Chapter 239 [Event] [Entrance Day] [6] More Than Girls

Name:I Am The Game's Villain Author:
Chapter 239 [Event] [Entrance Day] [6] More Than Girls

At last, the final group entered the scene, signifying the arrival of the Second Year Gold Class. The atmosphere in the room seemed to shift, and a sense of unease washed over the assembly. The figures leading this class seemed to draw attention and not in a positive way. My focus narrowed on three distinct individuals, their presence palpably distinct from the previous classes. I glanced over at John, whose expression mirrored the growing discomfort in the room.

"You got hit hard, John," I commented, recalling his barely concealed grin when my placement in the Silver Class was announced.

John clicked his tongue in annoyance, his gaze fixated on his classmates. "It's a true nightmare. Those three bastards are in this class."

I knew precisely which individuals he was referring to—two young men and a girl who were infamous for their antics.

"Best of luck dealing with that this year," I empathized, feeling a genuine sense of pity for his predicament.

John shrugged and kept his eyes forward. "Seems like the class compositions haven't changed; we were just added randomly."

"At least that means the core plot points should remain intact," I added, a hint of relief in my tone. It was comforting to think that the main events of the story would likely unfold as in the original game, barring any significant interference.

John's attention shifted, and he pointed at my mother. "Is that your mom?"

I followed his gaze to my mother, who was engaged in conversation with some other teachers. "Yeah, that's her."

"Besides the eyes, you don't really look like her," John observed.

"It might be due to my Olphean blood, but I'm not entirely sure," I shrugged, offering a vague explanation for the difference in our appearances.

around Christina. She was surrounded by a group of admirers, even more popular than Elona. It was an uncomfortable sight, and I began to understand John's His focus shifted again, this time landing on Christina. "And her?"

"That's my older sister," I replied, the sense of familial resemblance between them quite evident.

John's expression shifted to one of surprise, looking between my mother and sister. "Your mom is so young; she could pass as your sister."

It was a common observation given their striking similarity.

"Don't even think about hitting on them," I playfully cautioned him.

He snorted. "Coming from the guy engaged to my sister."

A wry smile tugged at my lips, though it faded as I watched the scene unfolding around Christina. She was surrounded by a group of admirers, even more popular than Elona. It was an uncomfortable sight, and I began to understand John's overprotective tendencies when it came to his own sister.

[<You sent Samara for this exact reason, right? To keep an eye on them?>]

<nulli>'I did, but it's hard to shake the feeling of unease.'

I glanced at my mother, who was engaged in conversation with the other teachers. Since she had arrived with a class, it was clear she would be the homeroom teacher for a Third Year class. As it turned out, she was in charge of Dentiel Elaryon's class—

the Third Year Elf Pretender I had met just the day before.

"Your sister is coming," John said before starting to retreat back but I held him by harm preventing from escaping.


"Stay put, John. You're Layla's brother, and she's my sister," I instructed him firmly.

"How's your first day, Amael?" Christina inquired, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Actually, not that great. My face seems to be a magnet for every girl's attention, and it's becoming increasingly uncomfortable," I confessed, releasing a sigh of exasperation.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Christina responded with a mix of exasperation and amusement, turning her gaze towards John. "And you've already found yourself a friend?"

I interjected, clarifying John's identity. "I've mentioned it before, sister. This is John Tarmias—Layla's brother and therefore, my brother-in-law." I tapped John on the shoulder as I introduced him.

Christina playfully shook her head. "Nah, he's a bit too young for my taste, little bro."

"Then maybe let go of his hand? He looks a bit flustered," I suggested with a smirk.

"Oh! You're Layla's brother?" Christina greeted John with a friendly handshake, her scrutiny evident in her gaze. "Hmm, not bad at all. Layla must be quite the looker. Lucky, little bro."

"Are you hitting on John, big sister?" I said, raising an eyebrow playfully.

Christina playfully shook her head. "Nah, he's a bit too young for my taste, little bro."

"Then maybe let go of his hand? He looks a bit flustered," I suggested with a smirk.

"What's with you?" John extricated his hand from Christina's grip, looking slightly bewildered, before he made his way to the buffet table.

Christina raised an eyebrow at me before leaning in to whisper. "Seems like your friend is quite the introvert."

"You have no idea. He's also a full-fledged sis-con, obsessed with his sister," I said with a smile.

[<Says the one who's pretty obsessed with his sister too.>]

Shut up.


