Chapter 201

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 201

The winding maze was unending, and the minotaur's stamina was ceaseless. Without my wings, all I could do was run. But it was gaining on me. It was gaining fast.

"Ahhhh! How do I get out of this stupid place? All I've ever had were human dicks, so I'm not ready to take something that big! M-Maybe I'm a little curious... but I don't want to break!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping Mio or Kanae were close by.

At this rate, I was just going to tire myself out. Then there was no other option but to fight—

I spun around and fired missiles of magic bolts. The blasts exploded on the minotaur's chest, knocking him back a few steps. However, he planted his cloven hooves firmly on the ground and stayed standing. Other than the fur being a little charred from the explosions, he looked perfectly fine.

"No way! How strong are you?" I gaped.

"I forgot to mention, all the minotaurs that reside here are sons of Minosta. You see, this particular set of minotaurs and I have a rapport. They inhabit the maze a few times a year to defeat challengers to my Rift. In exchange, I let them impregnate as many women as they want, and Minosta has many, many children!" Demigoddess Threcia erupted with rumbling laughter.

Gods. It didn't matter what world or what universe, they were all meddling jerks.

"The only child I plan to give birth to is Kana's! Oh, and Mio too if we can get our hands on those dark elf penis potions!" I shouted, then fired a few more spells at the minotaur to slow it down before running again.

In order for that to happen, I needed to get to the end and defeat this rapey Minosta guy. Throwing the minotaur off came first. I was coming up on a four-way intersection. Maybe I could lose him there.

I whirled around and unleashed a volley of magic spells at the minotaur again. My aim wasn't to hurt or slow him down this time. The explosive blasts created a cloud of smoke that obscured his vision.

Perfect. Going straight down was out of the question. The minotaur would see me. I took a sharp left and dive left again out of sight. Heavy footfalls pounded the ground, skidding to a stop in the intersection. He grunted out of frustration, then ran down the right fork.

"Whew." I wiped the sweat from my brow and noticed the shadow over me too late.

A second minotaur, a tad smaller than the other and his fur coat a pale brown.

Demigoddess Threcia's words echoed in my mind.

Many, many children...

"God damn it!" I cursed out loud. When I tried to bolt, the minotaur snatched me up in his two meaty hands.

If it came to this, then...

I compelled my aura around the minotaur. Just as I thought he had fallen under my control, he grunted in what sounded like a laugh. My succubus charm wasn't working.

"Don't tell me... Threcia made you immune to succubus charm?" I sighed.

"That I did! It's more fun this way, isn't it?" Threcia's whimsical voice asked.

"Not one bit— aahh!"

The minotaur turned me around. One hand was enough to hold my entire waist. I looked down to see myself being lowered down to the giant dick. His other hand held the shaft, guiding it up to my pussy.

"I-I'm not ready... can we at least do some foreplay first?" I pleaded timidly.

"Ruooogghh!" With one hard shove, the minotaur pushed me down onto his dick.

The impact knocked the lights from my head and air from my lungs. He was so big, his cock was stretching me to my limits just by throbbing.

"It's in... I'm really taking... a minotaur's dick..." Drool slipped down my chin as I tried to stay conscious through the pain and pleasure.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

The minotaur used me as a pocket pussy for his own pleasure. I dug my nails into his fingers that wrapped around my waist. It took all my willpower to withstand his bestial fucking.

"Ahh! Stop... slower... I'm cumming already... ahhh! I'll break if you keep being so rough— aaaahhh!" My brain was melting from the pleasure of being mated like an animal.

I was treated as a meat hole, whose only worth was to become a seedbed for his ejaculate.

"You be my mate! We mate forever here," the minotaur said, turning me around to lick my face. His hot saliva turned me on.

"Uu... I don't... want—"

"You no choice. I make you want!" He pistoned harder into me, shattering my will to resist.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

"I'm cumming... I'm cumming! My pussy hurts, but I'm cumming so hard on your dick!" I cried.

"Beg, female! Beg for my seed!" the minotaur demanded, slowing his pace and robbing me of my orgasm.

"Okay... I want it! Fuck me, please! I want your cum— aaahhh! Yes!"

The fucking picked up again. The minotaur's twitching cock railed into me repeatedly until scalding ejaculate poured into my womb. I came at the same time, too, and probably looked like a mess. He held me with both hands again, thick thumbs rubbing just above where my belly bulged slightly from all the cum inside me.

I dropped to the hard ground. Minotaur ejaculate leaked from my pussy like a broken faucet. My legs and hips were numb. I couldn't feel them anymore.

