Chapter 184 – Party like a College Succubus!

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 184 – Party like a College Succubus!

The bathtub was only large enough to accommodate us when I sat between Mio's legs. Soaking in the hot waters did wonders for my stress. Mio embraced me from behind. Her groping hands soon began to wander. One traveled between my legs to finger me and the other kneaded my breasts. When I leaned back, she leaned in to kiss me. Our tongue fenced between our lips, and the water splashed more intensely as she gradually brought me to climax.

"Mio... mmhh~" I sucked greedily on her tongue.

"Ho-oh? Is my little cumslut getting horny again? Even after we fucked all night?" Mio whipped her tail around front, waving it before my eyes.

It wasn't an exaggeration. Mio might have been trying to reaffirm to me that we were alright and overcompensated with sex. At this rate, we were going to trade our beds for one larger one in the room.

Mio's tail suddenly plunged into me. I nearly leaped out of the tub.

"Nngh... We should... get out soon..."

"What's the hurry? Let me make you cum one more time." Mio nibbled on the lobe of my ears.

My eyes rolled back from pleasure. Mio pinched and pulled both of my nipples, all the while her tail continued to fuck me faster and faster. Water began splashing over the edge.

An incredible orgasm assailed my body. "Mio... I'm... cumming— aahhh!"

It took a few minutes for me to catch my breath. Fortunately, my climax was enough to satisfy Mio. We climbed out, dried off, and got dressed. In the living room, our roommates Casey and Kairi were in the middle of an impromptu meeting.

"You guys getting ready to leave for summer break?" I asked.

"Actually, we were just talking about staying," Casey answered casually. "I don't really wanna move my stuff home and back after break. Tsukiji is also pretty fun!"

Kairi nodded. "It's the same for me. Moving back is a hassle, and Tsubaki's staying so I wanted to keep her company. What about you two?"

"We're thinking about going to Okinawa for vacation with our boyfriend, then coming back in time for Summer Comiket," I said.

Daichi and the others at the manga circle wanted to debut our visual novel game at Comiket together. I hadn't found the heart to tell them the bad news yet that Mio and I were helping Kaede, AKA Megane-sensei, by cosplaying as characters in her story.

"Comiket?" Casey cocked her head.

"You moved to Japan and don't know Comiket? It's one of the biggest hobby conventions for amateur and professional doujin circles alike!" I exclaimed, the passion of my voice surprising her and myself.

"S-Sounds neat, I guess?" She was taken back by my gusto, then cleared her throat to recompose herself. "Oh, I almost forgot. I have a classmate that invited me to an end of the quarter party. You guys wanna come?"

"Being surrounded by strangers isn't exactly my idea of a fun time," Kairi said, shying away from the invitation.

Parties... it was going to for sure involve alcohol, of which I wasn't quite ready or the age to partake in. Throughout high school, my life consisted of either going to kendo club or straight home after school. I'd always listen, with my face buried in a book or manga pretending not to eavesdrop, to more popular students talk up a storm about partying at their mansions. Tsukiji was filled with rich kids after all.

But wait, wasn't I popular now? And coming to college was my debut at a new life as a girl, unlike when I attended Tsukiji as a boy. At the same time... my stomach was getting queasy from thinking about socializing. Why was my inner-introvert coming up at a time like this?

"A party, huh... I'm not really into that sort of thing either, but maybe Mio—"

Mio threw an arm around my shoulder. "Hell fucking yeah, we're going. See you there!"

"Great! I can't wait to party with you guys. It's gonna be so fun!" Casey beamed before heading back inside.

I gave Mio a dirty look.

"What? I wanna party! Don't you wanna party?" Mio asked.

"A party usually means drinking, and you know I'm not old enough to drink! I'd rather stay home and read manga or something." I sighed.

"You aren't, but I am. You can read manga any other day. The party's just for tonight. Come on!" She tugged incessantly against my arm until I gave in.

Mio was being extra pushy about this. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to go and check it out, and to make sure Mio and Casey were okay, too.

"Fine..." I relented.

"Alright!" Mio pumped her fists in the air.

After promising to meet up with Casey later tonight, Mio and I drove back to my parents' house for a bit. There were some things I needed to tell my mom about. Thankfully, their car was in the driveway which meant they hadn't left yet.

"I'm home," I announced as soon as I opened the door.

Only a single pair of shoes sat in the foyer. My mom's. Hatsumi and Dad must have gone out.

"Is that you, Saeko? I'm in my room," she called from above.

"Aw, man. I was hoping Hatsumi would be around for a hug and a smooch. Ah, well. I could care less about saying hi to Delilah, so I'll be in the living room until we go." Mio shuffled past, and I heard the TV turning on a second later.

I went upstairs and found my mom at her desk, typing away at a spreadsheet on the laptop. Her fingers were a blur to my eyes.

