Chapter 208

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 208

"Saecchi, order up for table five!" Taira shifted the plates onto the counter before returning to the kitchen.

I hustled over after refilling a patron's water, then grabbed the plates of chicken curry to deliver to table five. The diners were a pair of regulars ogling my chest since the maid outfit had a very low collar. If I leaned too forward, they were definitely going to spill out.Fịndd new updates at

"Here's your curry! Before you eat, let me cast a love spell on it. Moe moe kyun~" I blew a kiss to each plate, and the customers practically swooned.

When I first started doing this, it was extremely embarrassing. Apparently, people liked it more back then. Now, however, I was able to do it with confidence. My shame be damned.

"Thank you, Saeko! As always, you're so cute!" one of them complimented me.

"I was wondering," the other began, his eyes searching the restaurant. "Is Mio not working today either?"

"Ah... Mio actually quit last week," I said.

The news devastated them. They let out a long, drawn out groan.

The reason for Mio's disappearance was simple— She had quit to start training at Asakura for a part-time animal care position. I was very hesitant to let her. She could easily just want to play with the pets. According to Mitsuki though, Mio was quite the diligent employee and eager learner.

Unfortunately, that meant our finances took a hit. Big. At Isekai Gohan, we were able to earn tips greater than our wages. Taking pictures, dining with customers, and even holding a conversation made us a lot of money. Sure, our business took advantage of lonely men, but at least we gave them an outlet.

For Mio working at Asakura, there were no tips to be earned. The adoption center was a non-profit organization and entirely funded by the local government. Mio would earn a steady salary, but mine dwarfed hers several times over. Depending on how long she planned to work there, however, the employment benefits might outweigh my job.

Whatever the case, Mio was happy. I loved seeing her so happy. Too bad tuition and rent didn't care about happiness. Tsukiji University was a private school after all. So, I had taken some liberties to keep our finances in order...

"Yahoo! Aya's in the house!" Isekai Gohan's resident catgirl entered the restaurant, which meant my shift was over for the day. Aya skipped up to me with a hand up. "Tag-out, Saeko!"

"Tag-out!" I high-fived her.

It was a fun little thing Aya liked doing with me only. She entered the changing room to get into her cosplay. A few minutes later, Aya returned in all her nekomimi glory. I left the restaurant floor to clock out and change back into my clothes.

"Good work today, Saecchi! Don't forget your tips for the day." Taira entered the back room with a small stack of wrinkly bills.

"Thanks." I smiled, then went to count the tips but was disappointed to find it lighter than usual.

"I know what you're thinking. Lately, fewer and fewer people have been coming in. Miochin's fanboys aren't coming anymore either, so we took a little hit. Listen, you're the reason we get so many tips anyway. Let me slip you a portion of mine," she offered.

"N-No! That's fine. Really. I owe it to you, Aya, and Kotori anyway."

Taira looked at me for a good few seconds and lunged. She messed up my hair with a noogie.

"You're a real softie. Alrighty, then. See you next weekend?" Taira dusted my shoulders and brushed my hair back into place.

"Yep. See you next Friday!" I picked up my stuff and said goodbye to the others on the way out.

However, instead of going straight home, I had a date with the other reason we're able to stay afloat. It was getting late. The city park lights had switched on even though the summer daylight was still out. I entered the women's restroom to get changed in a stall, putting on a loose hoodie, gathered my hair up and under a cap, and wore a facemask.

This way, no one should recognize me. I waited on the toilet until a text from someone reached my phone, informing me that they were here. That was my cue. I deleted the text and emerged to meet a middle-aged salaryman with a balding crown. He also had a facemask on, but his eyes were focused on the vending machine's selections. That, however, was also just a cover. To make absolutely sure he really was the one, he would need to press the least popular selection, natto-flavored tea— which was exactly what was selected.

"So, you wanted to try having sex with a succubus?" I walked up to him and whispered.

"Y-You're Sayo, the succubus?" he asked, using the cover name I decided on.

"You're about to find out~" I pulled down my mask and stuck my tongue out seductively.

The rest was history.

We entered a stall in the men's restroom where I sucked him off. His dick was small, so it was easy for me to get my tongue and lips all around the way he liked. A few people must have come into the restroom while we were going at it, but I didn't care. If someone got too curious, I could just seduce them into being another customer.

The middle-aged man blew his second load into my mouth. His hands clenched my horns tightly. I was enjoying it so much, I began to finger myself.

"Hey, you're not the only one who wants to cum... Fuck my succubus pussy, too~" I pleaded sweetly.

"Oooh! You got it, sweetie!" He pinned me to the stall door and jackhammered into me from behind.

Our banging caused a lot of noise. My hips were like a woodpecker, punching the stall door repeatedly at hyperspeeds. His hands reached under my hoodie to grab a handful of my breasts. Meanwhile, I could make out the sound of a person or two listening from the other side of the door.

"They're totally having sex in there, right?"

"In a public bathroom of all things..."

Despite their initial revulsion, a phone peeked into the stall from below.

"Nu-uh. If you want to look, it's going to cost you." I controlled them with my aura to pull the phone back and delete the content. As soon as I let their minds go, they ran away in terror.

