Chapter 196

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 196

After helping to dry each other off— though it was more like the three of us couldn't stop groping each other— we threw ourselves into bed to begin our lust-filled evening.

"Okay, you little sluts. Kanae lay down on your back, and Saeko lay down on top of her," Mio ordered us.

Kanae did as ordered without hesitating, climbing into bed and looking as demure as possible. Her breasts barely flattened and stayed as round as mountain peaks. Voluminous black hair wreathed around her head. Soft, bedroom eyes and a lithe finger beckoned me to join.

Hand by hand, I crawled into bed on top of Kanae. My hair white draped down over her face, mixing silvery streaks into her black locks. My breasts rested atop her much larger ones. As I let my weight down on her, she grabbed my hands and entwined our fingers. She kissed me with sweet, supple lips and a tongue followed suit into my mouth like a lion after its prey.

"Mmh... You're so cute~" Kanae whispered between kisses.

Wherever our skin touched, it was on fire. I didn't even know it was possible to be brought close to climaxing from just making out.

"Hah... mmh... chuu..." I tried to fight back with my own tongue, but she had me in her clutches.

"Look at you two. Lost in your little world," Mio giggled from behind. "I'm gonna remind you I'm here— Take this!"

Kanae jerked first. Her eyes snapped wide open before softening again as pleasure seized hold. I was about to glance back until Mio's tongue invaded my pussy.

"Ahhh— Mio! You're more intense than usual..." I stammered.

"Shllrrp... shuurrllpp... Mmm! You're dripping wet, it's practically gushing!" Mio continued to eat me out.

"Your tail... nnh... faster... pump it into me like it's your dick!" Kanae pleaded

The faster Mio thrusted her tail, the more erotic Kanae became. Her breath, the sweat streaking down her face... Our tails coiled together like snakes mating. A hand came down hard on my butt.

"Come on. Squeal for me. It gets me off!" Mio slapped my ass harder and harder, and it was no doubt going to leave a mark.

"Ow! Mio, not so hard or— nngh!"

Every smack caused my whole body to convulse.

"Saeko..." Kanae held my face between her hands. "Kiss me while we're cumming!"

Our lips locked together again to muffle our moans. Pleasure assaulted me from all sides, especially my stinging cheeks and pussy. I could feel Kanae's climax, her body trembling like an earthquake was rocking this building. As we came down from our high, Mio sat down next to our heads and wiped my pussy juices from her lips.

"Mmmmph! I got a taste of both of you, and I gotta say— best mixed drink I ever damn had." Mio grinned.

I rolled off to catch my breath.

"Hey, there's something I want to try. I normally reserve this for irredeemable criminals, but I'll dispel it right after," Kanae said.

Whatever it was, we let Kanae do it. We didn't care if it was a trap or whatever, we were just that horny. She cupped Mio's cheeks and let a dribble of saliva slide into her mouth. Mio spasmed as a marking of a heart with horns appeared on her belly like a tattoo.

"Ooooh, fuck... I'm so turned on right now... it's like starvation mode, but I'm not crazy." Mio clutched herself, shaking like crazy.

When it came time for me, Kanae did the same. Her warm hands cupped my cheeks. I gazed up at her and opened my mouth, awaiting the nectar she was about to give me. As hot saliva dripped onto my tongue, a surge of sexual energy overwhelmed my being.

Everything became red hot. Especially my pussy. An ever-present sensation of someone lightly caressing my skin made me close to orgasming. Like I'd been edging for over a year. I wanted to be fucked right now. I needed someone to turn me into their bitch before I go crazy.

"What is... this?" I asked, shivering controllably from the magic.

"I put a Cursemark of Horniness on both of you. It's a powerful curse that slowly drains your mana and, well... the effect is in the name," Kanae explained.

"Man, I should've asked Elendir for a dick potion before we left Elza that time. I wanna fuck your sopping wet cunts so bad." Mio groaned in disappointment.

Now that might end up being pleasure I wouldn't be able to recover from.

"You guys can't grow your own penis?" Kanae asked.

"What?" Mio and I blinked.

"Oh, I think you're going to like this. Watch." She pointed to her crotch where the little clitoris nub grew in size to become an erect dick.

The two of us sat there in disbelief and watering from our mouths.

"Dibs!" Mio shoved Kanae down and me away, then climbed onto her waist.

"No fair!" I pouted.

"Hehe. We have all night. Until Mio's had enough, how about I give you a little service here?" Kanae stuck her tongue out at me.

Gulping hard and unable to resist Kanae's seductive charm, I positioned my pussy over her face like she asked. A wet tongue and supple lips sucked on my clit. I felt all the little bumps from her taste buds rubbing it. My knees turned to jelly as she licked me like a dog.

Was it magic, too? Whatever it was, this was wildly better than Mio. It couldn't compare, and Mio prided herself on being able to eat pussy. And right now...

Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap!

"Oh, fuck! Fuck me, fuck my pussy!" Mio screamed, bouncing with crazed abandon on Kanae's dick. Her eyes rolled back, teeth clenched and drooling from the corner of her mouth, all the while in the throes of ecstasy.

"Mio... does it feel that good?" I asked and pulled her in for a deep, tongue-lashing kiss.

"M-Morning! It's alright if you want to sleep in. I'll get some water boiling— ah!"

