Chapter 211

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 211

My mornings had become pretty routine. I'd even go as far as to say I have it down pat. At 7:30 AM, at least for most days, I woke up half an hour before my phone alarm went off. So it didn't buzz while I was in the bathroom, I made sure to switch it off. Next, I turned to my side. Mio slept soundly beside me. We might as well do away with the other bed. If she wasn't already sleeping next to me, she would crawl in and snuggle up.

"Alright, Mio. Time to brush your teeth," I whispered.

"Five more... hours..." Mio mumbled groggily.

Since Mio wasn't good with mornings, it was up to me to help her. I got out of bed first, dragged her out with me and into the bathroom, and then kept her steady while I brushed her teeth.

"Mio, rinse." I lifted a cup of water up to her lips and poured water in.

Fortunately, we had done this enough time that Mio started acting on instinct and made it a lot easier on me. She rinsed as I asked. Sometimes, toothpaste water splashed out and soaked into her pajamas. Mio leaned over the sink to spit, but I clamped her mouth shut.

"Gurgle," I instructed, and she did as told for a few seconds before spitting.

We returned to the bedroom where I dressed Mio in clothes she had picked last night. By now, she was slightly more awake enough to stay steady. She sat up in bed as I brushed her long hair from behind. Too bad her eyes were still screwed shut.

I made both of our beds since Hatsumi drilled it in me to be finicky about my own room. Once everything was tidy and Mio was somewhat presentable to the public, I guided her out to the kitchen. Casey and Kairi were still asleep. They normally didn't wake up until between 9 or 11, and it was currently 8:15 AM.

This was where things became tricky.

"Mio, breakfast. What do you want to eat today?" I asked, sitting her down at the table and grabbing the apron for myself.

"I... om... cy..." Mio mustered enough noise for me to make out omelet spicy.

Only through weeks of trial and error were we able to reach this point of our relationship. Before, trying to make breakfast for her like this was a nightmare. I'd whip up an entire meal, and she would refuse to eat it. One couldn't force a stubborn hornbat to eat what she didn't want. Not putting something into her stomach was even worse. She would get cranky as soon as we got to class.

I cooked both of us a balanced meal with the omelet as the main course. Obviously, only her dish was spicy. Mine was lightly seasoned with salt and pepper. I brought the grilled salmon, omelet, rice, and some pickled cabbage over. The combined aroma finally opened her eyes. Just a little.

However, Mio wasn't fully awake yet. She sat there patiently with her mouth slightly open. It was up to me to hand feed her.

"Ahhh~" I brought a piece of omelet and salmon to Mio's mouth, where she proceeded to chomp down and eat heartily.

It felt like I was Mio's full time caretaker in the morning. This must be how Hatsumi felt taking care of me all those years. I thought Mio was just screwing with me at first, but when I asked Yumi about it, this was just the natural course over time living with. Before me, Yumi had taken care of Mio. Without a doubt, I'd rather have more time for myself in the morning and Mio to be able to take care of herself. Doing so gave me a sense of fulfillment though. I wouldn't have it any other way. So, it might even be selfish on my part.

One day, Kana might end up doing this.

"Hmm. Teaching him all the code words from Mio's morning noises is going to be tough," I grumbled.

"Hehe... I love Saeko's home cooked food... Best wife ever..." Mio, still half-asleep, quietly said to herself with a bowl of miso soup in both hands.

I subtly snapped a picture with my phone, captioned it with 'Zen Mio' and sent it to Kana. He responded with, 'Lol. She's found enlightenment in the soup.' A content smile flashed across my face. These slow days were what I loved the most.


My stomach rumbled. Not the one I had just stuffed full of food. The other one. It was getting to that time of the year where succubi were fertile. That meant we were horny beyond all reasoning. Last year was a disaster. So many innocent people got caught up in my rampage. Since I went through it before, I could better prepare this time by preparing a list of sex friends.

Kana and Hatsumi were at the top, considering their extraordinary lust that could sate me and then some. The problem was, I shouldn't rely on them to be there 100% of the time. Mishaps might occur.

