Chapter 215

Name:I am Succubus! Author:
Chapter 215

After the three-day Culture Day came to an end at Tsukiji University, classes resumed as usual. Much of our lives have. I made new friends, rekindled some, and improved on existing ones. Mio was working part-time with me at Isekai Gohan again, and the upswing in our finances was really showing. Especially the first weekend, when her rejoicing fans came out in force and simped her to hell and back. It really felt like I was living my best college life.

I stopped prostituting myself to other men and became solely Koga's cum slut. In fact... I might as well have become his property at this point. It was the only thread that survived the snipping. We agreed to meet up every Sunday night.

Tonight, I came to Koga's place looking like a call girl. Block heels, fishnet leggings up to my thighs, jean shorts, a loose camisole, and a leather jacket. This was an outfit I cobbled together hoping Koga would like it. In the end, it probably didn't matter to him what my outfit was. This was all coming off in a minute when we got it on.

My chest pounded with anticipation before I even pressed the doorbell. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say I was addicted to having sex with Koga.

Once the door swung open, however, a pungent smell wafted up to my nose that made me recoil. I was also met with an unfamiliar face. A tall, cute boy with dyed blonde hair and a nose piercing stood in the doorway.

"Uh. Who are you?" the guy asked.Fịndd new updates at

"Eh? Is this the wrong house?" I stammered.

"Sorry! Sorry! She's with me!" Koga came rushing over, and who I assumed to be his friend returned to the living room.

It was then that I noticed several pairs of shoes in the foyer. There were more people than just them.

"Did I come at a bad time?" I asked Koga.

"No, erm... I actually completely forgot about today. Some of my friends came over," Koga said.

"I-I can just come back another time. It's no big deal!" Although I said that, a wave of disappointment washed over me.

A bunch of guys suddenly shuffled into the foyer. Someone built more of a tank than Koga and wearing a tank top threw an arm around his shoulder.

"A friend of Koga's is a friend of ours, too! You should come in and hang out with us. I'm Ranta." He stuck a big hand out to me.

A part of me felt bad for imposing, but another part of me was curious what they were up to. I shook Ranta's hand and introduced myself. Koga looked a little uneasy though. It was hard following them into the living room. The smell was almost intolerable. I couldn't put my finger on what it was, but seeing the rolled-up joints on the table, amid a myriad of sodas and pizza boxes, gave me an idea.

There were two other guys aside from Koga and Ranta, for a total of four in the house. Five including me. One was the lanky caucasian dude with a nose piercing named Johnny. He had a combover and thick jawline. The other was Pachi, likely a nickname. Pachi was another meathead, but he wasn't as big as Ranta or Koga. His head was clean bald, and he wore a big hoodie over himself.

Pachi and Johnny went right back to a game of Mario Kart. It looked like that was what they were playing before I interrupted them.

"So, Saeko. You're one of those succubus, right?" Ranta asked, jumping into the couch and sinking right in due to his weight.

"Y-Yeah. How did you know?" I asked.

My form was currently human.

"I recognize your face. A while back, you went viral," Ranta said.

It had to have been the Tamamo no Mae incident, when she impersonated Beatrice and ousted my identity.

"Koga also has a picture of you in his wallet. We saw it when he pulled it out to pay for pizza earlier," Johnny whispered to me.

"Wha— No! I-I don't!" Koga contested.

"Really?" I narrowed my eyes at him and flashed an impish smile.

"Saeko, you can do succubus magic, can't you? Prove it by making Koga show you," Pachi insisted from the front of the T.V. without so much as turning around.

"Wait, guys. Quit it!!"

Caught up in the moment of their banter, I tightened my aura around Koga. The constricting power compelled him against his will to pull the wallet from his pants. He resisted with all his mental might could muster, but few were able to resist a succubus charm. When he opened it up, tucked into the transparent flap designed specifically for a small card-sized photo, was one of himself and me in front of Tsukiji High's school gate. We were in our school uniform and holding our diploma containers.

"Ooooh!" Koga's friends exclaimed in unison while he turned beet red.

I ended the charm to release him from his embarrassment.

"You guys happy now?" Koga groaned, shoving his wallet away.

"But you two aren't dating, right? Neither of you introduced each other as boyfriend and girlfriend," Ranta surmised quickly.

The two of us nodded.

"We have a friends with benefits thing going on," I said.

They immediately pounced on Koga with the kind of playful boys' ragging that I envied. As a girl, I couldn't really form that sort of bond. It was cute watching them tease each other. The distant boy that I used to be always wanted those sort of friends and hoped for it in kendo club, but I never really got that chance.

My head was starting to get fuzzy just being here. I peered down at one of the joints leaning against an ashtray.

