Chapter 214 [Final Event] [Closing Ceremony] [14] Apostle Of Lumen

Name:I Am The Game's Villain Author:

The Holy Garden of Eden sprawled before them, a breathtaking expanse of golden long grasses that seemed to stretch endlessly under the radiant sun. A gentle breeze danced through the air, carrying with it an otherworldly scent that filled the atmosphere with a sense of purity and enchantment. Birds soared gracefully above, their melodic chirps adding a touch of serenity to the magical landscape.

At the heart of the garden stood a rectangular golden altar, adorned with intricate engravings that seemed to shimmer and come alive under the golden light. Upon the altar lay the unconscious form of Sylvia Celesta, her delicate hands bearing a small cut, and her bloodied palms rested gently on the sacred surface.

Walter Celesta, standing nearby, showed little patience as he inquired impatiently, "How long will this take?"

Brandon Delavoic, his amber eyes fixed on Sylvia's peaceful yet unconscious face, remained silent for a moment before responding, "She is your niece, am I wrong?"

Walter nodded dismissively, his lack of affection for Sylvia evident in his gaze. "Do you expect me to feel pity for her? I only care about my wife and son...and the Throne."

The mention of the King's throne drew Brandon's attention, and he remarked, "You are a follower of Eden. Don't you expect any divine retribution?"

Walter chuckled disdainfully, brushing off the notion. "I don't believe in any divine retribution. Eden did nothing for me, why should I?"

"Your wish for the throne is shallow, Walter Celesta," Brandon murmured, gently placing Sylvia's wandering hand back on the altar. "We will all answer for our sins one day, and when that day comes, I will not cower."

Walter scoffed, shifting his gaze to two other unconscious girls nearby—Carla Roger and Elona Falkrona. "What about them?"

"Take Elona Falkrona with you. Jasmine will give you Alfred once she confirms Elona's presence," Brandon instructed, his focus unwavering from the sacred altar.

"T-That Priestess?" Walter expressed hesitation at the mention of the Priestess, but eventually agreed. "And her?" he inquired, gesturing towards Carla.

"Carla Roger will remain here," Brandon stated with a chilling smile forming on his face. "She will assist at the death of the Apostle of Lumen, along with all the Followers of Eden." His gaze lifted, gazing up at the awe-inspiring golden sky as if foreseeing a looming storm.


Suddenly a loud voice interrupted them.

"The Apostle is already here," Walter smiled at Brandon and took Elona. "I brought you Sylvia, Elona and Carla. I hope you didn't betray me otherwise, I would as well." He said and vanished.

"The Apostle is already here," Walter announced with a triumphant smile as he presented Elona, Sylvia, and Carla before Brandon. "I hope you didn't betray me; otherwise, I'd do the same."

Brandon chose to disregard Walter's words, his focus fixed on a particular figure amidst the turmoil. A black-haired boy with mesmerizing blue eyes, Jayden, caught his attention. Half of Jayden's hair had turned a striking shade of blue.

"CARLA!!!" Jayden's desperate cry rang out as he scanned the area. His eyes settled on a lone man dressed in a black suit standing before him, sending a shiver down his spine. The cold amber eyes staring back at him mirrored those of his friend, Edward Falkrona. Jayden's gaze then fell on Carla, lying unconscious behind the imposing figure of Brandon.


Before Jayden could react, a powerful punch struck his cheek, sending him spiraling to the ground.

Gritting his teeth, Jayden slowly rose to his feet, a crackling blue lightning surrounding him, transforming his once dark hair into a vivid shade of blue.

At that moment, Arete, a woman with captivating blue hair and eyes, appeared beside Jayden.

Jayden, filled with grief and anger, faced Brandon and asked, "Are you the one who killed my brother?"

Brandon remained silent, his form blurring in the next instant.


"ARGH!" Jayden spat blood, propelled away by another brutal attack from Brandon.

Undeterred, Brandon disappeared and reappeared in front of Jayden, striking him once again.


Jayden's body contorted in pain as his ribs broke under the force of the blow.

However, before Brandon could continue his merciless assault, Arete leaped into action, unleashing a furious barrage of lightning-infused punches. But Brandon was swift and agile, dodging her attacks with ease, and he resumed his relentless pummeling of Jayden.

In a desperate bid to stop him, Arete tried to intervene once more, but Brandon grabbed Jayden's shirt, preventing her from reaching him. He continued his assault without hesitation, leaving Jayden defenseless.


