Chapter 181 – Light Elves

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 181 – Light Elves

Raniel and Arniel tried to get up, but I summoned multiple portals from which chains fired out to wrap around their necks. The chime of shaking metal links joined the chorus of struggling and whimpering.

"You're going to regret this!" Raniel warned.

"Light elven don't forgive easily!" Arniel added in protest. "You better finish us off after this or—"

I jumped onto bed and kissed Arniel. The elven boy thrashed around helplessly, but his tongue was singing a different tune. It let me do as I pleased, wrestling with it playfully in his mouth. He could easily have bitten my tongue off. Meanwhile, Raniel gaped at me with her jaw wide open.Discover new chapters at

"What are you doing to my brother? Let him go, you filthy succubus!" Raniel cried.

My tail went to work tugging the twin sister's pants down. She pulled against my strength and ultimately lost to me. Stripped of her pants and underwear, a glistening light elven honeypot with nicely-trimmed pubes awaited me.

"Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you," I said, leaving Arniel to go down on his sister's clit.

When Raniel shut her legs, more chains manifested from micro-portals to pry them apart. Powerless in the face of my greater magical prowess, I lightly kissed her tiny nub. The elven girl convulsed. Her eyes glazed over.

"Aahhh! Stop... It doesn't feel good... I don't want it to feel good either..." Raniel whined.

"Queen Saeko... what about me?" Arniel tugged on my arm, the submissive demeanor was proof that he had become a slave to lust from just a kiss.

"Arniel, no... you have to resist, otherwise— aaahhh!" The sister howled aloud being forcibly brought to climax. She looked down for the count. If I did any more, Raniel might actually lose her mind.

"That was quick. With Mio, I usually have to get creative. Well, Arniel. Looks like you're back on the menu," I said.

The brother tried to hide his excitement by settling back down and covering his face with both hands. Unlike his sister, he let me pull his pants down without struggle. A tiny prick sprung up to my face, a lot smaller than I like. But it was cute. I pressed a finger to the tip, moving it around like the joystick of a game controller.

However, even that little movement caused Arniel to twitch with pleasure. I licked the length of it from balls to tip, but he was also quick to climax. Cum jetted from his dick, drenching my face and his legs.

That's it. A queen should feed as much as she wants, a distant voice whispered in my head.

Immediately, I came to my senses and shattered the chains before things progressed any further.

"Was that... Beatrice just now?" I muttered to myself.

The twins were lying in bed and crying. Arms and hands to their teary faces, wailing and throwing a tantrum like babies. It almost pitied them, but screwing light elves was a delicious treat. Now I understood why Mio was so particular about violating their race.

"Are you two ready to talk now? Or would you like me to bring some tissue papers and diapers?" I asked.

The two snapped upright and yelled, "You're evil!"

"I've never been so violated in my entire life... I wanted to save myself for my future wife..." Arniel shuddered.

"Ugh... It's going to take several cleansings to get your stench off me..." Raniel sobbed.

It took every ounce of willpower not to groan out loud. One of them wanted it, and the other gave up resisting pretty soon. While they lobbed insults, I walked right up to the foot of the bed. The twins shut up. They backed up all the way to the headboard and gulped.

"You were after the rogue succubi, right? Then I take it you know they want to bring dryads into our worlds," I said.

Confusion fell upon their demeanors.

"Our worlds?" the twins repeated at the same time.

Oh, right.

I put a hand to my face and sighed. It wasn't exactly a widely-known fact that I came from Earth. Only a handful did, namely those from this manor and the artifact hunters led by Shayle. Well... Goddess Everlight did, too, but I doubt a divine being openly communicates this stuff like gossip.

Raniel cleared her throat. "It's true we were searching for rogue succubi. We were tasked to investigate and not disturb yours and Queen Elendir's brood."

"Unfortunately, succubus and dark elves look all the same to us." Arniel shrugged.

Dark elves are literally your counterparts!

I rolled my eyes as they continued.

"You're telling us there are renegades trying to summon dryads?" Raniel asked, her tone dropping a few pitches as the severity of the situation set in.

They didn't need to know about Hana's true identity. It was better this way.

"You two had a pretty intimate encounter with one back at the deserted garrison. Would you like me to replay it for you in your dreams?" I teased.

"No! That's quite alright!" the twins exclaimed.

"Very well, we'll tell you." Raniel sighed. "Our duty was to determine whether or not these rogue succubi were your agents. Now that we know for sure they aren't, and you are actually working against them, that eases only one part of our concern."

Arniel continued after her brother, "The other concern being that dryads are a threatening existence. It is like facing many Queen Beatrices without any shred of restraint or regard for life."

Crazy Beatrices definitely wasn't something either of our worlds needed.

"Hypothetically speaking, what would have happened if the rogue succubi were acting on my orders?" I asked.

"Then we would have had to report this to the upper chain of command. The results of such a report have a 100% chance of leading to war," Arniel answered seriously.

In that case, we dodged a bullet with that one. Queen Elendir should be able to rest easy.

"Alright, well... You two are free to go," I said, turning my back to them.

"We... are?" Raniel asked.

"You were never prisoners. If you had tried to escape, I would have just let you."

They stared at me incredulously.

"E-Even when you were... taking us?" Arniel asked.

I nodded, and both of them went beet red. As I exited the door, the two raced out and intercepted me. They each held a pillow to their bare bodies, eyes wide with disbelief and lower lips quivering out of anger that I tricked them. When the guards moved in to apprehend the light elves, I waved them off.