"So, the first quarter of college is down. How are you feeling? Your exams go well?" my mom asked without so much as turning around.

"Yeah... it went well." I recalled having to charm one of my professors to give us a make-up exam for being late.

She didn't need to know about that.

"You said you had something important to talk about?" she asked.

"It's about... Beatrice. I'm starting to hear and see her," I said.

The typing stopped. My heart almost did too as she turned around and stood up to face me. I expected a cold 'I told you so' look, but she drew closer with a worried demeanor.

"Is it really happening?" my mom asked.

"I-I'm fine! Really. Between Beatrice, the rogue succubi, and dryads—"

"Goodness, dryads? Maybe your father and I really should extend our stay here. You can transform me back into a succubus, and we can take care of this mess together," she insisted.

"You don't have to! I'm happy enough that you're worried about me, but I'm old enough to take care of my own problems now. The least you can do is trust me," I said.

"You're sure?" she asked after a pause.

"Yeah." I nodded.

Beatrice appeared as a reflection in the standing mirror. "Pfft. Delilah. You're her spawn? So, she was hiding under my nose this entire time. I suppose a few things make a lot more sense now. This treacherous bitch. We could have taken over worlds together. Instead, she wanted to settle down and have children? I can't believe it..."

"Saeko, what are you staring at?" my mom asked, but the realization hit a second later. "It's Beatrice, isn't it?"

There was no lying out of it. She probably knew me better than I knew myself and saw it in my face.

Suddenly, two hands gently clasped my cheeks.

"Beatrice," my mom began in a stern yet gentle tone. "Leave my child out of this, you hear me? If anything happens to Saeko, I will do everything in my power to end you."

"As if I have a choice in the matter." Beatrice quietly scoffed and disappeared from the mirror.

"Mom, I think she heard that loud and clear, so... you can let go now," I said awkwardly.

She breathed a sigh of relief, released me, and paced back to the desk where she pulled out an envelope.

"Just now, I considered not giving this to you. How could I after hearing about what you're dealing with? But you're not the succubus queen for nothing. Here." My mom extended the envelope to me.

"What is it?" I asked and was floored to find six round trip plane tickets to Okinawa.

"You're strapped for money, aren't you? I heard from Hatsumi that you picked up a part time job. Honestly, I'm impressed by your determination to stay independent. Which is why your father and I believe a gift is in order. Bring yourself, Mio, and a couple of friends with you. Take this, too." She tossed a ring of keys that I barely caught. "We have a beach house on the shores of Itoman, Okinawa. It's yours. For the vacation, of course."

This change of pace... I was beginning to get emotional. Before I knew it, I was hugging my mom. Her arms hovered over my back, unsure whether or not to return the embrace. Ultimately, she did.

"Thanks, Mom. What else are you hiding in your sleeves that Hatsumi and I don't know about?" I pulled away and asked.

"Yeeessss! Fuck yeah!" Mio exclaimed, almost lifting us into the air from sheer excitement.

With the mood lifted, Mio was a lot happier for the rest of the night. The four of us, Kana, Casey, Mio, and myself headed to the party in my car. Kairi declined. She had already made dinner plans with Tsubaki.

Tsukiji University, being the wealthy private school that served the elite, it didn't come as a surprise that the one hosting the party was another rich kid. Cream of the crop. His parents were apparently out of town, and so he took the liberty of throwing a party at their mansion on the hills, overlooking the city. A place that was beyond the reach of even my parents' status.

We parked amongst the many expensive luxury vehicles. My car was probably the only electric vehicle. The others were gas-guzzling Bugattis, Lambos, and Cadillacs.

The party was already well underway in the three-story mansion. Students could be seen mingling inside and dancing on the balcony to loud music. Some of which I vaguely recognized passing on campus.

"Awww, man! This is the kind of uni life I've been waiting for!" Casey squealed with delight.

"Hey, it's the two succubus! WHOOOO!" Someone outed us the moment we got through the door.

Wasted and high college students bellowed together in raucous cheers. That seemed to energize Mio even more than the music could.

"Show me where the drinks are at, bitches!" Mio roared, throwing herself into the crowds as they led her into the kitchen where people were taking shots of alcohol.

"I'm going with her!" Casey eagerly followed them.

"Don't drink too much!" I yelled in vain.

"Let them cut loose a little. I'm sure it's going to be fine," Kana said.

"If you say, so... " I snuggled up to his chest. "Want to go find an empty room upstairs?"

The two of us weaved past partygoers on the way upstairs. There were a lot of people, but none of them were brave enough to breach the privacy of someone else's room. Thankfully, my hearing was somewhat good enough to find out if a room was empty.

We slipped into a room as no one was looking. It was large and with a big bed to match. Light from the bathroom left unflipped bled into the room. No one was inside when I checked it. Although the bed was a little disheveled, its sheets had fallen off to the side, Kana and I didn't hesitate to make it our own.