Brandon withdrew a sword and mercilessly stabbed it into Jayden's right hand, halting his attempted retaliation. Coldly, he gazed down at Jayden before driving the blade into his heart.

Everything happened in a few seconds at lightning speed.

"C-Cough-" Jayden's eyes rolled back, his breath stolen from him as his heart exploded, sealing his fate.

In the midst of a heart-rending chaos, a piercing scream of despair tore through the air like a wounded cry of the soul. "N-NOOOOO!" Arete's voice carried a raw anguish that echoed in the stillness around them, but it was as if the pain swiftly subsided, replaced by a strange phenomenon. From Jayden's heart, a greyish light began to ooze out, its ethereal glow leaving everyone bewildered.

"Hm?" Brandon's brows furrowed with concern as he observed the unusual sight. He attempted to distance himself from the eerie aura, but the unleashed power was too potent, surrounding him with a veil of grey.

Mysteriously hovering above the ground, a set of enigmatic Grey Wings emerged and gracefully dived into Jayden's trembling form. Brandon's eyes widened in astonishment as he recognized them as the legendary Wings Krona—the gift bestowed by the mighty deity Horus himself to safeguard those of his bloodline from death, twice over.

Thoughts swirled in Brandon's mind, struggling to grasp why Jayden, of all people, possessed such divine relics. Unbeknownst to him, Edward was the one responsible for granting these sacred wings to Jayden.n0Velusb.c0m

As if defying the laws of mortality, Jayden's body swiftly regained its color, and his heart, once weakened, was inexplicably restored. The miraculous revival brought tears of relief streaming down Arete's cheeks, witnessing her beloved Jayden coming back to life. But her relief was short-lived, for Brandon's relentless determination drove him to launch another attack against Jayden.

"Y-You...!" Infuriated by Brandon's merciless aggression, Arete, fueled by her emotions, swung her leg with astounding speed, hoping to protect Jayden. Her efforts, however, were futile, as Brandon swiftly intercepted her, slamming her to the ground.

"A-Arete!" Jayden's concern for Arete surged as he swiftly stood up, appearing as a flash of lightning. But before he could react, Brandon lunged again, his hand emanating an eerie orange glow.

The collision was brutal, and Jayden's attempts to shield himself proved futile against Brandon's unnatural strength. He felt his bones cracking under the overwhelming force, inflicting searing pain upon his recently restored body.

"You have Zeus' blood." Brandon said with a faint smirk. Panic surged within Arete as she witnessed Brandon's glowing hand clutching her neck, the threat of danger palpable.

"AAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Arete's primal scream echoed through the garden, terrifying the birds into flight.

"Zeus' Lightning Blast!" Jayden shouted.

Brandon glanced at the powerful lightning attack heading toward him before releasing Arete and stepping back. Jayden, channeling his lightning powers, acted swiftly, protecting Arete from the impending danger.

"A-Arete!" Jayden yelled worriedly, brushing away Arete's blue hair gently.

[ϟDon't let your anger take over, boy. He is dangerous.ϟ]

Jayden clenched his fists and, using both hands, created a sword of lightning, crackling in blue and white hues.

Brandon narrowed his eyes, noticing the white lightning. "They're Zeus's lightning," he muttered.

Then, suddenly, Jayden knelt on the ground, holding his crackling sword with both hands, and looked at the golden sky. "Lord Lumen, I plead your bestowment upon me of your divine blessing."

"...what?" Brandon didn't expect that.

Silence lingered for a while before-


A radiant golden pillar of light enveloped Jayden's entire being, a dazzling display that quickly dissipated, revealing him in his previous form. However, there was an undeniable alteration—a subtle yet profound change that hung in the air like an electrifying charge.

"..." Brandon's gaze fell upon Jayden's right hand, where an exquisite deep purple glow emanated, forming a mesmerizing (Γ) symbol.

'He awakened as an Apostle...' Brandon realized, a mix of surprise and respect flickering in his eyes.

With the transformation, Jayden's entire aura seemed to have undergone a metamorphosis. A newfound power surged within him as he pointed his crackling sword at him.

Brandon wore a smile on his face. He cast aside his tattered black blazer, which revealed the marks of his battle—bruised, bloodied, and with broken shoulders resulting from the retaliation of the Wings Krona after killing its previous owner.

"Belphegor." Discarding the blazer, Brandon unleashed an overwhelming surge of mana that enveloped his entire body in an intense orange glow. The aura of his power intensified, and peculiar orange horns began to protrude from his forehead, signifying the formidable force he wielded. As if resonating with the energy, a vertical slit appeared on his amber eyes.