"Want to try it?" Pachi picked up the joint and passed it to me.

It was burning on one end and the smell was even more intense with it up close. I shot a look at Koga, silently asking if this was okay.

"Before I go... Do you have any more of that stuff?" I asked reluctantly.

"You mean weed?" Koga shouted from the bathroom. "I'd give some to you, but I really don't think you should bring it back to campus. Might get you expelled or worse. We can always smoke when you come by though."

I walked as far as the door, then turned around to snatch two nuggets out of the baggie and wrapped them in a paper towel. There was no way Koga would notice. Everyone should have been blazed out of their minds.

As soon as I got home, I found Mio, Casey, and Kairi gaming in the living room. The sight hit me with whiplash given what I saw last night. Instead of Mario Kart, they were playing Mario Party.

"Saeko, wanna join?" Kairi asked.

"Yeah, we only just started. Ain't a big deal if we start over— Wait, what's that smell?" Mio started sniffing like a dog again.

"It's nothing! You guys keep playing. I'm going to take a shower," I said, hurrying into my room.

A long, warm shower perked me right up. I had to finger myself to get all of Koga's cum out of me. That guy... I swear to god, he might like me too much. I hoped I wasn't making a mistake being sex friends with him, but this physical relationship was too good to cut off.

I gently beat my head into the wall as hot water cascaded over me. My phone buzzed from the sink counter. After coming out, I saw the name on my phone was Koga. He had sent a text. I felt a little kinky and wanted to send him a nude picture of me, fresh out of the shower. However, when I opened the message, my blood went cold.

Koga asked in text, "You took some green, didn't you?"

How did he know?!

"No. Why?" I replied back with a cute thinking emoji.

"Saeko... Stoners know exactly how much they have, trust me..." he said, the text reeking disappointment in me.

What the hell were potheads made out of? Magic? I couldn't even keep track of how many pencils I kept in my pencil box during high school.

While I was mulling over what to say, another text popped up.

"Honestly, I don't mind. But if you guys get caught with that stuff, it can be bad. Just be careful. I'm also afraid of what Kana will do to me if he finds out you got them from me."

"Noted," I sent back a text with a selfie of myself naked as thanks.

Good thing I was a succubus. If any trouble came my way, I could just charm my way out of it. I got dressed and emerged from the bathroom, but something about my room was different. Like someone was just here. The pile of clothes I'd taken off and left on top of my bed had been rifled through, the pieces scattered. My ears zeroed into giggling from the living room.

I came out to find my roommates passing a joint.

"Holy fuck, I feel good." Mio took a long, deep drag, and passed it onto Kairi.

"Am I flying? Mio, did you turn me into a succubus?" Kairi asked while reaching for the joint and missing repeatedly.

"Uguh... Guys, who's spinning the room? Are aliens finally coming down to take us away?" Casey was flat on the floor, staring up at the ceiling.

"I can't charm my way out of this!" I clutched my head and cried.

All three of them were completely out of it.

Mio saw me and got up from the couch. She threw an arm around my shoulders, then lifted the joint up to me.

"I dunno where you got this... but I'm glad you did! Reminds me of... witch's hair in Eliza. I should ask Elly to get some so we can light it up next time we visit," Mio said.

"Wait, Mio! I don't want any right now. More importantly, can you not snoop in my stuff!" I groaned.

"I just want a cute Japanese boyfriend before I'm abducted from Earth! Waaahhh!" Casey wailed at the top of her lungs.

Kairi shot to her feet. Before anyone realized it, she had stripped down to her birthday suit.

"If I'm a succubus now... That means I can fly around naked outside. Next level of exhibitionism, here I come!" Kairi ran for the door.

"KAIRI, NO!" I tackled my roommate to the ground, accidentally knocking her out cold. "Oh, crap."

This was beyond my expertise, so I called someone who was an expert to come over, and it was none other than Koga. Following his instructions, we put the three of them into bed. They were just going to have to ride out their high. He had bought a big bottle of water and a bunch of snacks for each of them, too. For the munchies, as he put it.

"If more aliens look like you, maybe I'm fine with being abducted..." Casey mumbled before shutting her eyes and promptly falling asleep.

"It's not normal for them to hallucinate, right?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure they're just freaking out like you did during your first time," Koga said.

The two of us returned to the living room and slumped into the couch. Mio, Casey, and Kairi's game of Mario Party was going to need a raincheck. It wasn't even noon yet. The day had just begun. But I was feeling horny again.

"So..." I began reluctantly, "want to pick up where we left off?"

Koga didn't need any encouragement, because he jumped at the chance and went in on me right away.