Kanae embraced me from behind. Her chest squished against my back. She rested her chin on my shoulder, and her hands playfully kneaded my breasts.

"Mmm. Good morning. I guess last night can be considered my win~" Kanae whispered seductively into my ear.

A little squeeze to my nipples brought me close to climaxing. Memories of the pleasure imprinted on my body by her came rushing back.

"Well... your magic spells are kind of unfair..." I muttered.

Kanae kissed me lightly on the neck. I let it happen as I melted in her arms. After all, I wanted it. If she asked me to call her queen, I'd say it in a heartbeat. Her lips slowly nibbled up until we were tongue-tied again.

"Hey... I need some loving over here, too..." Mio mumbled groggily, her hand brushing the empty in bed.

"Geez. There's plenty of me to go around. You kind of remind me of Lilith and the Sisters of Sin," Kanae said and let go of me to fool around with Mio under the covers.

"What kind of corny band name is— ooooh, fuck! Again with that tail thing! Give it to me!"

Even Mio was weak to her. Guess this was going to have to be one succubus I couldn't beat.

While those two were getting their rocks off, I started the water boiler and fished into the bag of konbini food we didn't get to. Because of obvious reasons. After getting off a couple of times, Kanae and Mio got dressed, then joined me at the table to start our day with instant ramen.

Unfortunately, Kanae didn't have much of an appetite. And it didn't seem to be because she already had her fill of us. So, we decided to cheer her up by brainstorming what to do.

"This is just a guess, but maybe Kanae was sent here to help us. Her Rift thing or whatever it is, that's like a trial? Means there's something that needs doing before she can get back," Mio explained.

"Makes sense. The problem is we don't know what she can help us with." I sighed.

"Do you guys have a big enemy to deal with? Or an imminent threat that needs addressing? I'm plenty powerful!" Kanae pumped both fists in front of herself.

Mio and I looked at each other, then back at Kanae.

"Nope," we said.

"You can literally make us cum by snapping your fingers. Which is great, but we're fresh out of enemies for ya. Unless another surprise drops in on us like you did, we've pretty much already taken care of everything," Mio added.

"Well, there is something. I just don't know if that's really it," I said.

"Anything is worth a shot!" Kanae exclaimed eagerly.

We proceeded to explain all the relevant details regarding Beatrice, the dryads, and the renegade succubi incidents that led up to now. She listened carefully and absorbed everything like an attentive mother. I couldn't put my tongue on why, but I suspected, by the way she spoke and paid attention to us, that she had children.

"And so that's where we're at," Mio said at the end of our recap. "If it were up to me, I'd give them the boot once the mirror is fixed. But Saeko here wants to be the goody two-shoe and help 'em."

"I dunno. I think it's admirable. Sounds to me the succubi in your world are a lot more inclined to change than mine at least. But Mio has a point. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, I've been learning that the hard way. Your succubi might respond better to a little force," Kanae suggested.

We decided to take the heavy-handed approach.

The three of us paid the renegade succubi room a visit. They occupied a suite to fit all of them in. Hana opened the door for us, and all of them were laying around bored with fluffy handcuffs on.

"Huh? Who's the broad?" an irate succubus asked and stood up to confront us.

Kanae immediately snatched the succubus' face with the tail pussy, lifting the poor girl into the air. Her muffled screams quickly turned into moans of pleasure. She twitched and writhed. A streak of wetness slid down her thighs.

"This is Kanae, a succubus queen from another world." Mio smirked, resting an elbow on Kanae's shoulder.

The rest of the renegades backed away as I took a step forward.

"Clearly, I had it wrong all along. Trying to convince you girls by showing you a better life was my mistake. What I should be doing is acting like the queen succubus I am and forcing you to obey me. Isn't that right?" I asked, compelling my aura upon Reza and the renegade succubi.

Unprepared and not expecting me to do so, they fell right under my control. Reza at least clenched her jaws in a show of defiance. Too bad for them, the hierarchy was clearly defined. I walked up to Reza and brushed her cheek with the back of my hand. Her tender skin was smooth and warm, and all I could think of was how her pussy tasted at that moment. I also wanted to see Kanae fuck them into submission alongside me.

"It doesn't matter... how much you try to... win me over... I will always be loyal... to Queen Beatrice and not you," Reza said past gritted teeth.

"I'll make you loyal. All of you. One way or another," I whispered into Reza's ear, causing her to shiver.

"You— mmph!"

I forced my tongue into Reza's mouth, silencing her protests. She twitched in my grasp but ultimately couldn't fight. The two of us kissed passionately, swapping spit and taking turns sucking on the other's tongue. Her eyes became dewy, breathing hoarse, and nipples hard.

The other succubi swallowed hard. They had no other choice but to watch as I defiled their defeated leader.

"Ahhhh~ I can't wait to make them sing!" Kanae flashed a devilish smile, exuding that same sadistic presence from last night.

By the time we were done, all of the renegades laid naked and writhing in a pile. Mio, Kanae, and I had sufficiently fucked them all into submission. Whether they changed for the better remained to be seen. That would have to wait until they returned to consciousness.

"Well, that was satisfying." I stretched my arms until the joints popped.


"Looks like I'm still here." Kanae sighed, staring down at her hands.