"The minotaur... disappeared?" I muttered, glancing up and down the corridor.

"Ah." Threcia's voice came through again, and I knew it couldn't be good. "For added fun, I made it so that every time a minotaur's caught and had their way with you, they get teleported elsewhere. Be wary though! Another might have caught your scent and could be lurking nearby~"Discover new chapters at

Considering a second showed up after the first one left, a third being close by definitely wasn't a stretch. My magic wasn't strong enough to hurt them, my charm didn't affect them... I was at a huge disadvantage already.

No sense in sulking. I picked myself up, leaned against the wall, and spread open my legs to let more of the cum flow out. It was practically steaming. My body trembled from how sensitive I was after being taken by the minotaur.

After the ejaculate stopped leaking, I proceeded down the corridors again. But it didn't take long before my knees gave out, too numb to keep going. I slumped down along the wall.

"I just need to rest a little first..."

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Goosebumps formed all over my skin as a minotaur, one with deep crimson fur, came around the corner. We locked eyes, and he flashed a dirty smile.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I tried to run, but my lower half gave out and reacquainted me with the ground again.

Left with no other choice, I crawled as far as my arms could take me until the minotaur caught up. He picked me up like a dirty rag, then turned me around to look at my butt. A piping hot licked my pussy.

My mind went blank with pleasure again. The minotaur even pushed his tongue into my hole, scraping all the cum from his sibling out. It left no nook and cranny unchecked. He stirred my insides like no human tongue could.

"Your tongue is so thick... it's so hot, too... I'm going to cum— nnnghh!" I bit down on my lower lip as an orgasm assailed my body.

Once he was done, he spat on the ground and grinned. I came to my senses as the thick glans of his dick breached my pussy.

"Wait!" I cried, but the minotaur saw me only as a woman to be bred.

Another minotaur's dick plunged into my pussy, thrusting with the bestial urge to impregnate me.

"You make... minotaur calf for me!" he grunted.

"Ahhh! Slower... nngh... please... If you keep fucking me... I won't be satisfied... with human dicks... anymore— aahhh! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Ahhhhhh!" My eyes rolled back as he pounded harder into me.

The minotaur was relentless. He sucked on both of my nipples while fucking me to climax. His teeth grinded lightly on them, sending me into a convulsing fit.

Hot cum flooding my womb. The thick and fertile semen surged in, searching for my eggs to complete our depraved mating. Because of Threcia's law in the Rift, he vanished. I rolled over onto my back, unable to move because of the pulsing pain of being screwed twice by the biggest dicks of my life. The first one made my legs and hips numb, the second one brought the sensation of pain and pleasure back.

This was bad. I might end up stuck here forever...

Thud! Thud! Thud!

"Mio, wait— aargghh! Fine!" I followed after her, and Kanae trailed close behind.

The three of us wailed into Minosta with our spells. Him and his sons were tough, but they could only take so much damage before falling. Kanae was a monster herself. She fought Minosta toe to toe. Meanwhile, Mio and I blasted him with powerful magic from every opening Kanae gave us. We were beginning to wear him down. We had him cornered to the wall. Until his muscles bulged, his eyes turned bloodshot, and he grew notably in height.

"I... will not be beaten!" Minosta shrugged off our attacks and looked like a raging bull.

"As if his body wasn't hard enough already..." Kanae returned to us appearing not at all thrilled.

"Go, Minosta!" one of his groupies shouted from the chariot.

"You're all finished now. When Minosta gets like this, there's no stopping him," another said.

"Ahhh... I want him to take me while he's enraged~" A third squirmed in place, nibbling on her thumb.

Was it over for us? Was I about to be a minotaur's sex slave for the rest of my life? Somehow... that didn't sound so bad...

However, all my friends and succubus subjects expected our return. My god-husband Uta would probably turn over heaven and hell to get me. I had my boyfriend Kana to get back to. My sister Hatsumi was waiting back home with a warm meal.

I never needed the Blade of the First Temptress. It was never my true strength. The people beside me were, especially Mio. I was a succubus, so I should be fighting like one.

"Huh? Saeko, where the hell are you going? The fight's this way!" Mio yelled as I turned to Minosta's groupies.

"We couldn't charm the minotaurs, but we haven't tried the women who are stuck here," I said.

Mio and Kanae's demeanors lit up with hope.

"We'll hold them off. You do your thing, Saeko!" Kanae exclaimed.

I hurried over to the chariot. The women reacted aggressively at my sudden approach.

"Stay back if you know what's good for you!"

"We're all capable adventurers, you know?"