"Nnnnngh!" Mio stretched her arms to their limits. "I'm awake now... Is it time for class?"

"You're just going to fall asleep in lecture anyway," I teased.

We grabbed our bags and headed out. As soon as I was out the door, a chilly breeze brushed against my bare neck.

"Wait! I forgot something!" I exclaimed and ran back into my room. The black lace choker rested on the nightstand alongside other belongings. It fit snugly on my neck. This was a special gift from a high school friend, so I shouldn't forget about it so easily.

Now that I had everything, I quickly returned to Mio.

Our classes lasted until the early afternoon. We emerged alongside students rushing to prepare for Culture Day with their clubs or to their next class. The little block of ours was in the middle of being built by participating clubs and circles. Well, at least the Fishing Club and Painting Club were.

"Oi! What are you guys doing laying around for? Our booth is barely up!" Mio kicked the chair Yu was sitting on and startled him awake.

"It's impossible for guys like us, Mio!" Yu complained.

"That's right! We're shut-ins, not able-bodied contributors to a functioning society!" Riku added unashamedly.

I slapped a hand to my face. "You say that like it's something to be proud of... Wait, where's Daichi?"

"I'm right here!" Daichi poked his head out of the bare bones of our stall for the Therapy Floofs.

I sighed. Mio sighed, too. It was looking like we had a lot of work ahead of us.

We spent the entire day playing amateur construction crew. Even the other clubs and circles lent a hand after seeing our repeated failures. By evening, we had one pen set up for Asakura's animals.

"Two more to go. Fucking A. Building shit is hard." Mio wiped the sweat from her brows.

When I did the same, a shivering sensation rippled across the surface of my skin. The hunger pangs again. Just my shirt slightly rubbing against my nipples turned me on. I needed to have sex right now. My eyes flicked to Daichi. Not enough.

The Fishing Club and the eSports Circle, on the other hand...

"Sniff! Sniff!" Mio leaned in close to me and huffed. "Oi, oi. I can feel your aura getting all prickly. At this rate, you're gonna frenzy before morning."

"You don't have to tell me..." I groaned.

I thought I could better withstand it after going through this last year. A succubus' hunger was something else.

Mio cupped both hands over her mouth and shouted, "Hey, Daichi! Where you at?"

"Huh? What's up?" Daichi came around from behind the booth.

"Saeko's feeling sick. Take my girl home, will ya?" Mio thumbed at me.

"See-my-don? You mean, Shimaidon?" I glared at her.

"Yeah, that!" Mio grinned.

In the world of hentai, that essentially meant having sex with sisters. Hana must be feeding Mio weird vocabulary again. At least I secured a source to sate my lust for the remainder of the month.

It was Saturday. As much as I wanted to, I probably shouldn't sleep with any of my clients today. We had to set up for Culture Day after all. I threw on a cute sundress since today was warmer than usual and had a nice breeze. Both of us headed out after freshening up and eating breakfast. Once we got to our spot, Riku and Yu were already there diligently working.

"Morning, Mio, Saeko! Either of you seen Daichi?" Riku asked while carrying a foldable table into place to use as a booth counter.

"Oh... I don't think he's going to be up for a while," I answered reluctantly.

"What?" Yu groaned. "That slacker promised to be here first thing in the morning! He was supposed to go get large construction paper for us to make banners out of."

I quietly apologized to everyone for being the reason why Daichi couldn't make it.

"Do you have a list? I can take care of it," I offered, taking responsibility for my actions.

Riku showed me the pinned message on our Culture Day group chat that had all of the clubs in it. They didn't look like much, and as a succubus with greater than above average human strength, wouldn't be hard to carry back.

"Get me some snacks while you're out!" Mio waved on her way to Dolce's fortune-telling tent.

"You're not coming with me?" I pouted.

"I wanna get my fortune read, man! I missed it last time."


Dolce saw a lot of dicks in my future. It would be nice if that could come sooner rather than later. There was also the other part of my fortune. A nostalgic leash, and whoever held it would command my body? That sounded exciting. The thought of being dominated was getting me wet again.