A voice called out to her from behind, prompting her to turn around. She shot me a quick, playful flick on the forehead before joining the person who had summoned her.

"Do you recognize her?" John returned to our little corner, a wine cup in hand.

"Of course," I replied, my gaze fixed on the captivating girl with ebony hair and light blue eyes.

Jennyfer Eginfer.

The elder sister of Jayden and, more importantly, a [Sub-Heroine] within the [Second Game].

After escaping with her parents, she found refuge in Sancta Vedelia. In the eyes of the world, both of her younger brothers perished alongside their parents. However, here she stood, defying the odds.

Although Jennyfer wasn't attending classes, she was assisting one of the professors. That role did make her somewhat inaccessible.

"Could Zeus be aware of our presence here?" John squinted his eyes as he asked the question.

"Yep, Nevia told me that the creep has been keeping tabs on Jayden's entire family for his own twisted purposes," I replied with a dismissive scoff, followed by a smirk. "So, if you've got a message for him, just let me know. I'm sure he'll get it in a flash with Jennyfer as relay mast."

John's red eyes gleamed with a mix of annoyance. "How about a message like, 'Keep your filthy hands off my sister, you son of a b*tch?'"

"That's a good one, but let's make it a bit more colorful. Maybe throw in some insults about his harem of wives too," I suggested, knowing how much Zeus cherished them.

"Personally, I just want him dead," John stated, his grip on his cup tightening.

"Yeah, eventually he'll meet his end, but remember he's still a God, John. Immortal to us mere mortals," I reminded him.

"That's why you're aiming to become an Apostle, right? To get closer to the strength needed for this. If that's the case, then go for it. Just make sure you don't mess it up," John advised, glancing over at Victor who was engrossed in conversation with Celes. "It's pretty clear Victor is the favored one. He might already be Nihil's Apostle."

"I'm well aware."

I just need to find a way into the Holy Tree without anyone noticing. Easier said than done, but I won't know unless I try.

"What's your plan for the Prophetess then?" John asked, a curious expression on his face.

"What do you mean by 'the Prophetess'?" I inquired, a bit puzzled.

John locked eyes with me. "Once you become an Apostle, there's bound to be a connection between you and the Prophetess, just like Jayden and Maria, right?"

I shook my head. "Nah, not exactly. Nihil explained that the whole connection thing is Lumen's doing, something about the Apostle and Saintess thing. Nihil and Nox don't meddle with their feelings."

"So, how are you planning to approach the potential Prophetess? I mean, why not use your future Apostle status to charm her and bring her over to our side?" John suggested.

I couldn't help but twitch my lips at his idea. "Seriously? Do you think I've got the patience to play Jayden and go after girls?"

"It's for reaching the happy ending, right? Then you should do it for that sake."

I snorted at him coldly. "I'm not Jayden. I won't waste my time chasing after girls I know nothing about."

John seemed unimpressed by my response. "Isn't that what you did back in Celesta? Milleia, Miranda, Layla, and Aurora...?"

Who did he think I was?

It's not like I was intentionally doing any of that.

"Aurora's focus is her kingdom, and Milleia doesn't even have romantic feelings for me. It's more like she needs me," I retorted, feeling a bit defensive.

"I don't care about that. Layla's probably head over heels for you, and Miranda too," John persisted. "You can just approach the Prophetess in the same way-"

"What are you talking about?" I shot back and grabbed his shirt, my patience wearing thin. "My relationships with Layla and Miranda aren't some shallow game, John," I added with a glare. "I care about them more deeply than you could understand."

I couldn't believe he was trivializing my feelings like this.

Sure, from an outsider's perspective, my situation with multiple women might seem hypocritical and insincere. People would easily doubt the genuineness of my emotions. But I'd never considered any of these relationships lightly. They weren't just 'girls' to me.

Feelings like that don't just appear out of thin air. There were only a handful of women with whom I truly felt that connection.

Ephera, Layla, Miranda, Persephone and...

[<Amael, please calm down.>]

I clenched my teeth. "You know what? You should seduce her, John. All those Heroines. They are all yours. Use your game knowledge to do it," I scoffed and released my grip on John's shirt.

"Huh?" Confusion suddenly washed over me.

Ephera, Layla, Miranda, Persephone, Cleenah...

It felt like I was missing someone, like there was a name just on the tip of my tongue.

Before Ephera, maybe? But who?


Wait, maybe at the same time as Ephera?

What the hell was going on in my head?

"What are you doing?"

Suddenly someone's loud voice echoed in the hall gathering everyone's attention.