Chapter 331 [Event] [Dolphian Kingdom Under Ruins] [17] Amael Falkrona VS Adrian Dolphis

Name:I Am The Game's Villain Author:
Chapter 331 [Event] [Dolphian Kingdom Under Ruins] [17] Amael Falkrona VS Adrian Dolphis

Adrian groaned audibly as he rose from his prone position, his movements sluggish with the weight of pain that engulfed him. The metallic tang of blood flooded his senses, triggering a cough that expelled a crimson tide from his lips.

The intensity of his agony was unprecedented, its origin obscured in the haze of his battered consciousness. Even his watery companion lay defeated, completely overwhelmed by Amael's strength.

"I underestimated him," Adrian conceded to himself. From the outset, he had dismissed Amael as a mere outsider, swayed by the misguided belief in their own superiority, their divine connection to the revered Holy Tree of Eden.

Yet now, as the harsh reality unfolded before him, Adrian could no longer deny the truth. Amael was no ordinary adversary; his strength was a force to be reckoned with.

The remnants of Adrian's pride crumbled under the weight of his realization. He could ill afford to hold back any longer, to cling to the vestiges of misplaced arrogance.

Observing Amael engaged in conversation with Alicia only stoked the flames of Adrian's simmering rage. However, a sudden sensation drew his attention away, compelling him to turn towards the spectators' stands where a piercing crimson gaze bore down upon him.

Cyril's cold stare spoke volumes, a silent reproach for Adrian's impulsive actions that defied their alliance. The unspoken agreement between them had been clear: no rash maneuvers until the marriage between Alicia and him had concluded.

'Don't disappoint me, Adrian.'

Cyril's words after the engagement echoed in Adrian's mind. They were not words from advice but warning.

With a grimace, Adrian redirected his attention to Amael, resolve flashing in his eyes. "No more games," he muttered through clenched teeth.

From the void, he retrieved a small knife. Without hesitation, he drove the blade into his own flesh, a swift and decisive motion that shocked everyone around.

"Return to me," he commanded, his voice resonating. The ethereal form of the gazelle, once dispersed into shimmering particles of water, coalesced once more, drawn inexorably back into Adrian's being.

With his hand stained by the crimson testimony of his devotion, Adrian in solemn tone. "I offer you my blood. Oh, Goddess of the Dark Floods."

"Lend me your strength," gazing at Amael and Alicia, he spoke up.




"Lend me your strength, Anuket."


As soon as Adrian uttered, a deafening explosion of mana reverberated through the air, its shockwaves rippling outward with formidable force. A colossal, dark green mana circle materialized above him, drawing in an immense reservoir of mana.

Instinctively, I shielded my eyes and planted my feet firmly upon the ground, bracing against the tumultuous surge of mana that threatened to engulf us both. The torrential flow of power surged dangerously close, threatening to obliterate everything in its path.

"Oy!" I cried out, reaching out to steady Alicia as she struggled against the overwhelming force. Her weakened state left her vulnerable to the onslaught.

The sight of the mana circle sent a shiver down my spine, its ominous aura reminiscent of the summoning of the Banshees of Cleenah.

"This is not good," I muttered grimly.

[<Amael...!>] Cleenah's urgent voice echoed my thoughts.

"I know," I responded tersely, my focus sharpening as I prepared to confront the imminent threat head-on.

The time for hesitation had passed.

Emerging from the maelstrom of mana, Adrian's figure loomed before us, transformed. His eyes glowed with an intense shade of green, imbued with a primal ferocity that sent a chill down my spine. Horns of shimmering water adorned his head.

With an otherworldly grace, tendrils of water coiled around his form, weaving a protective mantle that rendered him impervious to harm. It was a sight eerily reminiscent of Amelia but this time it was more refined and controlled.

"Stay back," I warned Alicia.

"Wha...!" Before she could protest, however, the scene erupted into chaos.


I barely had time to react as a sudden onslaught of water propelled me with the force of a speeding bullet, hurtling me towards the far end of the arena with a bone-jarring impact. The sheer velocity of the attack left me reeling, struggling to regain my bearings as Adrian closed in with lethal intent.

[<Amael!>] I raised my hand and summoned forth my own mana circle, recalling the teachings of Priscilla and channeling the mana of the surroundings.

With a decisive motion, I hurled my lance through the swirling vortex of energy, ignoring more of my dark hair turning white.

As the lance soared towards its target, I clenched my other fist, summoning white sand to the transformed weapon.

"Burning Lance of Vysindra!"


A blinding flash of light engulfed my vision, accompanied by a deafening roar that reverberated through the air. The force of the explosion gouged deep furrows into the earth, sending a rain of purplish fire cascading down upon me as I was propelled away with irresistible force.

Smoke and dust billowed upwards, obscuring my surroundings in a shroud of chaos. Yet even as the debris threatened to overwhelm me, another wave of energy surged forth, dispelling the lingering hindrance.

Gasping for breath, I landed on the ground, my gaze on Adrian's diminished form.

Despite his weakened state, Adrian stood, his features contorted in pain. One horn remained upon his head.

"That damn Goddess..." I muttered under my breath.

"A-Ahaha..." With a hardened laugh, Adrian extended his hand once more, summoning forth a longsword. Another giant mana circle materialized.

"This time it's over, Falkrona!"


I gritted my teeth and propelled myself forward with a decisive kick.

From the depths of the mana circle emerged the imposing figure of a female horned figure, her dark visage looming ominously as she unleashed a torrent of corrupted water with devastating force.

"AHAHAH! It's over!" Adrian's triumphant laugh rang in my ears.

"Yeah, right," with a swift motion, I drew forth Trinity Nihil and swung the blade without hesitation, slicing through his dark floods.

Jumping over the female horned figure, I rushed toward Adrian.

"....!" Adrian froze, his eyes widening in shock as Trinity Nihil absorbed the divine mana that was embedding his horned figure. With a quick swing, I sliced off his remaining horn and landed on the ground. Adrian froze entirely after I did that and crumpled on his knees.

Reaching out my hand, I tore off his bracelet. Then spinning on my heels, I delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to his back.


"ARGH!" Adrian's pained cry echoed through the air as he crashed to the ground, his once tendrils of water that had surrounded him dissipated into nothingness, leaving him motionless and powerless.

As I put away Trinity Nihil, my gaze swept around. "Have you secured the Bracelets?" I asked, addressing Martin, who stood in utter shock.

"Y-Yes, yes, I have!!" Martin replied with a fervent nod, proudly displaying the trio of bracelets.

"Then it appears our task is complete," I said, shifting my attention to James Raven.



"...the victory belongs to Group C!" He declared loudly, but the stadium remained strangely silent, devoid of any celebratory response. The weight of numerous eyes bore down on me.

Ignoring it, I turned to Alicia, who was staring at me in disbelief.

With a groan of pain, I extended my hand towards her.

For a moment, she simply stared at my outstretched hand, contemplating.

Finally, she reached out and grasped it.

With a gentle tug, I helped her to her feet, a smile on my lips.

"The bet is won. You are free now, Junior."