Piece by piece, we stripped each other down, gently humping our bodies together to savor the moment. Just the thought of doing it on someone else's bed made my desires go wild. I wanted it in me now.

"Er... Hold on! Nature calls. Sorry!" Kana jumped off and ran for the bathroom.

"Seriously?" I pouted.

The bathroom door slammed shut, and I was left horny beyond imagination. While lying there, I started fingering myself and kneading my own breasts. The music and murmur of people on the other side of the wall excited me. I wanted to moan out loud and tempt fate that they might hear.

"Hahh... mmmh... I'm getting close, Kana... hurry up..." I whispered.

Something shuffled behind me. The bed creaked and a pair of hands started groping my ass. It made fingering myself feel more intense.

"Mm... That feels good... touch me more and give me your dick~" I pleaded sweetly while face down on the pillow.

Kana gulped hard. His dick landed between my cheeks. It felt thicker and larger than usual. It must have been my imagination, or maybe he was just excited to screw me again after so long.

Soon, Kana's dick found my entrance and plunged deep into me.

"Ahhh! I missed your dick so much! Pull my hair and fuck me!"

My head was yanked up to face the bed headboard, all the while Kana pounded my ass with wild abandon. The pain of having my hair pulled taut against my scalp became my pleasure. For some reason, his dick was a lot bigger inside me, but I didn't care. It had been a long time since I had dick that all I cared about was having more of it.

Suddenly, the toilet flushed.

Kana, or who I thought was Kana, stopped fucking me. Hot cum gushed into my womb. The bathroom door creaked open.

"Uh, Saeko?" Kana called.

Me and a random guy glanced over our shoulders to Kana, then locked eyes with each other.

Before either of us could say a thing, he snatched a pillow and bolted out of the room.

"Hey, come back here and double team me damn it!" I shouted angrily.

"Nnh... Kei, where'd you go...?" a girl asked.

Kana and I followed the voice to a drunk girl at the bottom of the bed rolled up in the fallen bedsheets.

A couple of guys with beer bottles in hand peeked into the room.

"Can, uh... Can we join?" one of them asked.

I quickly got dressed and stormed out of the room with Kana. My face was red with embarrassment. We found an empty balcony for some privacy.

"S-Sorry..." I apologized. "I thought it was you, and the scent of your lust masked his smell."

Kana put his arm around my waist and said, "Don't worry about it. I really didn't mind at all! The question is, are you sure you didn't want to accept those guys' offer just now? Could've had your fill with a gangbang."

"Huh?! Kana, are you... don't tell me...?"

"You're always texting me about having sex with other guys since college started, so now I've kinda developed a fetish. That fetish," he confessed, his voice quivering with a slight shame.

"As in you like seeing me getting fucked by other guys?" I asked, rubbing the incredibly hard erection in his pants.

"I... kind of want to be in the same room though..." He avoided eye contact and nodded.

It must have taken a lot of courage to admit that to me.

"You know... since we're going to Okinawa together, maybe something can be arranged?" I suggested, drawing circles on his chest with my finger.

"L-Let's save that discussion for another time! We should check on Mio and Casey, right? Don't want them ending up too wasted," Kana said.

Giggling, I kissed my boyfriend deeply and figured he was right. We went downstairs together where things were heating up, so to speak. There were so many people in the living room that the combined body heat turned the place into an oven. They had formed a crowd, or circle of sorts.

We did, however, find Casey sloshed out of her mind and on the floor behind a couch. A couple of girls were kind enough to look after her.

"Casey, what happened?" I asked.

"I... drank! Whoooo! Saeko, Kana... you two... let's take some shots!" Casey tried to get up, but her wobbly legs wouldn't cooperate.

"We already did, remember?" Kana lied.

"No, shit? Oh, yeah! That was great! Man, I don't remember how many shots I took!" she said while grinning like a fool.

Kana and I came to a telepathic agreement that Casey has had enough.

"Maybe we should bring you home. Do you know where Mio is?" I asked.

"Dunno. She was next to me a few minutes ago," Casey answered.

"I'm getting worried," Kana said.

"Mio's a succubus. There's not much to worry about," I assured him.

"Bukakke! Bukakke! Bukakke! Bukakke! Bukakke!"

Kana shot me a look. "So then, why is everyone suddenly chanting bukakke?"

We pushed to the front of the living room crowd in time to find Mio naked, surrounded by a bunch of guys who were also naked. She was covered head to toe in cum, and they were jacking off and shooting their loads all over her. Each time someone ejaculated, the drunken crowds cheered.

"Mio?!" both of us cried.

"Yo!" Mio threw up a peace sign. "Human parties are a blast! Get in here and join me, Saeko!"