Chapter 198

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 198

As the day came to an end, Kanae, Mio and I returned to the apartment. It was the middle of the night. We just had dinner with our roommates. They went to bed, but the three of us succubus stayed up and convened in the kitchen. Only the television droned on from the living room.

"Let me get straight. One of your gods wants you to humiliate me? That's part of your trial?" I asked.

"I-I know it sounds ridiculous, but during one Rift— of which Threcia was also presiding over— she trapped us in cages and had us play truth or dare. Some of these trials really are that silly," Kanae explained.

It wasn't that I didn't believe her. I did. After all, Kanae's existence in our world was extraordinarily outrageous in and of itself. What I couldn't believe was how meddling this Threcia god was.

Though... None of us really had a good track record when it came to dealing with higher beings.

"Enough stalling." Mio cut in after the anime episode ended. "It's a given Kanae's going to go bad bitch on Saeko. No question there since we gotta do it. The question now is what are you planning to do? Because I want in."

"Worst girlfriend ever." I sighed.

"I don't want to do anything that Saeko doesn't want to do," Kanae said.

"Well, you gotta. How else are we going to fulfill the condition?" my errant girlfriend in need of a scolding asked.

There was always the chance we did something I didn't like. However, the fact still remained: we had to help Kanae get home.

"Mio's right." I relented. "We have to do it. All I ask is you don't go too overboard with whatever you come up with."

Not that if Kanae really wanted to, there was no way for me to resist. She was the stronger succubus.

We all went to bed, anticipating the next day. Me, especially, dreading whatever it was Kanae and Mio were going to come up with.

In the morning, Kairi and I were having breakfast when Kanae sluggishly emerged from my room. She was dressed sloppily in one of Mio's looser clothes, but that didn't mean much. They were still very tight on that body of hers.

"Morning..." Kanae sat down and laid her head down on the table.

"There's eggs and salmon on the pan if you're hungry, courtesy of Kairi. Are you feeling okay?" I asked, noticing her greater exhaustion than usual.

"Thanks, and I'm not sure... It feels like the longer I'm here, the more tired I get. Maybe I just need a juicier snack." She gazed hungrily at Kairi instead.

"G-Getting drained by a succubus will tire me out, won't it? As much as I'd like to help, I have class soon! Maybe Saeko has some friends she can introduce you to?" Kairi suggested before being made a meal out of.

Kanae searched me for help like a lost child. A stark difference from the regal, extremely sultry, and sometimes silly succubus. If she was anything like I was, then going hungry must be just as miserable. Or, was she suffering from being away from her world for too long like the twins?

That's it.

"I do have someone I can introduce you to!" I exclaimed, then whipped out my phone to send a text to Shayle and Yumi, who were watching over the light elven twins.

After Kairi left, I waited with Kanae in the living room until someone rang the apartment doorbell. Yumi and Arniel were there, like a mother dropping off their child.

"Saeko, you said you urgently needed help?" Arniel asked, eager to be of assistance to me.

"Who's there? Your friend?" Kanae peered over my shoulder and locked eyes with Arniel.

"Arniel, this is Kanae. Kanae, this is Arniel. How about you two get acquainted in my room? Mio's a heavy sleeper, so don't worry about waking her up," I said.

"Eh?" The light elf's gaze darted between us.

The instant I stepped aside, Kanae snatched the light elf's hand and yanked him into her embrace. Her eyes were glowing intensely, and her tail whipped wildly behind her. Drool slipped down the corners of her mouth like a starved dog.

"Is this a high elf? Why does he smell so good? I bet he tastes just as good, too... I want a taste, I want him to ruin my pussy and squirt all his cum inside me." Kanae panted heavily.

"Th-This is what you brought me here for? I thought you needed help!" Arniel complained.

"You are helping me! You were able to feed all those renegade succubi, so I figured you have enough stamina in you to feed her," I explained.

Kanae picked Arniel up and carried her into the bedroom. The door slammed shut. The sounds of sex were quick to begin.

"Ufufu~ You can be quite the ruthless queen." Yumi giggled at the elf's expense.

"It's been bothering me. Is Arniel not in your ballpark?" I asked, recalling her suspect tastes.

"That's because the light elves only appear young. Arniel, though quite the looker he is, doesn't strike my fancy. That succubus Kanae seems to like him." She glanced at the door where cheeks were certainly being clapped.

Since Kanae was busy and Mio was sleeping in, I headed to the campus library to study after Yumi left. It was usually full of people around exam week. At the beginning of the term, however, the tables would be hard pressed to find just one occupant. Perfect for a quiet place to study without distractions.

I picked out a corner and went to gather some books related to my business major. Academia was never my strong point, so it was important now more than ever compared to high school that I stay on top of my studies. Too bad I didn't have Kana, Rika, and Hitomi to help me study like old times.

"What kind of succubus queen am I to always rely on people?" I was about to pull a book out when my phone buzzed.

Mio had sent me a text, but it wasn't her on the other end. It was a selfie of Kanae, lying on my bed with a sleeping Arniel on top of her. They both look disheveled.

Another text followed.

"Thanks for the meal. Now it's time for yours. I hope you didn't forget your promise to help me?"

I gulped. Kanae was going to start now?

"No need to blackmail me... I've been ordered to do whatever you want. I just have one request: film it all," I said and tossed my phone to the front guy who was now hesitating.

When I climbed onto the table and spread eagle myself for them, revealing the cum dripping out of my pussy, their fear vanished. The student who came in to screw me first popped another erection.

"Oh, there she is! Would you believe me if I told you Saeko used to get squeamish around someone's dick? Kahaha! Oh, how times have changed~" Mio's voice reached my ears as the door opened.

I came to consciousness with someone unconscious on top of me. There were three additional students than the initial four. In fact, these seven weren't from the original four that I was having sex with earlier. People must have been coming in and out of the room.

Of me, too, apparently! Ejaculate was still flowing freely out of my pussy.

"Uu... Everything just felt so good that I went with the flow again..." I pushed the guy off me, and he rolled over onto the table.

My body was caked in sweat and cum. The stuffiness in the room didn't let anything dry, so I was still sticky all over. It was on my hair, leaking from both of my holes... I plucked someone's stray pubic hair out between my teeth.

Kanae slinked in, looking ashamed of herself.

"Sorry, Saeko... That apparently didn't fulfill the second condition," Kanae said.

"I just had sex with a bunch of people for nothing?!" I exclaimed in defeat.

My phone was on the ground. I wiped the layer of sweat from the screen. It was only two in the afternoon, which meant I'd been in here getting my brains screwed out all morning. There were a bunch of unread texts from Mio and Kanae, asking me to update. Guess I was too out of it to answer them. Not only that, the memory storage in my phone was full.

There was a four-hour long video of me getting ran train on. It panned over to male students and even a custodian. The camera momentarily stopped on blondie, who was taking cash payment at the door to let people in.

"I got prostituted?! If I ever find him on campus..." I grumbled angrily.

Curiosity got the better of me. I kept watching the video. My moans were harried and frantic. Mio and Kanae joined in to watch. I was getting pounded in every hole, had a dick in each hand, and even another between my boobs.

"Damn. You were really going at it. Send it to me later. I wanna watch it as fap material!" Mio urged me.

"No, I'm going to delete this!" I cried, holding it close to my chest but unable to bring myself to. My finger hovered over the delete video button.

A text from Hana interrupted me instead. She was asking us to come to the love hotel where the renegades were kept. Apparently, they were acting weird.

"Are your succubi acting up again?" Kanae asked. "Maybe we didn't make them submit hard enough."

"Better check it out, but I need a shower first." I sniffed myself and grimaced.

After showering and thoroughly scrubbing myself clean, we headed to Hana's love hotel in Suma by flight. Along the way, I flew somewhat ahead of them to watch the video of my gangbang so neither of them would notice.

I should delete it. But the other part of me didn't want to. A naughty thought came to mind instead. I sent the entire video to Kana. He'd probably like this.

We reached Suma at last. All of the succubi were accounted for, I could tell as much by their auras scraping against mine.

"What happened, Hana?" I asked as we entered.

The pink-haired helion was behind the counter with Raniel, playing a video game together on the television console.

"More like nothing happened, and that's weird. You know how they've been hootin' and hollerin' about dethroning you? Well, it's been quiet the whole day. I think ya wanna see for yourself," Hana said, tossing me the key to their room.

"Hey, that slit-eyed succubus came to pick my brother up earlier. Mind explaining to me what that was about?" Raniel shot me the side-eye glare.

Kanae swallowed her answer.

"Ah, don't worry! Your bro's just helping us take care of a pest problem at our apartment." Mio brushed off her question with a mischievous cackle.

We ventured down the hall, past occupied rooms and a couple squeezing by on their way out.

The renegade's room was quiet. Hana was right. Too quiet. I opened the door and found them all on one knee. They faced us with their heads down.

"Ehh? What's going on?" I stood there unmoving, baffled by their display of submission.

"The other day... When you, Mio, and that... other succubus toyed with us... I've never felt such pleasure in my life before. If serving you is what it takes to experience that ecstasy again, please accept us into the fold!" Reza exclaimed passionately.

"Whodathunk, fucking 'em silly works about as well as letting you get fucked silly," Mio said, nudging me with her elbow.

"This isn't a trick, is it?" I asked them.

"We would never!" she insisted. "Whatever your orders, we will carry them out faithfully. As... As long as we can have your embrace at the end of the day..."

How could I be so blind? It should have been what I tried from the start. Well, better late than never—

"Ahh!" I tensed up to Kanae embracing me from behind, squeezing my breasts with both hands.

"It finally occurred to me the best way to thoroughly humiliate you. Ordering you around to have sex with humans wasn't going to work. After all, what better way to fuck you into submission than in front of your own subjects?" Kanae licked my neck, sending shivers throughout my body still sensitive from my hours-long gangbang earlier.

"Wait... does that mean you're going to... right here... in front of them...?"

"Mmh. I like the sound of that. Count me in." Mio grinned, biting down on her lower lip.

My new succubus subjects gazed on as if waiting on me to order them to fight off this usurper. I didn't, and in doing so, allowed them to watch me, their queen, be made a mess out of by this other succubus.