"I suspected as much. Since you were all once challengers of the Rift, Threcia shouldn't mind you joining the fray." I wrapped my greater succubus aura around them like a tight blanket.

Their eyes glowed briefly. One by one, I felt them falling under my control unlike with the minotaurs.

"What would you have us do, Queen Saeko?" a pregnant elven woman asked.

"It's probably a jerk move for me to do this, but I'm going to bank on it regardless. All of you, attack Minosta together! Now!" I ordered.

They obeyed. All twenty members of Minosta's harem leaped from the chariot, flinging spells, launching a flurry of blows, and swarming him from every direction.

Infuriated, Minosta swung for one of the women. He stopped abruptly before his battle axe hit.

"I... can't... " Minosta snapped out of his blind fury and dropped to his knees. "If I have to hurt my beloved mates and my unborn children to win... then... I surrender."

It wasn't what I expected to happen, but this worked out anyway.

"I accept your surrender!" Threcia appeared out of thin air. The tall half-woman half-salamander extended a hand to Minosta, taking back the blessing she had bestowed upon him.

"R... Ruuoogh..." The minotaur tried to speak, but only grunts and rumbly moos escaped his lips.

I released the charm on the women and expected them to celebrate their freedom.


"Minosta, no! I won't ever leave you!"

"We'll always love you!"

"It doesn't matter if you're just a wild beast... I'm addicted to your cock~"

They crowded around Minosta like deranged lovers, refusing to leave his side. The minotaur himself began to tear up, affectionately embracing his harem.

"Congratulations, champions! You have defeated Minosta and completed my Rift. What do you say about becoming my champions in his place?" Threcia asked, giving me a hard and painful pat on the back.

"I'll pass..." I muttered.

"This means you'll send us all back to where we belong, right?" Kanae asked.

Threcia nodded. "That's right! Supreme One says I can't give Saeko and Mio rewards. Don't wanna mess up their world with powerful weapons, you know? I can, however, fix up your mirror to be up and running again. As for Kanae, we can discuss what you want later. Until then, say your goodbyes! I'll give ya five. Come to me when you wanna skedaddle."

The demigoddess shooed Minosta and the women away to give us some space.

"So, this is it." Kanae walked up to us, looking a little down.

"If it were up to me, you could stay for as long as you want. But you have people to get back to, right? Whatever you guys are fighting on the other side, good luck." I smiled.

"And, uh... Sorry for being a little awkward when Saeko and I were on our date..." Mio mumbled quietly.

"Don't be. You two care a lot for each other, and I'd rather not be a wedge. Still, I kind of wish we had a few more threesomes to remember back on." She winked and giggled.

I rolled my eyes, and Mio clasped Kanae's hand in agreement.

We told Threcia we were ready. She flashed us a thumbs up. The maze— everything around us started to crumble and disappear.

"Is... Is this supposed to happen?" I cried.

"It is." Kanae assured me, then took mine and Mio's hands. "If you ever find yourselves in my world one day, let's have some fun there, too!"

The ground beneath our feet gave way, and we plummeted through.

Just as quickly, I ended up on the floor of Yumi's apartment. Mio was lying next to me, but Kanae was gone. The others rushed over to check on us.

"Saeko, Mio! Did you do it?" Yumi asked.

"We did," I told them.

"The other succubus is gone. What happened?" Selene searched us for answers.

"Kanae went to her home," Mio said. "Oh, yeah! The mirror should be completely fixed, too."

When Shayle picked up the mirror artifact, a reflection of Queen Elendir's manor appeared.

I was a little sad that it was over. A part of me wanted to spend some more time with Kanae. Judging by the solemn look on Mio's face, she did too.

"Hey, Shayle. Can I see the mirror for a sec?" I asked.

"Sure thing." Shayle handed it over to me.

I didn't know the world Kanae belonged to, but I pictured her in my mind as clearly as possible. A vague image of her showed up in the reflection. She was being mobbed by a busty blonde elf and a short, squirrel-eared girl with dark clothing. For whatever reason, Kanae looked over her shoulder. It wasn't possible for her to see me, but I was sure our gazes met. She flashed a kind and warm smile before the image faded.

Maybe that 'one day' might be some day.

"Whatcha looking at?" Mio rested her chin on my shoulder to get a look, but only our reflection showed up.

"Nothing." I gave the mirror back to Shayle. "Just thinking I could use a shower. Afterwards, what say you and I go to Kana's place like you suggested?"

"Oooh! Still horny, huh? Sounds like a plan, you dirty little slut." She squeezed my butt with two hands and purred.