Wouldn't want someone exposing mine or my customer's identity.

"I-I'm going to cum inside you... is that okay? A succubus won't get pregnant with a human, right?" the man pounding my pussy asked.

"Hmm? A creampie will cost you an extra 20,000 Yen. Are you sure?" I purred to entice him.

"20,000 sounds a little..."

"Awww, but my pussy is sooo hungry. You can creampie me as much as you want after~"

"Ooouuuugghh! 20,000 it is!" He picked up speed, thrusting into my harder and faster.

"Ahh! I'm cumming! Your dick is making me cum so hard!" I moaned sweetly.

"Ahaha! Awww, it's cute. Miochin looks like she's having so much more fun. Maaaan, I'm jealous. She gets to play with puppies and kitties while I gotta schmooze up dudes," Taira said when I showed her some pictures during our lunch break.

It must have been my imagination, but Bisha looked like she was getting more and more tired with every picture. Even animals got exhausted around her.

"You and Mio always have play in mind... She takes her job there seriously though, so that's a plus! Still, I had no idea Mio could be so gung-ho about animals." I put my phone down just as another picture came.

"That's the thing about getting older. Sometimes, an interest or hobby hits you and it's fullsend. When you were younger, it was always fool around this and fool around that. Miochin has her sights on working with animals. What about you, Saecchi?" she asked.

What about me? What did I want to do? Obviously, not Isekai Gohan until the day I die.

At some point during my shift, Mio's messages and pictures stopped coming. Things must be slowing down over at Asakura. Feeling a little lonely, I checked my phone. The last message from Mio was, 'I love this job!' followed with many heart emojis and accompanied by Bisha sleeping.

When Aya arrived to relieve me of my shift, I prettied myself up in the changing room before leaving. My next client gifted me this casual blue midi dress and wanted me braless. That second part would have to be for when I got changed at the park instead.

"Oooh. Someone's got a date?" Aya teased.

"Something like that?" I smiled.

The guy I was seeing liked blowjobs. 20,000 just for me to blow him for a full hour was a steal. I couldn't wait to suck the hell out of—

I stopped walking and paused in the middle of the park, then buried my face into both hands.

"Oh, god... When did I become such a slut?" I asked myself.

With each passing day, I started sounding more like Mio when I first met her. Oh, well.

I met the guy at the usual park and vending machine. He selected the designated drink, and we were headed to a love hotel until I received another text from Mio after so long.

"Are you busy?" he asked.

"No, don't worry. I—" The second I read Mio's message, my heart knotted up.

Saeko, Bisha died...

I stopped cold in my tracks. The dog? Even though it looked so energetic in all those pictures?

"I have to go!" I apologized and flew off.

"But my blowjob!" the guy cried.

The GPS in Mio's phone led me to a veterinary clinic in Tsukiji. An Asakura van sat empty in the parking lot in front of the building. I hurried in and ran into Mio, hunched over on a chair in the lobby, tears streaming down her face. She immediately launched off the seat and buried her face into my chest.

"Saeko! They said... they... " Mio was inconsolable that her words came out a jumbled mess.

"Slow down! What happened?" I asked, rubbing her back.

"I don't know! Bisha was fine one moment, and then she started convulsing... Is it my fault? Is it?" she cried.

Mitsuki and an older gentleman with thick glasses came out from the back.

"It's not," Mitsuki said. "Bisha had a congenital heart disease. She hadn't been showing any signs until today when it was too late. I'm sorry..."

"Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Some animals will suffer from this unavoidable heart disease," the doctor explained.

"Aren't you a healer? Why couldn't you save her?" Mio flew into a rage and picked up the doctor by his coat.

"Mio, calm down!" I tried to pull her away, but she had him with a vise. "It's no one's fault. Not even the doctors! Mio, look at me. Not him!"

Mio faced me with tear-stained cheeks and teeth clenched.

"There's nothing anyone could have done," I said.

"But... it's not fair. Bisha was fine up until the afternoon, so why? You're telling me this might happen again with another animal? I hate that... I hate this job... I want to quit..." Mio let the doctor down, then dropped to her knees bawling again.

I bent down to cradle Mio's head. "What's important is that you had fun with Bisha. You were there for her until she went to sleep, right? Bisha's last memories were of playing with you. Don't you think that's the best life you could have given her?"

Mio nodded with her head in my arms.

"You don't really want to quit, do you?" I asked.

She shook her head.

The last time Mio lost someone was Beatrice. That was a little hard on her, and it wasn't too long ago. For a succubus that had gone to war and killed before, she was the softie. So much for wanting to adopt a pet. If she cried like a baby over one she worked with, I couldn't imagine how much it would hurt to lose one she raised for years.

It hit me.

"Mio, look." I pulled out my phone to show her the pictures she sent me earlier.

All of them were of herself and Bisha smiling like fools without a care in the world.

Slowly, Mio raised her head until only her eyes peeked over my arm.

"Bisha will always be around thanks to you," I said.

"I want... cake. Lots of it," Mio muttered.

I breathed a sigh of relief. That was going to cost me a pretty Yen, but for Mio, I would do anything to make her happy.

"I'll buy you all the cake you want." I smiled.