense populations," Yumi explained.

"That's why we ended up in Japan," Mio added with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "Uh-huh. I know all about that..."

Whichever succubus living in Tokyo was probably having the time of their life.

The forests we were flying over came to an abrupt stop. A craggy desert laid before us with fossilized spines from long dead and burnt trees blanketing the terrain, cracked landscape, and a hazy sky of dust. Leaves and trees at the break in the forest were alight with golden flames. Holy fire. If it hadn't been put out yet, then that must mean it couldn't be put out.

So beyond this point, the land was once just as lush as Elendir's manor and the light elves' forests.

We must have flown for half a day with no luck until our search line stopped from the left wing. Since it took a split second for the others to notice, it caused our huge line to slant diagonally as each proceeding succubus saw and stopped mid-flight.

"Queen Saeko!" A succubus from the left raced down the length of the search line. "There is a medium-sized garrison back west. Dilapidated, but thin trails of smoke might mean signs of life down there. Your orders?"

"We're leaving no stones unturned. Search together as a group," I ordered.

Mio whistled sharply to the succubi behind us, and all two hundred of us descended upon the garrison together. Charred walls and collapsed rubble showed signs of an old battle. Likely not recent. The ramparts wrapped around what might have been a village once. It was probably an impressive piece of work back in the day.

I drew closer to the main keep when a familiar aura tickled the edge of mine. Even amongst the hundreds around me, I sensed it clear as day.

"That look... Is she in there?" Mio asked, landing next to me.

"I think— Mio, wait!"

Mio didn't wait for an answer and booked it towards the keep. She made it as far as the portcullis when a bright beam of light fired out from it. We leaped away in time to avoid getting it, but someone rolled out and crumpled to the ground. Her pink hair was stained a darker shade, face caked in dirt, but we knew right away it was Hana.

However, Hana didn't share the same joy and relief seeing us.

"What are you guys... doing here? You hafta get out... now!" Hana shouted urgently.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here, Sister."

"Deviant succubi attempting to reclaim their broken home. Whatever shall we do about them, Brother?"

Two elves of short stature emerged from the keep. They were dressed the same, in a white regalia with chainmail over their bodies. Twins. The boy had short blonde hair, and the girl had long blonde hair down to her waist.

"Not good!" Yumi landed with her eyes snapped open and fangs bared. "To think there were two light elven champions out here?"

"Champions? Is that bad? Should I be worried?" I asked frantically, trying to assess the situation.

The boy materialized a golden spear and went low to the ground as if preparing to run us down. The girl summoned a silver shield decorated with the sun on it. I knew as soon as I saw them that those were artifact-level items, and neither of the light elves were looking to have a talk.ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels