Chapter 190

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 190

We set up a table in the doujin hall with a laptop playing Ai-Monogatari, our visual novel game. Stacks of discs and posters with the title character Ai-chan furnished most of the space on the table. Unlike with Kaede's lewd manga and protagonist, I was dressed in more modest clothes to fit the school girl aesthetic to be our game's main character. The white and black sailor uniform was tacky, completely unlike my private school uniform from Tsukiji.

I might have only recently become a college student, but wearing high school clothing still felt a little awkward.

"P-Please try out our game... Thanks..." Daichi mumbled to another passerby.

Riku and Yu weren't doing any better. Their voices were barely audible amongst the cacophony of Comiket's second day. The constant chattering from con-goers were enough to stifle them.

"At this rate, you guys won't even be able to give away free copies." I rolled my eyes.

"We can't help it!" Yu cried in distress. "We're not used to interacting with large groups of people..."

"I'm exhausted just being in the presence of extroverts," Riku added with a heavy sigh.

Well, it wasn't like I couldn't empathize. Although I was around people all the time with kendo, the little introvert in me still had a tough time dealing with people. Only thanks to the likes of Mio and Kana, as well as great friends that I ended up developing a somewhat extroverted streak lately.

Not that Mio was ever one to stay put at home anyway.

"Hey, I don't mean to point out the elephant in the room but... it's not helping with a big scary succubus lady here either," Daichi said, awkwardly casting his gaze to Selene, who stood behind them with her arms folded and on the lookout.

"Just pretend Selene isn't around. She's just here for your protection," I explained.

"That scary expression she has doesn't inspire confidence!" Yu retorted.

"Do not mind me. This is how I normally look," Selene said.

If nothing was done to spice up the advertising soon, then we really would have gone the entire day without selling anything. Maybe it was time to whip out what worked. I dropped my human illusion to reveal my usual succubus features. The tail slipped out from underneath my skirt and wings punctured the costume to flare out.

The people nearby saw and instantly came to check out the booth. And me.

"Excuse me, is Ai-chan a succubus in this game?" a prospective buyer asked Daichi.

"Er... Well, uh... You'll have to find out in the sequel!" Daichi answered hastily.

After the guy bought the first copy of the game, the boys lit up like a Christmas tree.

"We did it... we sold a copy of Ai-Monogatari," Riku said, shaking from being overwhelmed with emotions.

They clasped each others' hands, mine too, and jumped for joy.

"We did it!" the three of them cried.

"Guys..." I didn't jump with them. "It's far from over. We still have hundreds of copies left because Yu splurged, thinking they would fly off our table!"

They deflated like balloons and settled back into their seats. I sighed out my nose. Well, they deserved some praise. Making a game was no small feat.

As noon rolled around, we still hadn't found any signs of the rogue succubi or a dryad. I should be glad that nothing was happening, but I grew antsier by the minute. Maybe we already got the last ones.

"Don't become complacent. Complacency does not befit a queen," Beatrice whispered to me.

"Again with the lecturing. Once this is all over, there's still the problem of this body not being big enough for the both of us," I reminded her.

"Awww. Here I thought we've been getting along like two peas in a pod!" she teased and cackled quietly.

One problem at a time...

I got on my toes to peer over the mass of people in the doujin hall. Just barely, I saw Yumi's horns in the distance. She, her sister Taleia, and Hana were with Kaede, dressed as other succubi characters from her manga.

My phone buzzed. I checked it to find a text in the group chat from Shayle. All it said was 'outside' and that was enough to turn the blood in my veins cold.

"No! We have to hurry!" Beatrice warned loudly like ringing church bells.

"Saeko, are you okay?" Daichi entered my field of vision to ask.

"Stay here!" I exclaimed and flew up.

"Wait, where are you going? Should we be worried?"

Thousands of con-goers stared at me, and I instantly became the main attraction in the hall. Yumi, Taleia, and Hana were looking down at their phones, likely having seen the same message. They glanced up and nodded, but only Yumi and Hana rose to join me. Taleia and Selene stayed behind on my orders to protect people in the con.

"Is it really the dryad?" Yumi asked as we flew for the exit.

"We're about to find out..."

Outside, I immediately sensed the auras of multiple succubi that I wasn't familiar with. There were also the ones on my side, all overlapping each other and moving erratically. Far ahead along the promenade, currently drawing the attention of hundreds of people, were two factions of succubi going after each other's throats.

They hurled magic and struck out with claws, yet the con-goers weren't at all concerned about their own safety. For every human there was a phone in hand, capturing the entire battle. A few at a time tensed up, their eyes glowed a pinkish color from being charmed, and walked forward to the circle.

"What the... Get out of here! Now!" I ordered, compelling the humans with my aura to break whatever hold was on them.

Right away, the crowds began to clear in a steady fashion.

"Saeko!" Mio yelled while pinning a succubus against a tree. "The ritual! Stop the ritual!"

I followed her gaze to a group of succubus arranged in a circle just like at the yacht. Dark tendrils of magic swirled all around them. I summoned the Blade of the First Temptress. Together with Yumi and Hana, we charged into the fray.

"We just have to disrupt them!" I exclaimed.

But that was easier said than done.

As I stared into the dryad's deranged eyes, I began to wonder if there really was no other way? Even Beatrice was telling me to shut the portal.

Beatrice, you pretty much had my body. You were so close to getting your way in being with Mio. I thought you were wholly selfish, but maybe I was wrong. You really could be a big sister in the end.

"Well, Beatrice... looks like it's going to be just you and me for a while in this god forsaken place." I lifted the Blade of the First Temptress with what little strength I had and pointed it at the portal.

However, as I thought of never seeing Mio and Kana again, my heart twisted. I wavered. At the same time, I understood Beatrice's sentiments. Maybe because we both shared the same mind and body. If I wanted to protect them... everyone... then this had to be done.

I gathered my remaining sexual energy I had left to the tip of the sword— until a hand reached through to grab the blade.

"As if I'm letting you leave me! Don't you fucking think about closing this portal!" Mio screamed from the other side.

"Mio?!" Beatrice and I uttered at the same time.

Mio clenched so tightly on the sword that she began to bleed.

Fighting back tears, I kicked the dryad in the chest. She snarled back at me. I kicked her again, and again, and again... until finally, the tentacles lost hold of my body. Hana's tentacles emerged from the portal to pull me through by the shoulders. I landed on top of them back in the forest.

"Close it! Close it! Close it!" Hana cried, shoving against the dryad as she tried to crawl through.

"Starve on your own time!" I compelled the portal shut with the last of my sexual energy.

The dryad's crazed expression was the last thing I saw as it closed completely, slicing off a few of Hana's appendages in the process.

Calm returned to the forest. My entire body ached so much, I didn't even have strength to look up. Mio appeared over me and grabbed one of my horns. Tears dripped down her cheeks to mine.

"Holy fucking fuck..." Mio sighed.

I passed out before I could hear her next words.

When I next woke up, it wasn't in my bed. Or anywhere I recognized for that matter. I was lying on a simple cot with a window to the forest beside me. This was Beatrice's cabin. I wandered out into the living room when voices started echoing from everywhere.

"Do you hate me so much?" I heard Beatrice asked.

I knew right then that she had taken over my body while I was passed out.

"It's not fair asking me that while you're in Saeko's body, but yeah. I still hate your guts alright. Always have. Always will," Mio said without holding back.

"Ahh, there would have been a time I just took what I wanted. Who cares if it was right or wrong. I blame Saeko, you know? It's her damn influence, but fine. I won't keep her from you. Just know that I've always had your well-being in mind. Doesn't matter to me if you don't believe me. I believe it," Beatrice said, her voice echoing all around until the front door opened.

There she was, looking all pitiful and sad. Then she saw me and brightened up.

"Saeko, you're awake! I was just out fishing," Beatrice said and realized her mistake when there was no bucket of fish to show for. "I must have left them outside!"

"Sounds like you and Mio had another fight," I teased.

"Well, not every pair of sisters are on good terms. You and Hatsumi had a little thing going on, too. Anyway, your body is incredibly sore and disagrees with me. You're welcome to leave," she insisted, picking up some fishing gear before going back out.

I really wanted to just leave her. Instead, I gave in and joined Beatrice by the creek just as she cast a line.

"What are you waiting for? Mio's expecting you with a bowl of porridge. When I tried to take a bite, she slapped my hand! That girl... Best get going before it gets cold," Beatrice said without looking at me.

"Yeah, but Mio will be there when I wake up. That's just how she is. I'm staying for some grilled fish. At least with you, I don't have to worry about having chili added to it." I grinned.

Beatrice chuckled. I did, too. We shared a genuine laugh that lifted the tension from both our shoulders.

"I may not have earned Mio's love, but you know... sharing your body hasn't been all bad," Beatrice cackled quietly.

"It's been troublesome for me!" I retorted.

"Oh, but you enjoy our time together. Don't lie to yourself! Dare I say... I feel a sisterhood with you now," she said, a little too seriously for my tastes.

It suddenly became awkward between us. I wasn't sure how to respond to that.

"Hey." Beatrice interjected my thoughts. "Don't think it awkward, then it really will be awkward!"

Right. We were in each others' heads after all.

"Be serious here. What's going to happen between us now? We've beaten the dryads. The rogue succubi have mostly been captured, and there are too few to perform another summoning ritual. Am I just waiting for you to inevitably take over my body?" I asked.

A heavy sigh echoed heavily in my mind.

"Delilah has already told you what to do. Destroy the Blade of the First Temptress and free my tethered soul. Only then will you truly escape me," Beatrice said.

"It really comes down to that, huh? So... what happens to you?" I asked, this time reluctantly.

"I'm put to rest. At long last. Perhaps it is what I deserve in the end for what I've done," she answered.

We stared quietly at the bobber without any real thoughts passing through our minds other than the moment. Suddenly, it sank. The line zigzagged through the water, and Beatrice became electrified as she rapidly reeled the fish.

One good tug and Beatrice yanked the flopping trout out, flinging water and getting us both wet.

"Now that's what I'm talking—"

The trout flailed a little too hard, smacking Beatrice in the face, and causing her to step into the empty pail. She tripped into the creek, soaked head to toe in water. Our eyes met, and it was getting harder not to burst out laughing.

"A peep out of you, and I will deliver your body straight to those homeless encampments," Beatrice threatened.

I covered my mouth with both hands.