"The pedestrian light is on. Come on. Don't fall behind," I urged, snatching them by the hands.

All four of us shuffled through the packed streets. We were among the last to make it to the other side. The light turned green and cars zoomed by. A vacuum of wind almost knocked Arniel off his feet were it not for holding my hand.

"So fast! They even growl!" Arniel snarled back like sizing up an aggressive animal.

This was probably how Mio and the other succubi reacted when they first got here. Even Mio was chuckling to herself.

"Those aren't chariots. Those are called cars. Basically carriages but powered by electricity!" Mio explained.

"Oooh!" The two listened, awe-struck by her knowledge.

We got to the manga store only to be blocked by a group of photographers, snapping pictures of several cosplayers. They were in the way and making it hard to pass.

"Great... it looks like an event's going on," I said.

"What's happening?" Arniel asked.

"Hey, I got an idea." Mio grinned and whistled sharply to get everyone's attention. "Check it out! Two succubus, and a dark elf loli and shota right here!"

"Succubus? Where?!"

"Dark elf lolis are my favorite!"

The mass of photographers moved like an amorphous blob, surrounding us with their flashing cameras.

"Stop blinding us with your magic, foolish humans! Grrr... I said stop! Come, Dawnguard!" Raniel stretched out her right arm which I recognized as the motion to summon her shield. It didn't come. Instead, she stood there awkwardly in cold sweat.

"Oh! She's so cute!"

"Nice pose!"

"Can I get an upskirt?"

The photographers began to snap more pictures of Raniel, thinking she was posing for them. Panicking, she went to complain to her brother.

"Arniel, something's wrong! I don't feel the Everlight's presence!" Raniel cried.

"M-Maybe our faith has grown weak since coming here? We should pray! I'm sure our voice will reach her," Arniel insisted, and the two dropped to their knees and clasped their hands in prayer.

All this succeeded in doing was cause photographers to take even more pictures of the two. Meanwhile, Mio was cackling over their misery and religious crisis.

"Kahaha! I love it. This is great!" Mio doubled over in laughter.

"You're on Earth now and not Elza. I don't think the Everlight can hear you no matter how much you pray. The closest god would probably be— geh... Amaterasu," I explained with a sour expression.

The sunlight seemed to have gotten a little hotter. I whispered an apologetical prayer and begged my goddess mother-in-law for forgiveness.

"Queen Saeko... I don't like it here..." Raniel rubbed her teary eyes.

"I don't even think the Everlight is this blinding!!" Arniel pouted.

I traded glances with Mio, and she shrugged. We picked them up and flew away. Even if we got into the manga store, they would probably follow us anyway. Instead, we brought the twins to an arcade center.

Many people threw curious glances our way, but they quickly returned to their games. Thankfully, the common succubi presence in the city had made them more or less accustomed to us already.

"I'm already liking this place more, but why is there so much beeping and booping?" Arniel asked.

"You spend tokens here to play video games. Think of it like... pretending to fight with swords and magic, but without the whole risking your life associated with it," Mio explained to the best of her ability.

"Oooh!" The twins once again marveled at her.

But I'm the Earthling here...

"Raniel, look! In Queen Saeko's world, they trap slime in elaborate cages. How does this contraption work?" Arniel asked with his face pressed to the glass pane.

"Oh, those aren't real slimes. They're just plushies. Basically, it's a claw game to try and grab a toy. Watch me." I tossed a coin, and the claw game booth lit up with whimsical music.

The elves' ears twitched delightfully to the fanfare and eyes reflected the flashing bright lights. They paid attention with such strict discipline, neither of them moved an inch or blinked. I had to spend a few more Yen before finally getting a good grab. As soon as I pulled the smiling blue slime from Dragon Quest out of the compartment, both of them leaped back in an offensive posture.

"Queen Saeko, that's dangerous!" Raniel exclaimed.

"It's not real! Look. I'm not dissolving while holding it," I said, trying to show them by hugging the slime to my chest.

Slowly, the twins reached out to touch the slime. Or more like they poked it very briefly and pulled their fingers back.

"Uwah... It certainly doesn't feel like a slime..." Arniel held the slime in both hands, but as far from his body as possible.

"Huh. Thought for sure you kids would love toys like these," Mio joked.

"That's rude! Elves can live up to hundreds of years. We may be young in comparison to the other champions, but we're 72 years old! An incredible achievement for our age!" Raniel said proudly.

I choked on my spit. 72 years old? Well, I guess it wasn't that weird considering the likes of Yumi and Hana. Not to mention my mother, Delilah, was also an ancient succubus.

"So, what games do you two want to play first?" I asked.

"I think we can save the playing for later. Raniel and I are willing to help," Arniel said.

"We know for sure we can help, because the light elves have evolved a way to track succubi. It's how we came across the pink-haired one and the renegades in such a vast landscape. My brother and I are among the few who developed this. Our noses can sniff out hungry succubi, like a scent trail that leads us to them. Isn't it cool?" Raniel beamed like showing off a toy.

Mio and I drew our heads back.

"Cool?" Mio scoffed and started giggling. "It sounds like you light elves evolved into walking baits. One day, you're gonna walk into a starved greater succubus who'll drain you dry. Guess light elves got fucked enough that evolution just said screw it! Kahaha!"

"Wha— No! That's not..." The twins went beet red and stared at each other in embarrassment.