Sighing, I went without Mio to an arts and craft store in downtown Tsukiji. I drove out instead of flying to treat myself with a nice cruise on the road. It would be a lot easier bringing stuff back with a car anyway and not worry about stuff falling out of my arms.

As I came to a stop at a red light, an expensive-looking luxury car pulled up next to mine. The passenger side window rolled down, and a guy in shades wolf-whistled at me.

"Where are you off to today? Mind some company?" he asked.

"Your treat?" I flirted back, revealing my succubus form.

Both men in the car pulled back in panic and rolled the window back up. As soon as the light turned green, they floored it.

"Not everyone is interested in a succubus, huh?" I frowned.

Maybe it was for the best. I put the people I know in enough danger. Doing the same to strangers could cause a lot of trouble. I tried not to let it get to me and shoved my hunger aside to focus on my task at hand. The craft's store was packed. Students from both Tsukiji high and university were buying supplies for Culture Day.

I went around grabbing glue, meter-length construction paper, markers, another pair of scissors, and more. All of the carts and baskets had been taken, so I was left to carry everything with my two arms. I couldn't see in front of me. On my way to the check lanes, I bumped into someone. Everything dropped to the floor.

"Sorry!" I apologized.

"Saeko? Is that you?"

A familiar voice, but one that I haven't heard in ages.

I stared up blankly at a tall, slightly tanned man around my age. His hair was done in a curly comb over like a style out of a young men's fashion magazine. The white shirt had been pulled taut against a body of defined muscles.

My head raced with flashes of memories, and none of them put a face to someone I knew.

"It's me! Koga!" The stud pointed to himself.

"Eh?" was all that came out of my mouth.

Koga. That Koga from high school? The slightly pudgy and nerdy guy who had a slight lisp turned into this beefcake hunk?

"Koga! S-Sorry! I just didn't expect you to become so..." I couldn't even find the right words.

"Aha... Naru, Masa, and Rokuro said the same thing. We hung out for the first time a few weeks ago since graduating. They were frozen solid! I started working out over summer. I dunno. Just wanted to better myself, I guess." Koga rubbed the back of his head and blushed slightly.

It looked like a brief growth spurt had hit him, too. Last I remembered, Koga was as tall as me. Now he was half a head taller.

"Wow— er, I mean... So, other than working out, what have you been up to?"

"College plans fell through, I had a lot of free time. My gramps passed away and left me a portion of his inheritance. That was when I started getting into trading stocks. It's a little like gambling, but I might have a knack for it!"

A lot could happen in a few months. Half a year had passed since we last saw each other. Aside from Kana, Kaede, Rika, and Hitomi, I hadn't kept in touch with very many people I knew from high school. It was a sort of sad thought to know everyone was going their separate ways. We were all moving into adulthood. Time didn't wait for anyone after all.

"I, uh... noticed you're still wearing the choker I got you." Koga pointed to the one around my neck.

"Hehe. It was your gift after all." I smiled.

Before graduating, we were in a pretty intense friends with benefits relationship that had to be cut short. Both of us stood there awkwardly until someone cleared their throat. We stepped aside to let them through, and Koga helped me pick my things back up. He also had a few craft construction supplies. If he wasn't in college, maybe he was helping people who were.

"I-I better get going. The others are expecting me to bring this stuff back. We should hang out sometime!" I said.

"Wait!" Koga sucked in a deep breath before continuing. "Maybe we can... hang out now? I mean, if you have time. I understand if you don't. It's just that I haven't seen you in a while, and I thought it'd be cool to catch up!"

Damn it. There was that adorable awkwardness I found charming. My stomach suddenly growled, loud enough that Koga heard.

"And maybe we grab something to eat?" he added nervously.

The choker on my neck, the one that Koga had gifted me before we went our separate ways, felt like it tightened just a little bit. In reality, I had merely swallowed hard the hesitation lodged in my throat.

"That depends... is it your treat?" I asked in a breathy drawl.